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"starcraft" discussion
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File: 1741649210840.jpg (153.93 KB, 1200x1200, 1c4c6d2e94551647acc0242b47….jpg)

 No.2415895[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

no but
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this summer? gonna be a fuckin scorcher


im telling you man we gotta find some linen shirts quick



i only wear sports jerseys

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 No.2415295[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

gazing upon the fruits of our labor
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Gasoline is caustic and will start dissolving the soft tissues inside of you, now luckily this will prompt most people to vomit violently, but in case it doesn't, expect internal bleeding and probably the dissolving of your stomach lining leading to a whole slew of horrible problems.

Added to that, several of the substances that make up gasoline are toxic, you will have difficulty breathing, major headaches and you'll mildly die.


nevermind its a +1 after the first half


>and you'll mildly die.


milady die?


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 No.2414692[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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would you rather be given all the memories of having lived a long happy fulfilling life then killed the next day or a hundred dollars


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some of you


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damn i wish i knew how to buy puts


whats a put
whats a call

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 No.2414091[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

think about it
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both he givin himself a footjob 😹



i know dads pissed off i didnt take out the trash



its not too late

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 No.2413487[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

spring forward bitch 🕑
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-1 get a grip man


and how is he wrong, sirs?



actually it is

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 No.2412886[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

we're chopped
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theres also a crutch situation going on next to the stairs


the redditors are going to lose their mind at this card. dana is done


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its ogre…



so if it goes from 1:59 to 3 and drinking time starts at 2


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 No.2412287[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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this retard dog is eating crayons now






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 No.2411679[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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bought a flight to see ac
hope she doesnt break up with me before then again


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757 yeah ill never go to heaven


atlantic city??


zii+alyssa dream team stream…

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 No.2411080[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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we got lil bros in the comm that look like this and swear they arent bald


congrats on your win sam stop doing the vacuum pose it doesnt look good on you just flex your abs


yo that subaru is kind of cute




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 No.2410470[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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yea let me click that


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my cock got split down the middle


the masculine urge to slap my fat cock on a girls face

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