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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1299479[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

out of the know
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maybe i have a nutritional deficiency because i crave oranges now wonder what im missing


i keep telling you bro liver has like every nutrient


you are missing oranges


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 No.1298327[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

andes mountain 162 monastery
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sandgob is so cute wtf


seeing this picture >>1299457 cleared a lot of things up


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 No.1296242[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

weekend weekend weekend
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big fan of HelenaTheFat


listen here fat


even fat bitches can eat pizza for simp cash


toons fat


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 No.1295088[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

162's finest hour
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its age of sigmar so warhammer fantasy
that shit is gay games workshop did some retarded apocalypse event now everyone exists in these weird realms instead of a planet


i tried to horus heresy but couldnt


*beats every single warhammer game without sleeping*



fuck zoomers workshop they are destroying everything

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 No.1293981[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

gsl tonight
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what ever happened to him o.O


imagine donating to a millionaire



*imagines it*


i have a cutting mat because the only place i have room to build models is on top of the stove. i have one of those flat electric ones

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 No.1292971[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

french vassals are loyal
you dont have to worry about them
you can integrate them after 10y
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who was bill


his name is billy or william


bill the pokemon guy


youre one sick puppy


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 No.1291948[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

return of the mack (come on)
you know that ill be back
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i'm watching this rn and i'm thinking i'm not


wish i had smart autism and not dumb autism


*strong swedish accent*
europa universalis


how do you expect me to deal with having a bunch of vassals on turn 1?


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 No.1290908[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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that cuckold game is not gonna last you an hour


i only have like 2h to stream


maybe 3


*wakes up*


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 No.1288825[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the last stand of 162
the may 1 serverwound event
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get in the new thread bros


die ped




not posting in that fascist thread

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 No.1287752[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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wish i had a shiny charizard to sell…


the biblical facebook fatwa


bros He's trying to get you married to a nice girl but you have to go outside first and let him!


ive been outside and found nothing i want to bring back in


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