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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.2038127[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

when i pull up
its over
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how is it already july


idk but i feel like killing myself soon


im scared the other side is worse


lets see how bad life can get first


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 No.2036750[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

milk truck
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goon the bad feelings away


they should make a standalone game where you become the scarab lord


BREAKING: Bill de Blasio and wife separate after 30 years: Scandal-plagued former NYC mayor gives excruciating NY Times interview to reveal he and his lesbian wife Chirlane will date new people BUT continue to live together and will NOT divorce




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 No.2034238[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

desantis 2024
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is that where you go to get “the good shit” gleep?


one heroin muffin please



broooo im so baked rn


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 No.2032926[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its friday night
and you know what we do on friday night
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i have a hard lump in my inner thigh :\


when that place burned down i hadnt seen k-on yet so i was being rude and trolling and making meanposts and talking about how dumb they were for not breaking the windows in a conference room i think it was


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zii would have loved this


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 No.2031723[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

1500 post thread man are you crazy its lagging the fuck out of my computer
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okay post some of the girls you watch and we will rate them


get home from work
sprint to my gaming computer
fire up kick dot com


i watch water


lol, there's no pictures of this 'roon on wikipedia despite there being photos of him, because they know he doesn't look nigger enough
i already knew it's a super dishonest website but even today i still recoil a bit when i look just a little deeper into the darkness


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 No.2029178[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

yume nikki turned 19 today
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thats all makeup her face looks strange and unnatural
we could have dozens of gooks like that for pennies on the dollar


it does look a bit strange doesnt it


my problem with dota is that i was good 11 years ago playing mid qop and tiny and invoker and id just run around ganking after a little while, i was ok in the 1v1 mid but id make it up by just fighting everywhere
now a days theres too much emphasis on the mid farming and having the ganks come to then and all the creep pulling and aggro and crazy stuff


i would just do heart radiance necrolyte and stand still burning people and saving ult for their carry


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bros its tuesday hop on wow and open up the great vault look at this cool polearm i got!
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is this the thread?



still confused



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 No.2028723[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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my jizz towel she says


crazy how they dont make movies like this anymore
i think its because the commies find comedy offensive



what about the niki thread


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 No.2025854[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its friday night
and you know what we do on friday night
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we need tinny to come back someone dm him


wish fort would come back





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 No.2027070[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its saturday night
and you know what we do on saturday night
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Dice rollRolled 10

today i had a root beer float and tonight im having pizza (home made)


he moved to a new channel because that one got too many norm views


happy to see you thriving man



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