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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1842898[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

breast discussion (ongoing)
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liar you haven't finished portal 2


good morning bros~!

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 No.1841789[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

red girls
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you can only get blacked so many times before i gotta bail


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yeah i remember the dark age of fapping to american porn before i found jav and it was so disgusting
they look hard like rocks and their talk is so vulgar
i also had the tribgirls phase
jav could use more lesbian stuff, some of the dudes are so fucking annoying
recently that guy whos been doing this shit for at least 10 years changed his haircut to whatever the fuck this is
they shouldnt have much presence
feels like watching porn for women


women really go insane when their looks start to go its wild


love this clip


good morning bros~!

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 No.1840590[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

everyone dabbing on zii edition
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hmmm should i deal with my important time sensitive real world stuff i have to do or should i game all day


hop on dota


save the time sensitive stuff for later. you have time


yeah if you can still ask that question then its clearly not pressing enough yet


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 No.1839252[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

azura thread
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did hitler design that famous cover of mein kampf with his portrait and the red ribbon with the title on it
or was that just the work of some inspired employee at a publishing house


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just remembered why i hate jerma. he looks like the deus ex 1 guy in the thumbnails and it creeps me out. ive never seen a clip of him


i love the deus ex guy


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 No.1837677[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

wtf is this place why it looks like 4chan? how did i end in this place?why is nothin here about starcraft?
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this is my last post


ohhh ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhh


well well well would you look at the time


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 No.1837046[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

penalty kings thread
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quad vaxxed
quad masked
quad pacified
quad diapered


they call me the gook butt sniffer


cause i'm a


next thread

lets go


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 No.818613[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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before opening this tweet i'd like you to keep in mind that i'm not gay




nothing gay about it tard



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 No.1835963[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

i think for this thread i would like to nominate my reformed orthodox rabbi toot
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the dark knight rises


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worse than diving is the staying down to fake being hurt when no penalty has been called. the game is happening around and going past them and they stay on the ground trying to sell being hurt. i dont see how coaches can be ok with guys being so out of position theyre laying down

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 No.1834953[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

162 babies
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why is your christmas party at 9 in the morning bro


based stealth phoner….


the one thing i'll give soccer is the big name players like actually do stuff like score goals and arent as boring and disappointing as the rest of the sport


crazy how the game awards were more interesting than every world cup match put together


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 No.1833839[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

so youre telling me anna said "pad won"
but according to my files she came on to the scene way after pad had left
they never met
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i saved a town but i got turned into a vampire ugh


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whew my legs are tired

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