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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.2397868[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

were gonna make europe great again folks, and were gonna make america pay for it
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why the fuck are all these flasks only 12oz i need a 16oz flask to fill with booze


you know i'm gonna be jacking to this tonight


holy fuck!


i hate orchestral string instruments they hurt my ears


your whiny voice hurts my ears

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 No.2397264[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

can i get a hell yeah
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dreamt my oshi still streamed as her old graduated self sometimes it was weird to say the least


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found my old sat scores
not great but i went in natty no studying


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chat is this real


lok at my vice president dawg we finna die


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oh no no no

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this is my thread v.2
rip in peace last thread gone but not forgotten
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 No.2396661[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

here's to feeling good all the time
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governor of canada here, american packages will be delayed indefinitely henceforth



lol (so cool…)




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 No.2396061[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

so like
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yeah but i dont want to be a rent cuck forever


keep thinking the announcer in this hockey game is saying 'sam hyde'





the thing about buying a house is i don't think i could come up with a place here that i would want to live for at least 30 years. every place i've lived in has been a dump.

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 No.2395459[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

destiny bad man edition
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theres a ps3 emulator for android




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 No.2394851[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the vibes are off
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will smith has really fallen off if he has to resort to showing up on twitch streams


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>will smith has really fallen off


can we kill this guy?


come on man you told me to use a tripcode!


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 No.2394249[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

wheres gleepy
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its up


so its good or its bad or what
i thought cap means its good


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made another $10 today nbd



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 No.2393647[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the ram was the issue i guess the timings didnt match up
now im locked out of this pc because idk the password and i havent used it in a decade
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get my dick sucked in the sky im a martian



its crazy how theres been a gpu shortage since the 3000 series nvidia cards and that was like 5 years ago and everything has been overpriced and scalped since then



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 No.2393042[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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you're talking about a lego game for small children


delta has crashed countless times


in all ways but the physical im a small child


wow is not a "lego game" little brother


the era of incompetence is upon us
planes will keep crashing

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