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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1320924[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

i just love this funny pic
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no don't do that


my nightmares are coming true…


we need a new thread but i dont have any good pictures



you want something emotional?

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lets go

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 No.1319864[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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gura is not worth even worth the calories to think about




do they post on /vt/…



theres 9 fast and the furious movies

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 No.1318628[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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thats me after opening a vtuba link


i take back what i said about it sounding like goofy runescape music
at the very least the song near the end, moti ragnarokum sounds so familiar and nostalgic to me i can't help but feel at peace hearing it


yep still shit runescape music

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 No.1317504[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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better get started now or youll never be able to do 150 pull ups real quick


guras asking chat whether she should get tendies or nuggies


i can do 1 and a half



this is blatant fatphobia!

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 No.948644[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

finally i get to make a thread
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sorry i meant LaTeX


toot might give you a job he just landed a big grant




really cute


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 No.1316435[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

a beginning is a very delicate time
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damn that bitch is ugly and gross


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nice pony, dude !



it was 85 degrees today thats higher than ame's iq

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 No.1315464[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

saturday night
some gookbutts
some videogames
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this guy speaks 28 languages



nobody cares


meanwhile i cant even speak english properly



post the announcement bro i can wait to read it

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 No.1314399[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

we won
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kyungri is single again btw
i think im gonna give it a shot





its really more about the deadlifts and hip thrusts for butt development


ugh new thread apparently

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 No.1313330[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

brunch edition
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have you seen tamala 2010 a punk cat in space




gonna heckle people on my steams friend list until they play eu iv

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