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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1286672[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

gundam edition
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have a snack before going or you will regret it


i havent had a shower with soap in over two weeks


holy shit tucker is on the five!


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 No.1285769[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

my life is a joke edition
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grow up


nigger up


grow up


nigger up


grow up

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 No.1284566[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

bubblegum crisis edition
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had really bad nausea and took a shit and it instantly went away


you have to tell her about it




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 No.490569[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

my face when i want to get some food but dad wont leave the kitchen
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too late


oh no ……


wow nice fuckin job


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 No.1283453[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

no vaxxers allowed
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covid means cubit


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lol not so smug anymore is he now


 No.1282386[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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really wanna pure gravure gf..



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>you don't actually watch this stuff do you…



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 No.1278983[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the biblical avilo nude
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oh no no no



women are mental children

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 No.1277887[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

dr za
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well i said how depressed and sad that shit makes me but i'm too autistic to actually leave this place. and in return i got called a whiny faggot and got even more dislikes.


omo stranded with sickzii…..



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 No.1276939[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

summer bodies
summer boys
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is node a program that helps make electrical diagrams something? i remember someone here posted one of those white plastic test circuit boards with all the holes you so you dont need to solder
i dont think i like node, it sounds like another programming language i dont know that people tell lame jokes about like python




need a fresh sseth
hopefully its might and magic related hes good at those


So in other words you have no idea what you are talking about then. Sorry, onesixtwo is a normie board now. We all have jobs and gfs now my dude. Anyone who suggest otherwise is just LARPing.

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 No.1275895[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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50 shades of gray


is kwintu croatian


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"i should make myself look better like that white girl… no wait i look like a goron smeagol makeup wont help lol"


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