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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.2358757[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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cmon man youre lagswitching against children??


we do stuff like that


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 No.2358149[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

new thread new jo jo
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i always keep a pair in my pocket, so i don't have to go looking for them.


i get it man but some of those places were football field sized with an open roof.
i've been to enough rock shows and lived. cringe noise shit in basements cranked to tinnitus that you can take some loud and walk away ok

and yea under the table thats like inside a car (that one i wouldnt fuck with)

id be willing to shoot any firearm up to a 50 cal without earpro up to 5x just for livin'

like i wouldnt make it my normal thing but i wouldnt run to the truck for ear pro if i didnt have it




ramsbros….. not like this


i almost always wear earbuds
the world is just too loud
if it wasn't for how great music is i would be totally ok with being deaf because there's so much annoying stuff not worth hearing

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 No.2357560[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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i'm stranded


where did you guys all go?


why is no one posting wtf


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 No.2356955[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

saturday night we're getting drunk
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the chinese show








squid game radiodrama

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 No.2356356[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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im going to go with the football game unless i get a good fight alert



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both gleepy and amlitzer have kc and detroit winning, so the top of the bracket wont budge after this game.


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 No.2355753[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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she wasnt a real member anyways she was a bum replacement for hwashit for like 6 months



not you



you gotta go hard to get 8 months in jail in korea as a female…
like gorebro tier shit

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 No.2355147[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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i didnt buy beer and now the store is closed


come on bro the liquor store is open until midnight!


you fucked up



well theres a store across town thats open for another hour but fuck it

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 No.2354550[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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where are you thugging it out in the airport?
ive done 28 hour 20 hour and 16 hour delays before and just chilled inside the gate


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keep falling asleep when gaming



there's one more post

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 No.2353355[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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david lynch died what the fuck??????


theyre trolling you man


no i googled it man hes actually dead


hes dead hes chillin in purgatory w/ me



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 No.2352752[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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i was outside and i turned around and a wallcrawler was waiting on the roof to jump down at me and i flinched away from it and it was of course gone when i looked back up
theyve started to be real jerks with trying to scare me lately


im glad i dont live some place where those creepy things exist


i am the creepy thing

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