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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1474569[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

untouchable mind
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there was another funny one of these


im gonna eat so much tomorrow its gonna be great


there really wasnt


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 No.1473476[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

you have been granted audience with the queen
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more like n-ear your limit


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In your preparation, do not underestimate (physiological) baby carriers, even if you do not have a baby.



a spare baby carrier can hold up to a handle of vodka in a pinch

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 No.1472467[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


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for a bit


there are ghosts involved


naruto is about naruto
one piece is about one piece
bleach is about… ghosts??


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 No.1471431[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

come on man
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cuz theyd die before they could kill anyone
nah theres no game you just gotta kill 1 person


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*fails knife under door*
you gotta come out and kill someone


>$90 a week on food


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 No.1470288[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

check em
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lgd is gonna win just give up hope now
im rooting for spirit to btfo secret though



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spirit lgd finals would be the worst outcome
id care more about the final if secret was in it

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 No.1469251[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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really no different from your average college tbh


you clearly do not browse r/transgendersurgeries



i want a parrot resting on my shoulder too….

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 No.1468066[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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the dota still hasnt started..


lol that implies the muffins and bagels are days old leftovers from last resupply



oh OG is playing nice

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 No.1466990[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

just like us
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the amlitzer estate has quite a well stocked larder


its all bald rogans fault


how much are apartments over in tejas?



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 No.1465980[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>so if you prop your cell phone behind your head using a hoodie (slightly more to it than that) you can hear music or audiobooks perfectly on the lowest setting.
>because its so close to your ear other people cant hear it, its like listening to a phone call

>the system lets you use your phone as a private music player that others cant hear that doesnt need headphones or peripherals.

>its just your phone and its so quick and easy. it isnt worth taking headphones out anymore
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it's just a massage video get your mind out of the gutter




so thats how you massage a gook huh



dayum, look at those gookers on that gook

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 No.1464923[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

help me massa
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i dont know who this whore is i just found the vid in my recs and was entertained by it


its consistently 3 degrees warmer in my room than the rest of the house


thanks pc



i dont think its the pc my room is just the farthest away from the air conditioner

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