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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1601089[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

whats fucked up is at the start of endwalker everyone wanted to kill venat and assumed she was evil because of her previous bullshit. then you forgive her as a weeping mess.

this one character was better written then any of the main story clowns in shadowlands AND ITS NOT EVEN FUCKING CLOSE. i have no idea how these people got paid to work on this for multiple years

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aoe4 graphics and ui are so soulless :/


why do i recognize both of these voices


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demuslim and marinelord



checked hima and theres plenty of vtubers on the last 50 so your story is little more than schizophrenic ramblings

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 No.1599984[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

big rig edition
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pretty hot



maybe he had to
something was going down and he had to pull the trigger


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 No.1598897[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

hello boob
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grow up


digest of the mentally retarded


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cant believe he said that stuff about shooting up schools


new thread
16k post record coming soon


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 No.1596619[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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not the hecking ukrainerinos!!!!



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the nijiens got caught bad-mouthing the holoens and now the /vt/sisters are making a lot of threads


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 No.1595444[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

*pretends to be a t-rex*
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map is getting interesting
polish-lithuanian commonwealth declared war on denmark and ended up taking some swedish land including stockholm (?)
austria owns carpathia now (?)



is it basically game over once you get that big



its the analysis shit that got me
it was a terrible experience realizing i was a nigger among humans

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 No.1594385[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

im baby
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for real though how come he never shows the locks he cant pick it would be interesting


there are none biiiiiittt- buddy


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 No.1593320[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

lets have a nice thread shall we
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in the fridge


who asked




Wordle 255 6/6


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 No.1592094[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

highest rated game of all time edition

last thread >>1590871
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i will march on kyoto and take the imperial throne for myself


dont get any headaches when i sip the good stuff at night


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*binge eats*

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