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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1629985[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

mischievous troll thread
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first time i got a chest and then i guess i parked my ship too far away from the island so i had to get ported to an outpost and lost my quest item

second time i went back there i guess i parked too close to the island and it damaged the hull of my ship and then it flooded and sank and i lost the quest item again


thats how boats work


shes just like me




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 No.1628835[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

chubby 'chus thread
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actually its probably when you’re in the gamer zone hitting all your shots and schmooving


seaking fuck yeah
now that was a meme


he bought the top
its over


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 No.1627689[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

sipped up but we never slipped up
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is there a family guy stream somewhere?


why are all the cabinets in this house designed to hurt my foot



lilfakegamer has a ninja tweet printed out shes such a memer


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 No.1626589[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A) let them in
B) keep them out for now and face consequences later
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ugh thats not cute boy terran clem


chris chan had sex with a cherokee hooker…


im gay


still using the scuffed one sigh


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 No.1625513[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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ch-ch-ch-chilli dog




what the fuck do you do with kraut thats scary



1cc'd touhou

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 No.1624367[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

real redpill thread
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so anyway,


: please stop this, its not even funny anymore


theres a new thread if you guys are still here


thanks babe



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 No.1216537[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

squid edition
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100k by april first


oog number change me post on 162


Bitcoin crashes $10 000 in minutes as the bubble of the century finally bursts.



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 No.1623293[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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if only she was my jgf……



this is too much for my heart to handle


no i was going to use it for free cardio
dont think i can get epo and stuff like that
this isnt even illegal so if they stopped it in customs theyd just confiscate it


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 No.1622252[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

162 dong inspection day
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gwootin fwee


got a really good post lined up for the next thread


your post isnt good enough to wait for another thread bro you're out of your mind


omg omg omg someone make the next thread


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 No.1621144[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the gamer elite
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Well as someone who is turning 30 in a few months I shouldn't have clicked on this clip.


shes battling



god i want to touch a boob so fucking bad man

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