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 No.2028093[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

in this episode 162 acquires a mansion
1082 posts and 121 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>>2029178 new >>2029178
>>2029178 new thread
>>2029178 memgrate
>>2029178 >>2029178
>>2029178 >>2029178 >>2029178
>>2029178 its new thread time


Change is hard, but progress is essential


werent there tribes of vikings or celts or some shit



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 No.2024840[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

first of all,
1004 posts and 105 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


monkey see
monkey gook


Wordle 735 1/6



finally we hit 1k posts and i can make a new thread



im going to proceed and plod slowly forwards before i skip trip up up high and away down that path running that well known spree again. itll be better fresher realer and raw itll be dreams it will float it will fly, i will fly, i will fly with friends and touch dionysus. and come the slip i will fall high. plodding ever resolute across ground more and more slippery, the further the harder the fall. i will fall. i will fall! i live to fall.

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 No.2018871[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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*its a canadian doctor and he euthanizes you fee of charge*



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One of the "encounter locations" you can end up in, when travelling in #MYFAROG, is the "Ancient Construction".

This is an antediluvian construction, of unknown purpose. Because it is so old, the mere sight of it awakens ancestral memories in the PCs & they will get 250 XP each.


Right niggers are apes

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 No.2023578[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

waiting all summer (solstice)
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you dumbass just use the map




why is 162 banned on the shinkansen wifi…

yeah in tokyo (yokohama) but i needed to get off at hamamatsu (small picturesque sea side town). it's two hours to tokyo from nagoya then two hours back.

im visiting a monkey park near kyoto.

im on the right line just the wrong train.


your mom could have tried to help you not go to jail at least. and 11 days too is a long ass time. you could have gone to an inpatient detox and avoid the law but your relationship with your mom is evidently so bad that she doesnt care that you got the worst possible option for that situation. thats if youre being truthful and you didnt actually whack the shit out of them.

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 No.2022458[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

dead or alive
1112 posts and 110 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


im ironically gay and ill keep making gay posts and youll never know who i am


you gotta start playing steve with the endie skin man hes meta as heck



the root of the problem is I'M FUCKING RETARDED and i can't do shit, every action i take is the wrong one. People just run at me and I instantly lose, i try to press a button to prevent them but whatever they press wins every time, I don't understand. Someone constantly jumps into the air and I don't know what to do about it, EVERY SINGLE TIME i mention this all I get is "same", real fucking helpful. I lose every fucking air exchange, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I don't know what's going on and causing me to be this bad, but every FUCKING time I try to ask about this the only FUCKJING thing people say is "same".


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chud bros…

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 No.2021276[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its sunday night
and you know what we do on sunday night
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tiktok challenge
put a boiling pot of water into the fridge


new >>2022458


new >>2022458 new

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


dont do that it creates mustard gas


get out of here


 No.2019913[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

let em fly
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that ass is nasty


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instagram reels are the most pozzed shit ever


anyone else notice its been constantly cloudy and foggy around lately?
its like theyre intentionally trying to lower our view distance for some reason

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>You WILL NOT research onesixtwo.club
>You WILL NOT think about onesixtwo.club
>There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING SUSPICIOUS happening on onesixtwo.club


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gemmy on onesixtwo.club


pad u seein this?




2021 gem up!

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 No.2017552[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

sports are over until football starts
gamer summer is heating up
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your vacation seems so well planned you're doing a good job i think


hes completely alone without a girlfriend that sounds terrible to me


all those sites all those memories with no one to share them with… grim


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i only plan things out a few days in advance. like yesterday it rained and i had to do laundry,so i didn't really get much done. got to ride the big o at least.


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 No.2016390[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its monday night
and you know what we do on monday night
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gamers we did it


Wordle 725 5/6*



its going to take me weeks to get through this 17 minute long clip



good morning bros!!!

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