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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1415669[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

schizo thread part 2
anna sees her first holoclip
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*gets banned from twitter*





is that really gonna be the thread


theoretically we could stay here until toot locks this one

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 No.1414612[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

schizo thread
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hes gonna announce that its time to invade iran next


cmon dont 360 a dog


thats a good system



talibanposters peep this if you havent
17min, 23min, (8min, 12min)
that is the afghan military we left in control to fight the taliban and that was 8 years ago when we had a lot of people and stuff over there still
also civilian police forces we created were literally all taliban (33min)

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 No.1413585[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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you cant talk to my holofriends like that


guys what are we going to do about the taliban?


drop a couple a humvees on em


+1 thats what i keep telling him


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 No.1412413[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

korean girls
dota 2oon
nene anniversary stream in 14 hours

and so much more…
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we don't say nice here



niggers really do just litter everywhere

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 No.1411313[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the perfect thread for the perfect guys (us)
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an xbox elite controller



wtf are you gonna bedgame??


bedgaming would be amazing


bedgaming is like pouring lube all over the slippery slope


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 No.1410198[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

troll thread
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i hate foids


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i hate niggers




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 No.1407969[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

education edition
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hey gengar just wait here for a bit ill be right back


bored gonna go simp on twitch for a while smell ya later nerds



yeah med II was kino, that and the original Rome are all you need.


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 No.1406835[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the apotheosis of anna by the 162s
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does tucker think chris-chan is his real name lol



he thinks its like "jackie chan"


chris CHAN


 No.1405751[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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had a real bad case of acid reflux this morning u__u


still dont know what that is but sigh that sucks bro


its when your stomach acid spills into your food pipe




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 No.1404668[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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pools closed due to aids


he had to make sure the threat was neutralized


do you think theyre gonna let christine-chan have a switchie in jail



is it possible to choke on food i ate an hour ago

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