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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1754719[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

saturday morning
rural america
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the us remake specifically but in light of why it was remade at all in the first place


aawon is rambling on about how this hindi film he watched (only available in telugu) where two villagers hid their gayness and sucked each other off (film showed full blown gay bj) is kino


i wish aaron would ramble about his gay porn to me…


marvelchads avengers (2012)is on the teevee


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 No.1753411[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

fantasy draft is friday at 9pm eastern

get ready bros!
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remember when toon modded the lava in wow to play that Hot! Hot! Hot! song



skipping nyarakas watchalong today because she brought some nijigook



Saw a group of 3 guys cracking mtg packs inside a cafe at this mall

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 No.1752380[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

we only play sp games, all mp games are dead or trash
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eastern timezone poster hours i hide and report




on beer #9 with 3 left and sad because i need much more to reach what i want

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 No.1751284[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

new thread
epic dota linkup on toon stream right now
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comeo n man thats a game for teens and egirls


i respect valorantmergerbro. hes been here for a couple months


we only play sp games, all mp games are dead or trash


approved by tasteless and artosis
it's basically bw


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 No.1750081[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

special grass harvesting techniques
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aqua has a dumptruck ass


fairy tale is so bad that not even big anime titties can make it watchable


fairy tale blew chunks


pad on the right
brapper on the left
meowdalyn on the top


new thread



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 No.850015[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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i am boxxy you see?


forgot the smile…




what is thisssssssssssssssss

kanye west


how come avilos stream never gets more than 20 viewers nowadays

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 No.1422673[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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women are so beautiful
love boobs and vaginas


gross adult stuff


tooner just gooey popped real hard with that double kill



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 No.1748866[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

what has been seen
cannot be unseen
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bros who are capable of going to a gym but not doing this are missing out. there was a half tard dude who came sometimes and he was able to hold it together and not get a boner or stare too hard


all the gymbros here are gay


going to the gym and going to a yoga class are completely different


the yoga classes were held at a health club/gym


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 No.1747861[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

new thread new hustles
get in here tatebros
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ngl tho the 6 fap saturday last week kinda fucked me up my dick still hasnt fully recovered from that


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good morning nerds~

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 No.624710[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

im gay
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i want to pay that twitch girl to play overwatch with me and pretend she's my girlfriend


sickzii is a major reason why i turned gay


no idea why i got algd this
but its really cute




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so is this basically just 4chan lmao

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