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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1312174[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

i don't give a shit for le epic thread war, we're posting in this one

rip Miura you will be missed
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btc to 50k and then another crash


coinnig post dont read




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leanbeefpatty edition
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bro no one gives a shit about some slant


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dont be a bitch


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 No.1311108[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

brapper charging at padley at full speed
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just missed it


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 No.1310099[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

new thread new me
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i could crush her head with one hand


i hate how anti-ped you guys are


we are pro-pad and anti-ped



i guess i wont go climbing for 2 weeks, so i'll probably stream every day after work.
lots of boring games

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 No.1307917[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

headwound event andy edition
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holy fuck tins room lmao


post a pic


i need a dubbed anime to watch while i poop



didnt clip it and no vods
looked pretty messy

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 No.1306881[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

burn baby burn
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because hes epic


spent 8000 on slot machines like an elderly chinese woman and won nothing


america is a deranged place


tin's gonna transition before the headwound event
mark my words


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 No.1305876[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its d.va from overwatch smoking a cigarette
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what if muzzies declare jihad on the jews??


its me




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 No.1304703[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

milk for the boys
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hes right tho fuck protoss

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 No.1303612[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

toot saved us
zii is streaming
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>if only this was futa..


if only this was fun…



isnt the addon as old as some zoomers?


the addon is a CIA mind control tool

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 No.1300551[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

explosion all above us
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god i miss him


my fingers smell strongly of garlic


time for my nightly stretches


how far can you stretch now


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