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 No.2059726[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its sunday night
and you know what we do on sunday night
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the cancer rumors were true…


whats the verdict


you can't talk to her like that!


turtle wow is the future and im tired of pretending it isnt


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 No.2058496[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its saturday night
and you know what we do on saturday night
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today i heard that apple is worth more than the entire uk stock market


Wordle 771 4/6*



holocaust 2



my pussy in the comments

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 No.2057284[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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apparently they're pulling the paper cause that guy is a notorious liar and fabricates data




they just want to memoryhole it


quinn… no…

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 No.2056021[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

numbers go up
numbers go down down down
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its not gladiators got a double kill


its over


if none of you idiots make a new thread im killing gweedly


hold on let me make one


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Am I the ass hole for quitting my job for my Indian band. I am a 15 almost 16 year old in three months to October I am a male. I have been working out side since I was 2 I would work with my dad and my grandpa with getting wood I would work with them weed eating and stuff like that. Every one says I'm lieing I'm not I had the most experience out of all of my crew more then my 23 year old supervisor female. She has even said it her self that she's only run a weed eater once I am the second youngest the first is only 4 months younger then me the rest are 18 or 17 and they all, looked to me for help I new the most and they all have said I would have been a better supervisor then are sv actually is she just sits on her ass all day and does nothing she got attacked by dogs and my older cousin got yelled at for not helping her even though she was 100 feet or more away putting the tools away even though she was on lunch. We started at 6:30 in the morning I showed up at 6 my sv shows up at 6:15 the rest 6:30-40 are the time(sorry for the lack of peridots ) i did this most of the time to start writing down the times we all showed up my cousin who got yelled at it was from my sv mom she got all up in her face and shit on my cousins property let's call her Olivia not real name Olivia is only 17 her bf 18 only 3 months older then her I think got kicked of the work sight because he flipped of the sv when she was in the car, she is extremely under codified and only has he N so she can only take one of us in her car we all dont want to be in that death trap because she doesn't know how to drive properly its scary. This one time I was on the phone with are band office and was told to tell the hole crew to get tables out because there is going to be a elders lunch and we have to help so I was like ok, I will tell them all so I did two minutes go by and we all are then I am telling everyone loud asf what we have to do we finish and the sv said what are you guy doing I said you heard me you also got over riden by the band office they told me to tell all of "us" what to do and i did it toke us 5 minutes not that long and she was just sitting there all🙁 because I told them what we have to do she was like why did you not tell me i said I did to all of us she was lied how do you think I got this job I said nepotism she said no I was working "2" months ago I said where I didn't see you working anywhere you dont have any work ethic you a sv who don't know how to sv the shePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I have younger cousins that or 10-14 riding around on dirt bikes and quads like she said don't care i said wtf that was half a warning to stop then two days after that i brought the quad to help with moving Pine needles from the tree and then putting them on a tarp and re would drag that tarp to the pony needle pile we already have and then I wouldn't use my winch then I would back up are like I would tie the winch onto the tarp back up over the Pile and I would Put the tarp pile on top of the big pile because I would drive up onto the pile and hunk it on the back off of it and she called me and saying oh no you can't bring your quad anymore but OK we just needed it for that she was like too bad that's OK I'll leave the home next for the next time like 2 weeks past not to yeah no one and no 1 and a 1/2 weeks and I brought it back this is now 2 days ago and I whistle and I brought it to bring my co-workers walk from walking up the Hill because they didn't have that much water And she said this is numerous of times now That I brought the quad up to work she said or no she gave me a written warning and she said that or in the letter it said this is numerous of times now I told you to stop using your quad you are disrespecting me and disregarding direct orders and she was like you disrespected me by telling me The band office Told you to tell me but you didn't and told the rest of the crew without me and start working by your selves setting up an elder's lunthat was all in the letter and she liked that's just summarized that I remember and I was like are you serious she was a yes I'm serious with a dumb smile or she just sits on her ass or is she a fat ass I'm not taking this out of contacts where Well I'm just being a complete contorp she is a prick or I'm fat and I'm saying that for more I'm more fluffy but I'm actually a worker I can work I have work I think I've gone my first date what does she have a car that can barely fit I want or like 1 person in there she can barely fit her she drives it shittily like she's racking the car the way she's driving at it's a standard augustic shift Like A And the way she drives it is wrecking the motor and shit like that I know that because fucking it sounds awful now it's gonna give way on her soon and she's putting the machine air like the weed eaters and the back of a car the trunk is wide open the fucking back seats are all the way down and they're still hanging out a little bit her car's small but it's supposed to bPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


and the next day we had to do that again with working up at our school that's where we were working last year or not last yesterday Not even an hour territory there's too cruise it's not even our territory for the school and the school is the other crews territory more where they work and we all know that our crew knows that so we are all wondered why the hell we are there it's basically Dumb and then that ridden letter basically broke the Tamils back because there's multiple times which she had Done stupid things or stuff like that where she would walk out act all bitchy to us then try to act like she's better because she's a supervisor because of her mom and everybody's afraid of her mom because she was in the hell's angels but then aunt her mom got out of it like she's still in it and I aint it Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes you can ask for my Snapchat or Instagram then I can tell you or like to send a voice message to you on howe've been doing But like people are afraid of her like her mom and then yet her mom let herself go like go because she wasn't actually in it her husband was and it's her ex-husband like who's been gone for multiple fucking years like that's the only reason nepotism also she works in town for our band it's like where they distribute the money it's supposed to be evenly but it's not evenly ever and it's stuff like that where she has like a higher I wouldn't like to say respect but it kind of is the black cat the only reason why she got the job it's the remepticism I've never seen her work a day in her life she lives in town not Not on the rez So I don't know why she has the job on the Res while the rest of them would rather have me one of my co-workers aren't on a left that means my other co-worker is leaving I think sure it'll quit then I need an I got called back because they needed me so bad the only way I'm staying at this job is if I get promoted to supervisor the other 1 gets fired and I get a pay raise because I'm the only 1 who has the experience and actually knows how to take apart and put back together like the blades and stuff like that they're quite easy too I could train them The last 3 that stayed don't know that much about the machines they know how to run them the youngest I can train him but I'm only going to do that If I get a pay raise and I get promoted to supervisor because they all said I would be a much greater one I've done more work than she has in her entire life that's saying something some youngPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


sorry for the ranting it's the end now but like sorry for the ranting and stuff like that but like like I said before if there was any spelling mistakes or you just wanna get the proper stuff because I know there's gonna be because I was using the voice thing to get to type this out Like I said and you can just type in the comments for my Instagram and or Snapchat I know there's not going to be how much people actually interested in it it's just it'd be a lot easier for you guys to understand if I just sent a teeth to your voice chat on like a call


ummmm youre chinese

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 No.2054799[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

character creation
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top 10 most powerful anime characters


come on man


not like this billybros


 No.2053496[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

gamer time
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*changes profile picture for a week*


so uhhhh what happened to that nurse that collapsed?


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living has made me very tired


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 No.2052447[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

they call me the enraged ravager
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that casper the friendly ghost bitch





 No.2051348[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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i got it


too many gooks



i read she makes like 7000$+ in a day from doing this


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 No.2050143[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

cheerful comfy outdoors not a phone in sight
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wonder if there are any girls out there who would want a dumb old himbo bf



what does it say


masturbation day


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