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"starcraft" discussion
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to my girls in the comm new sanne dropped

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 No.1902199[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

game all day
game all night
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i spend more time in bed than any of y'all and i dont phone ever



well its not my fault you dont feel as connected to the comm


whats the word on normbook?


wtf i walk like this

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 No.1900790[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

damn i could really go for a fresh sseth right about now
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nigger open close



they goin hard


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new thread >>1902199

>>1902199 >>1902199

the missing 99th post has been found >>1902199


>>1902199 >>1902199
>>1902199 >>1902199
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.1899551[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its monday
and you know what we do on monday night
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bro spoilers…


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i miss this bonbi before she was a literal whore


i unlocked beidou some fire girl with wishing!


oops shes lightning nbd

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 No.1898147[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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hop on wow guys!


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women will never understand


this man is prepared for everything



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 No.1896929[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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*teleports behind you*


alright alright nice trick
but i dare you to try again


we can do this the easy way
or we can do this the hard way
either way youre getting raped



sigh almost fell asleep then i started having ptsd memories if my cringiness in the past

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 No.1895605[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

i made a new thread before my computer starts crashing at around 1300 posts again
just thinking ahead is all
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wish i had something to post





wonder how different my life would be if i had a commanding voice like james earl jones

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 No.1894466[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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yeah its where you host your own server


oh i couldnt tell it looked like diluc to me

they give you good generic free guys and doing the early leveling and quests they give you extra gacha wishes to get you hooked probably. ive got like 4 characters from wishes 5 from quests and im about to get a really good free one and it will be sick


did you pop an addy man


just play wow loser


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 No.1893110[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its monday night
and you know what we do on monday night
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i lied and in the post and felt embarssed


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play up that you dont even like video games and dont get enjoyment out of them. you're really depressed and they're all you know.
make sure not to blatantly play games with your door open. if you have time make sure to turn off your game before she comes home or into your room.

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 No.1891739[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its time
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deeper fakes
shallower society


thats actually deep

damn there it is again 😳



>starring Tom Cruise
it's certified kino


yea ive seen the recommended poorfag comps barbara is one of the ones im supposed to level and keep.
need to get chefgirl
im trying DAPgirl, barbara, lisa, and noelle rn. but i feel like i need an archer

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