Am I the ass hole for quitting my job for my Indian band. I am a 15 almost 16 year old in three months to October I am a male. I have been working out side since I was 2 I would work with my dad and my grandpa with getting wood I would work with them weed eating and stuff like that. Every one says I'm lieing I'm not I had the most experience out of all of my crew more then my 23 year old supervisor female. She has even said it her self that she's only run a weed eater once I am the second youngest the first is only 4 months younger then me the rest are 18 or 17 and they all, looked to me for help I new the most and they all have said I would have been a better supervisor then are sv actually is she just sits on her ass all day and does nothing she got attacked by dogs and my older cousin got yelled at for not helping her even though she was 100 feet or more away putting the tools away even though she was on lunch. We started at 6:30 in the morning I showed up at 6 my sv shows up at 6:15 the rest 6:30-40 are the time(sorry for the lack of peridots ) i did this most of the time to start writing down the times we all showed up my cousin who got yelled at it was from my sv mom she got all up in her face and shit on my cousins property let's call her Olivia not real name Olivia is only 17 her bf 18 only 3 months older then her I think got kicked of the work sight because he flipped of the sv when she was in the car, she is extremely under codified and only has he N so she can only take one of us in her car we all dont want to be in that death trap because she doesn't know how to drive properly its scary. This one time I was on the phone with are band office and was told to tell the hole crew to get tables out because there is going to be a elders lunch and we have to help so I was like ok, I will tell them all so I did two minutes go by and we all are then I am telling everyone loud asf what we have to do we finish and the sv said what are you guy doing I said you heard me you also got over riden by the band office they told me to tell all of "us" what to do and i did it toke us 5 minutes not that long and she was just sitting there all🙁 because I told them what we have to do she was like why did you not tell me i said I did to all of us she was lied how do you think I got this job I said nepotism she said no I was working "2" months ago I said where I didn't see you working anywhere you dont have any work ethic you a sv who don't know how to sv the she
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