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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1499656[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

fuck niggers
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reddit was talking about how cool the new electronic displays are that hide whats behind it because its new technology


oh nonononono



wonder what his kids think of all the yelling and screaming they hear every day


he literally can't take a loss now
even if he was being stream sniped his shit was unsieged and out of position when it shouldn't have been

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 No.1498631[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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gonna sleep


new thread in 2 minutes



the perfume girls must be hags now


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 No.1497508[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the 162 mansion stuffed animal collection
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cmere alien


mom and dad are coming over so i can have the talk with them


an elegant weapon, for a more civilized age



why do i keep seeing these axolotl morphing posts. there must be something in the air

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 No.1496256[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

success thread
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he LITERALLY crossed state lines


double doors that swing open like an armoire 🤓


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 No.1495240[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the biblical croat potato
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ugh everyone has pgfs and gfs and 4norm bfs now


i could be your bf…


whats the point of having 1000mbps down speed when no one can give it to you



i get that much on steam and torrents, and it allows me to keep extra bandwidth open so i dont lag in vidya games when im torrenting at 25MB/s

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 No.1494150[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

jom gabbar here we come bros!
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Margaret Wilson
9 months ago
The biological argument has a moving goal posts problem. People once said women couldn't be grandmasters. There are now female grandmasters. There will be a female champion, in time. Then the goalposts will move again.

Thats just how it is.

BTW Pogchamps was won by a woman. Sure, it's more casual. Give it time for the world champion.


you want to do mg. of THC divided by price. the wildberry mints seem to be it.
(my place has 400mg. thc chocolates that are $80, is there a bigger more expensive one that gives a better break?)

theres 3 types, this is what the high is like:
indica (couchlock)
sativa (cerebral)
hybrid (lil of both)

CBD is legal doesnt get you high and relieves inflammation



i try to word all my posts to be snoobait


bro get the sour watermelon that sounds yummers

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 No.1493141[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the scv mansion
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stop gangstalking me


vnv add me on steam



say new thread otherwise its confusing


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 No.1491990[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


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new new new







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you got this bigbro

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 No.1297283[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

162 bottles of beer on the wall
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Family Guy Season 14 Ep. 19
funniest shit i've ever seen


simp harder holoENIGGER



fuck my ass im bored too


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 No.1490826[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

new thread
hot tubs in houston
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what game are you playin'…


astrobot rescue mission in vr so i can finally unplug vr from ps and play infront of pc again
then undertale tomorrow i hope


cant wait to finally hop on a plane, get to zagreb and pozz dat ass



used to work on vanadium supercapacitor tech, it was promising and potentially better than lithium. wonder how far they are reproducibly constructing long lasting cells

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