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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1671404[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

hotglue edition
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me on the right



call me crazy but i like the girl in that picture


isnt that bonkibonbers


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 No.1670343[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

*approaches you*
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you guys heard about those bone conduction headphones? maybe ill get those??





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 No.1669338[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its wednesday night
and you know what we do on wednesday nights
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30C outside i don't think i should go jogging


shes just like me

you need to get your ass in shape asap
get down and do some crunches rn


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damn gaijins, up to no good



what game are you playing

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 No.1668253[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

hard truths edition

sister comm:

iem dallas 2022 featuring cs:go to the polls

dreamhack masters valencia featuring sc2

ape hoop finals starting on thursday

hockey later tonight: avalanche vs. oilers
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we're all junglechads


Johnny Depp bros… We won


what's the appeal of the jungle team? I find it rather gaudy



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 No.1302568[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

lets capture boogie and pay off toots debt edition
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we need a one child policy


for africa yeah




how much is the vps 880gb one?

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 No.1667221[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

i cant believe this is canon
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a wall painter


A primary school teacher





my feet my rules

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 No.1666188[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

new thread gay weed takeover
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as long as you know who isnt there it cant be that bad


at the very end


i've got her in blonde wigs in these. i'm 99% sure she's had a blonde bob cut wig before but i could be getting my titty monsters mixed up


not surprised renz is a ff14 weirdo
were all wowchads here man, fuck off

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 No.1665165[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

*inspects your posts*
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dep trig





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what does that do

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 No.978905[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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crucible? well you see its a free-to-play team-based PvP action shooter driven by the choices you make.




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 No.1664037[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the child actor is literally unbearably annoying to the point i had to skip scenes.

the inquisitor power struggle was also completely mishandled, there was something interesting there for about a second but it was wrote like shit. the fight between the two and the DAY HEA lady shouldve been an actual fight after losing kenobi.

in general the whole thing reeked of shit tier writing. episode 1 was a bit boring but 8/10 start, episode 2 was a nosedive to at best 3/10
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are we rootin for klopp


come one man


soccer sucks dude



not enough commercial breaks for you?

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