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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1395891[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

sporting activites
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>5 months ago
>2021 Olympics gold medalist right here


if they didnt delay it for a year she would literally have won gold


admit it



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 No.1974144[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

new thread josie edition
also its wednesday night and we're gaming and we're doing lots of fun stuff
toon said he might restream mario movie so

come on in
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designing my room at the mansion


i want your room to be as far away from mine as possible


whats the matter you dont appreciate fine art?



took a 2 hour nap surely this wont mess with my sleep schedule at all

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 No.1972851[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

burger witch thread
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didnt know the beatles were into jarpigs


sometimes i wish i was john lennon
id date a hot gook not yoko though


pull up it that monsta automobile gangsta


this is all part of sams plan
i think jet took the reins here and sam is just here to watch it crash and burn


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 No.1971794[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

zah time
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old ladies all walk around with those collapsable wheelie wirey carts


scary… youre so brave…


you got a loicense for that laundry m7?



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 No.1646417[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

it do be like that
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bros im hungry


wtf you can respec at any level it just costs gold


you guys are out of control


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streaming some more akagi in a lil bit


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 No.1970628[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its saturday night
and you know what we do on saturday night
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18-22 (at the time)
never cared about gstl


its that one guy who says hes 40+ here now..


low masters high diamond here




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its in my room upstairs i also have flash and zest

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 No.1969461[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its time for my very own thread!! \(^0^)/
rule 1: be nice!
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yah the lakers are playing in 3hrs


yea i still dont like hockey, i gave it a chance
its all just too random and chaotic theyre constantly turning it over and missing their passes and shots its just not entertaining


your on eu time now man you have to watch nba like the rest of us
aka you dont watch it



the same thing happens in soccer, it's just you dont notice it because it's way slower

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 No.1968560[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

firefox is using 7gb of ram make a new thread you stupid nigger
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heard kim jong un has successfully cloned himself



ahhhh shit


i hate how he paints his nails


you can buy those here ive always wanted one

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 No.1967266[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

adult children aka
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i need to see some highlight clips of this i cant care about it yet



guys meowdalyn is live


girls be making me listen to music i dont care about



i look like this

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 No.1965979[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the connection
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i opened it


easily triggered hours


new >>1967266



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will i feel good if i shave my head


what double vouch i was napping and i only popped in to reply to 1 post and didnt see anythng about that

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