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 No.2035546[Last 50 Posts]

hot boys 2023
toot please make the amlitzer k-on posts a banner and etc


first for cute fwiends


what the fu-BOOOOOOM


[breaking] fresh 'ne


hmm interesting 'ne


🐱‍👤 🤔 🐱‍🏍


wish i had genmates…




we need 162 gens whoever the first six posters here are gen 0 and then we go from there


top 731 for Momosuzu Nene


File: 1688396977464.mp4 (1.85 MB, salute the walmart manager.mp4)

O! say can you see by the stores fluorescent light,
*shart noises*
⁠What so proudly we sharted at the walmart's last gleaming,
*shart noises*
Whose broad logo and bright stars shone through the parking lot,
⁠*shart noises*


i would be in 162X which is like HoloX but for 162


same because i just started posting here last year im in the freshest batch ;)


id be in gen1 im a lot like fubuki


finishied work but im too tired to game u__u


i remember the rocky days of oldscv and the forgotten crash….


crazy how all the wowboomers are saying exactly what ive been saying for the last few months


i dont remember a god damn thing


god i cant stand it when people make stupid exaggerated faces for thumbnails like that


frowning is stupid and exaggerated?


crazy how every website i go to for something code related has gay furfag mascot and graphics like it was designed for babies but all the cyber security and network websites all have cool cyborgs and matrix graphics


that face clearly is


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there are many expressions one can make


i think an important factor for new players is the attitude of ppl who have played the game for 5-10 years towards players who make mistakes in a +10 key after having played for 5 months their first thought isnt to try and help or ask what happened its to leave or flame
i got my friend into the game and i see them dealing with it, every few weeks they get encouraged to quit the game and these are the people who are gonna be confused when the game dies


actually we hate the term cyber security


guess ill buy another computer


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damn i remember this vid it was cool as hell how he bought all those supplies for kids and plus theres an epic baby yoda in the thumbnail


i kinda like it. it sounds cool
calling it something gay like information security would be dumb


you guys were bullying me relentlessly for bricking keys…


some people call it information security


wow is for autistic freaks
its not even a real game


he didnt get the kids the mixmaster though. cheap fuck


its actually information systems security


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lets start a key bricking mythic+ group until we all get good with no one flaming each other


so true bestie
its like some people want to pretend that theyre epic top wow raiders and anything that messes with that causes them to lash out


see this is what wow does to your brain


i dont brick keys if im carried


the best way to play wow is for rp but ff14 rp is strictly better in every way


this but instead of doing mythic+ we just RP in silvermoon all day




silvermoon is the worst city in wow tied with the draenei one (not counting nuwow)


we need to hop on a japanese mmo that has girls playing it bro
the only people playing wow are bots and sweaties thats a fact


we play wow because our dream of running into asmongold and partying up with him may come true one day


then how come weve all had wowgfs


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we play wow because ff14 is boring as hell


you play wow because youre a gay baby


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nuh uh


if pando is so gay then why wont she ERP with me


the instacart order estimated delivery keeps getting bumped to a later time


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fuck you!!!!!






ffxiv is a landmine field or girls and trannoids


that isn't cool man and it never will be. wowbros you need to keep that guy in line


she broke out of the cage and the wowbros are still looking for the keys (they bricked them)


was looking optiplex sffs but this optiplex micro seems kind of cool if its x86

they have the same layout as thin clients but if they run windows native that would be good


wha t is she talking about


sff is small form factor it means the same thing as thin clients which are the opposite of fat clinets
anything can run windows so i dont exactly know wheres shes going with that part


it absolutely does not mean the same thing as thin clients


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i dont understand what the issue with the asmongold posts are if u dont watch them

is it the thumbnail?

also i wont erp anymore unless i get a bf


just run some vms on your cluster bro


weird word thing going on here. landmine is a word, but minefield is also a word. but you cant do landminefield.


optiplex sf6?


its the thumbnail i hate having to see his nsfw goreface


he just did it


ohh is that right *snaps bubblegum* hee hee :3c


*invents a new fusion word*

😨😱nooooooo you cant do that

😤😎😏just did




rp is about so much more than bfs its just about having fun in a fantasy world
even erp doesnt have to be romantic it can just be a creative exercise like creative writing or something you can think of it like practice so you can erp better when you get a pbf


Like a Boss!!


amlitzer takes the renaissance faire very seriously…


just saw a freaky groomer post


*grooms you in freaky ways*

😨😱nooooooo you cant do that

😤😎😏just did


Like a Boss!!


hey man
fuck you


grow up


nigger down


grow up man


nigger down coon


grow up


toot check reports


a battle of which the likes one 162 has never seen….


nigger down


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i like how youtube still puts in the covid 19 disinfo banner


grow up



nigger down


grow up


nigger down


grow up


nigger down


grow up


nigger down



grow up


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everyone calm down


pando can we just go rp…


me too me too


nigger down


grow up


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grow up


that one guy who is in the guild but always gets left out of the rp circle


dont maketh me turn on my warflag!


not really


what should i put on a salad with spinach and roasted mushrooms




lil bro is eating a salad 😂😂😂😂


im gonna buy salad stuff today too
grilled steak and onions are crucial


sneed to come up with a recipe for my 'lapia tomorrow


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i be eating salads everyday


Experts warn against new TikTok trend - Say using vaginal fluids to tan can cause candida infections, unhygienic


i say a headline saying p*riod blood cures alzheimers


i need to borrow some vaginal fluids if anyone has some extras i used all mine



BREAKING: Italian researcher shares extraordinary evidence of world's 'first' UFO crash - 14 years before Roswell - and the secret office set up by Mussolini to study the craft that was later captured by US forces


bitch 🤣🤣 stoppp 😭


demonrats put out the fake UFO crap to cover up the new hunter biden leaks


is it still okay to vab?


oh so after 60 years of ufos being true and #aware all of the sudden now theyre fake news huh bub


did kicklinker goon to death


he gooned… to life


im turning into a goonado


droolbro are you seeing this


that green shit is drying me up




i got my marvel universe cookbook in last month and made the best thor valhalla odin steak ive ever had in my life


i think im going to eat potatoes all day then do my grocery shopping later hehe


you need protein bro


actually they had this battle a couple months ago


used to drool sam all the time…


Wordle 744 4/6*





someones in a bad mood




ooh look at me ooh oooh im wordling im so gay ooh


Daily Quordle 525
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quordle in hell quordler


hey….. i saw you from across the bar and liked your vibe …. 😏😝


60% of internet activity is from bots???


those studies and findings probably think im a bot


its at least 80%


theyre gonna make us get licenses to go online soon screencap this post


sucks for you yurofucks



joseph smith was a freemason and he added alot of their rituals to mormonism he died saying the emergency masonry codeword but nobody helped him lol


well what was the word


its nbd i can just kill myself


not until mom dies bro


something like
>oh lord my god is there no help for the widow's son?


im tired of massive pussies like you


who is joseph smith


founder of mormonism
somebody stream some american history for us i think the comm needs it


its not pussy its just courteous


mom is gonna flip


at my internet license interview theyre gonna ask me about all this gook posting and why i said nigger so much


gleepy shut the FUCK up


your going straight to jail


>but they have that griiiiiiiiip!
as im dragged off to the fema camp lol


BREAKING: Deadly wet-bulb temperatures have arrived in the US

A 2022 study found that a wet-bulb temperature over 87F (31C) is extremely dangerous to the human body, even if you’re sitting in the shade, not moving and drinking water. At these temperatures your body struggles to cool, because the surrounding air is so wet your sweat can't evaporate. At around 95F (35C), no amount of shade, lack of movement or hydration can save you. Your body simply can't lower its temperature. Heat stroke sets in, your organs begin to cook and death is inevitable.


does this work???



you know whats not wet? my pussy after reading all this 🥵🌞😩


i've been playing video games for 100's of post you dumb fucking moron


im really drawn to your energy right now i cant really explain it


mormons are so cringe


what have you been playing man
you still on that genshin grind


a wet bulb
a white sun
what does it all mean



prove it


hmm yes let me pause my video game and go ctrl-f my name and see if anyone is talking about me!!


i gave it up… i think im gonna try windwaker for the first time on emulator. i played this gay walking sim space game return to grace, im almost done with doom 2016. rimworlding some


*lets you do that*


hop on stardew bro we are building an endless list of chores to do every day


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i dont control+f my name it isnt natty. if i miss me when i skim and catch up i miss me


remember those episodes of viva la bam where bams dad is like i gotta go take a dump and then bam looks at the camera and then it cuts away to bam explaining to his crew how they're gonna wait for him to take a shit then they're gonna drive a bulldozer into the bathroom door while he's shitting


oh and i also pirated dave the diver


is she unaware







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gleep why you hate asmon so much man


oh man those dudes look so horrible i had to close that shit fast. i hate that they're alive


uncomfortable burn victim vibes when i see his face


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gleepy are you seeing all these white sun comments
what does it mean


please dont include me in your wastage of toots space


remember back in the day when we used to like asmon a lot and then it all changed randomly


nope not at all




now that u menten it we did like asmon


white sun thats hotter
moon brighter
moon rhythm off
its all part of the end times


i've never watched a video of his because it's all normie shit


File: 1688405947044.gif (Spoiler Image, 3.18 MB, 3735x2100, angela_white_03910.gif)

gleepy brother guess who is on kick now


cant believe my old buds nick and adam are getting this high profile


ordered a bunch of expensive shit i dont need
feeling happy now


really disappointing to be posting with people so shitty they literally watch him. please stop posting him i don't think its funny and it really bothers me. if someone were to post him on purpose just to bother me it would really really get to me and make me crazy with anger so please dont do that


calm down you methhead nigger


grow up


imagine having the chutzpah to make that same post but about holoshit


we like asmong


niggers get all hopped up on kiddie meth and think there the posting police


grow up



ive turned the corner on asmongold i used to hate him but after listening to him a bit i actually think hes super based


my gripe isnt how he looks or his lazy reaction content its that hes a literal federal agent


were all feds


i listen to and respect everyone elses dislikes and will stop posting them (soyfacemike) or post them much less (cobes)


this is low key a fed mormon comm


the moment toot checks reports hes done for


crazy how its hypothesized that the sun's 11 year cycle of pole flipping may be due to planetary alignments
maybe theres something to all this astrology shit beneath all the foidery built on top


this video is going to change the way people see wow


what year will the sun changeback to yellow
i need to time my glowup for the return to normalcy


youre on the right track there is femmefraudery for tabloids but underneath it is unironically sound ancient science i advice you not to study it because it is evil but it is "true"


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i cant let this oppurtunity slip away… how do i lure this bananamonkeystinker into my house and capture her?


bruh she nasty


femmefraudery heh


open the door but leave a banana behind you thats visible from the door


pretty sure i have a stress fracture


you probably need to think about it more before you really know


think what


it is what it is toobs
i've got a literal asian coming to my door. this is what we've all been praying and training for


just constantly think about your stress fracture is all i meant


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give me a bit and i will tell you the name of that rabbit breed


those rabbits have a house?
i thought they lived in forests and yards




good morning bros!!!!


the way rabbits lay down with their back legs just splayed behind them is so undignified


good morning ~~~


rabbits have those hoppy legs with weird muscles and tight tendons, theyre just trying to relax man




watame is still streaming


it must be truly humbling to be in her time zone and really experience how hard shes working


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me anjoying a fine chardinay watching gleepnigger get multiprong harassed in the ass


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damn thats a lot of good games
windwaker is my favorite zelda and zelda was my biggest childhood franchise cuz dad loved it


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only buffoons would fill a wine glass that high
have you no class?


theres still room for more wine


i cant read that but im curious about what it says


please dont break my windows again
i need to pay for your RSA (welfare benefits)


surprise ending


it says




thanks french bro thats a based sign viva la france


fuck you man fuck you


sorry to double clip post but this one just came out and we need to watch it too


bout to hit this holotard with a dr lexus webm reaction reply


hows the holoclippers views looking nowadays?


these clips look great but i cant muster an attention span longer than 40 seconds rn


numbersfag you gotta chill


Instructions: In the following alphanumeric series, what letter comes next?

man i am so bad at these questions


theyre both short clips dont worry



i dont know the alphabet


going backwards it skips 1 letter, then 2 letters, then 3, etc. it out


oh wait reverse that but yea




how are you supposed to know the alphabet backwards


if i see it as numbers its easy
if i see it as the alphabet its hard as hell


convert the alphabet to numbers
a = 1
b = 2
c = c etc

j is 10


i cant do that






File: 1688408292155.png (28.24 KB, 1303x571, G.png)

this is probably wrong but my answer is g


Wordle 744 3/6*



i love being persecuted by invisible enemies


what if you skip vowels though


thats right but using pen and paper to work out the problem is against the rules apparently


jesus christ our lord and savior can protect you from all enemies of the air. they MUST obey Him
invoke his name and they will scatter friend


thats ableist


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gook morning sirs


A young man in the army was constantly humiliated because he believed in God. One day, the Captain wanted to humiliate him in front of the army. He called out to the young man and said, "Young man, come here, grab the key, and go and park the Jeep in front."

The young man replied, “I can't drive!”

The captain said, "Well, then ask your God for help! Show us that He exists!"

The young man took the key, went to the vehicle, and began to pray … then he parked the jeep in the spot perfectly, just as the captain wanted.

The young man came out of jeep and saw everyone around him crying. They all said together, "We want to serve your God!"

The youngest soldier was amazed and asked, "What's going on?"

Crying, the captain lifted the hood of the jeep, showing it to the young man – the car had no engine!

Then the young man said, "Look, this is the God I serve, the God of the impossible, the God who gives life to that which does not exist. You may think that there are impossible things, but with God everything is POSSIBLE."





how do the people who dismiss the germ theory of disease reconcile that with the massive advancements in human longevity and treatment of disease and maladies over the last 150 years


they probably dont believe in statistics


the advancement of disease treatment is largely a fiction most of what you see in that area came from improved sanitation methods
as for human longevity yes its improved since the 1800s but it has not caught up to humans longevity which they enjoyed prior to that you see modern life has made us sicker not better

i ask you now how your materialist view of diseases reconciles the so called plasebo method? how a man can cure himself. really cure his disease, simply because he thinks he is doing so

ive answered your challenge now you do so mine


why would improved sanitation improve longevity if germs arent real


germs dont need to exist for corrupted matter to exist


so like, poo is poison?


so dizzy


gaybros smirk at the very concept


poo is actually poison there was a case in india where a man was covered in shit head to toe and got a most deadly illness


i heard getting food poisoning drastically increases your risk of getting cancer


what the hell is 'corrupted matter'


embodied sin or maybe tiny little devils


excrement, rot, foul material of various kinds


i think its like what happened to draenor


*waits to be blamed for this*


placebo effect do be a profound mystery doe


i think places like the felwoods would qualify as corrupted matter


if i was in draenor back then it wouldnt have gone down like that


is that why they say stupid people dont get colds


its only a mystery to materialists that deny the participation of nonphysical elements in disease and life


im unsmart and i never get colds (we dont use the s word here any more)


ngl i would have sipped that demon blood and lived in the moment with my draenei slaves


>Placebos won't lower your cholesterol or shrink a tumor. Instead, placebos work on symptoms modulated by the brain, like the perception of pain. "Placebos may make you feel better, but they will not cure you," says Kaptchuk. "They have been shown to be most effective for conditions like pain management, stress-related insomnia, and cancer treatment side effects like fatigue and nausea."


to anon trying to fuck his delivery girl open the door with flowers



we cant see that man


saw a bumper sticker with bidens face that said 'i could shit a better president'


reverse anal vore…


placebo pure morning now there's a song


asian sex


bidenbros were losing support in the e621 tag community


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im part of the e162 community


woke up and hopped on wow!


im avoiding work
work would be so much easier if you didnt have to make arbitrary but consequential decisions all the time




are those all virus websites?




im trying real hard not to click them all


crazy gleep was gone gaming for hundreds of posts then just dropped right in after someone mentioned him


might get drunk, im at the of the human food chain and nothing makes me happy


im at the of the


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we gotta wait 11 hours


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he looks like a prison thug in this pic


can he do the thug shaker


all life is terrible pain


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what am i supposed to be seeing in that pic


short people shoes


do floridians wear cowboy boots


they want to be texans so bad


the massive stripper heels on his gay cowboy boots



those are so bad for his toes :/


why is he wearing womens shoes


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increase his height
hes a manlet
he also wears a corset because hes fat


i just want to let you know that i really appreciate you posting a screenshot next to your link


holy fuck we need to buy her gamer supplements


File: 1688413295669.webm (1.34 MB, 960x960, 1688411881642449.webm)


didnt know desantis was short


need a gay cowboy bf


the way that this is my literal aesthetic?


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File: 1688413498344.jpg (260.78 KB, 1280x867, DeSantis-Boots-twofer-1280….jpg)


after seeing this pic i cannot vote for him


he looks retarded as hell
hes only based because of his stance on abortion and genital mutilation


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hoo boy



File: 1688413789409.webm (2.44 MB, 576x1024, 1688362241372062.webm)


dep trigger


Hunter Biden Apparently Shown In New Laptop Photos Driving 172 mph to Las Vegas Orgy




wtf thats literally free



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looks like a street fighter character


did this faggot really just aww a post of two sexual deviants fucking eachother up the ass because theyve confused it with a womb?


no assfucking in that post my good sir




theres implied ass fucking
four long years of assfucking


need a safe space snowflake?


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stop gaybullying him!


gonna start accusing posts of having implied assfucking


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no implications here baby


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everybody needs to chill



*sneezes cutely*


Something went wrong. Try reloading.


looks safe to me


Something went wrong. Try reloading.


Something went wrong. Try reloading.


File: 1688415000464.jpg (1.57 MB, 3000x3600, FjI2Tg5acAA2Mq6.jpg)


absolutely fuckign disgusting


gay bros really do be having some little hiv bug in the middle of their brain controlling it like that spongebob episode where plankton goes inside his head and controls it


hi zii


aids brain bug? honestly i believe it



i heard the supreme court made it legal to murder LGBTQ+ people


thats true



sourpuss hours


why are people lighting fireworks at 4 in the afternoon





its friday then

its saturday sunday WHAT



>grooms a teenager for my assfucking pleasure
haha i love being gay



its officially been 1 year since i quit drinking
might celebrate with a cold one


mick foley looking fat as fuck


i might sip and cook up some taters


why is that guy so obsessed with gays


why is that guy obsessed with cocks in asses


im obsessed with gays (videos of online girls with really big boobs making out with each other)


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they aren't. the fireworks are delayed again this year because the baby plovers are still nesting and they might get scared or burned


fuck the plovers



pussy lovers
they might get scared…


thatsa cute plover right there
ultramega cute i hope they nest soundly and nothing scares them



crazy that to us when we see a cute plover we go aww hes so cute
but when gays see that plover they go
>i wish i could fuck that in the ass


why is that guy so obsessed with the gays


that or stick it up his ass


now thats a crazy fucking video


dark obsession


why did they not tag that video as [CRAZY] or [INSANE] because it most certainly was


idk if id go so far as to call it insane but it definitely was crazy


we arent allowed to shoot them since the 50s and we arent allowed to police them at all since about 2 or 3 years ago


need more forklift cfvs


i like how nigs can cross over into fitting the definition of a mass shooters or serial killers without actually being one and just being a nig


i like how you have to grow up


i think all three of you have valid points


ordered a sleep blood oxygen monitor
i gotta have sleep apnea or something it doesnt make sense that im so exhausted all the time


im valid


you have crohns


lose some weight




crohn sounds like an orc


you have lyme disease. do your joints ever feel sore?



hiv is no joke
ask trashbag and gayweed and pando


ive seen crazier


the bird in the yoga pants is pretty fit fair play to that geezer i say


im trying…


damn that loud bitch fat


you need to supplement testosterone your levels are probably single digit


why cant i just buy a physical plain old 100% accurate english translation of mein kampf anywhere


hoooooooooooo boy


maybe but i doubt it
ill go to a doc if this blood oxygen thingy doesn't give me any insight


its like the koran you have to read it in the original german or else its heresy and you will get beheaded and the books burned


how is your diet
are you exercising at all


pizza and chips and sandwiches
i walk to work every day (foot hurts like hell now)


i really despise the german language


i DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!



just buy test off amazon


sometimes i get really tired during the day and want to sleep at a normal time like 10pm but i fight through and then i get a second wave of energy at midnight


thats just your stock standard second wind


the emma watson ai version is pure soul


sigh shes so perfect


enough with this ai trash


calm down gweed


someone post some ai boys i need 2 jackit


sexy ai hitlers


File: 1688418073202.png (4.42 KB, 277x66, 1688418058.png)

hoooo boy
next week is gonna be epic



bet the always tired fag is the slop gut freak that eats like 10 servings of fast food in a singles itting


when does the new wow patch come out


next week bro!


nope thats me



biblical linkup


good job….. keep it up….


actually its me i went in on 4k calories of tbell last night



lost a bunch of respect for alexensual after the biblical vid last thread


ill try….. lost 15lbs since i quit drinking 1 year ago to the day…




ugh made plans with a friend after work




i hate when that happens


luck there's a man who positively can do all the things that make us effing cry



he wants to watch the beatles documentary


im on the edge and if i fall down to one side i start looking at asian porn but if i fall the other way i game


we dont work and we dont have friends


wait i missed it


no son of mine will have a 10 vodka shot gaming session




the new new one?


the duality of man



yeah the one by peter jackson


stop garbageposting


we support hairlinebros here




File: 1688418673020.jpg (102.12 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)




all im saying is that as a gentleman
as a person as a pedestrian just a normal dude
whenever i go on the internet and see a video that shows or that implies two fine lookin ladies gettin it on with each other
i get interested
i want to learn more
i lean in
i pay full attention
and if one or more of them is asian i get even more interested


gotta cook some eggs today


asian lesbians is actually the greatest tragedy if theyre attractive
thats two perfectly good gooks off our menus for nothing


umm miss? i didnt get a menu


ladies i sleep
tgirls i applaud


someone give me the menu


chinks would be appetizers gooks would be an entre japs would dessert seagooks would be on the kids menu


scan the qr code man



hqporner huh


its a viable site


*rambles incoherently*
you guys get it i know you guys understand




i need to creampie gook pussy so fucking bad the urges are coming back


toot do something!


im doing it godzilla big you niggers look like ants to me


dont underestimate the little guys…


toot do something!


toot did something :)




i lie to him so much



stop putting porno links behind spoilers you fuck


just hover instead of clicking man


post porn


File: 1688419690247.jpg (Spoiler Image, 66.6 KB, 640x853, korean-american.jpg)

you should go out and have sex with a gook


that hairless gook pussy reminds me of something


ever heard of smart phones retard?


this is all i want in life


i want to so bad you have no idea


how bout you guys quit the porno


toot cp


it isn't it's a college girls leaked set


you can hover on phones dumbfuck




*hovers my thumb over the screen*


you can hover I do it on my phone all the time


*hovers my thumb over the screen*


*hovers my thumb*


hover in hell hoverer




no but seriously imagine how good your dick would feels inside the body of a hot young gooks dripping pussy


this could be me and bunny




File: 1688420481635.jpg (54.58 KB, 619x425, nerd_smoking.jpg)

whenever you guys write pervert shit like that i imagine you looking like this




kanatan doenst know what morning wood is


some mornings im halfway to bussin just from the cool breeze


remember when elon did this




this guy makes a lot of sense to me
he just makes sensible point after sensible point
i hope blizzard will address his concerns in the mew patch


we dont care about the 20 year old game world of warcraft


were on wow right now bro!


bro if you need it we can get you a 20 today before the reset!!




google searches basically just return ads now


ugh bit into an apple and got sprayed in the eye with the apple water


J.J. Abrams describes his ‘HOT WHEELS’ movie as “emotional, grounded and gritty.”


jungle fever bros gih


the only new movie we are watching this year is opp man


barbie movie


a dark elf..? owo..


she fine af tho



we will settle for this


File: 1688421700948.jpeg (136.32 KB, 1252x1252, airwrecka.jpeg)

what kind of cruel twilight zone nightmare merge world is this where white dudes like black girls


File: 1688421769810.png (17.42 KB, 1124x1124, FtBjZhKXsAAbP9T.png)


shes so hot and i feel like i can see her nipple
and that grip is on another level i can hear it in the way she talks


is that that sukisuki bitch? i hate her


she hates her


it is. i also like mihanika69


mid body mid face


Custom Video with Jolee Love Wet, 6on1, BBC, ATM, DAP, Gapes, Pee Drink, Pee Shower, Cum in Mouth, Swallow GIO2530
Nela Decker 5on1 Ultimate fisting gangbang DP/DVP/DAP with pee
Piss Drenched Pornstar Zlata Shine Acts As A Human Toilet During DAP Fuck Frenzy SZ3033 (PEE)




damn hes so right


reminder that not having an iphone is a major ick with women


only opp im watching is my opps movements thru my hood u feel me son?


File: 1688422909084.jpg (227.24 KB, 1058x740, emma.jpg)

ugh shes getting high on a monday


girls be skinnyfat af


spoiler that 🤢🤢🤢🤦‍♀️


feels like its been so long since theres been a comm stream im figuratively starving to death for commtent


thats past skinnyfat thats a chub


thought that was sloan lol


not to be nasty or anything but i bet rubbing your pip on her belly fat would feel good…


foldfucking has to be a big thing in the chubbychasing comm


i wish i didnt just jack so i could jack to this dark elf


File: 1688423266406.mp4 (3.07 MB, 3VedJ4tm63Ktf_TV.mp4)


bro whats stopping you from jacking again


this black girl kinda fine ngl



the cute boy did his chores so he gets do watch his show


>he gets do
hooooo boy


i could settle for a black girl that looks like that


i would never settle for a b lack girl


*wiggles feet*



white-raised black girls that dont act black are a big thing for me


someone ask her about her grip


shes barely black lets be honest
shes 1/4 black at best with those face features


nigger bros eastern africans like somolis and shit have thinner frames western and central africans are the gorilla nigger ones


she just needs to look fine as hell and speak soft and smooth i cant deal with loud noises
i can barely deal with that grip it tears the skin off a man i tell you what


grow up man


i dont want a skeletal ethiopian i want a thick black queen


tell me what


im looking for the type of negress that can hang upside down from a broom handle using just her vag grip



come on man



nigger bros are wilding in the thread now look what youve done by allowing the meowdolyn fag to post unharassed


most girls can do that even with a slightly above average grip level
i saw it in a movie once


what show my darling?


mad men


we harass to keep in check its what we do


person of interest :3


but you didnt harass and now someone just posted
>i want a thick black queen
in the thread


gooker bros do something!


we slipped


person of interest poster is so desperate he resorts to impersonation…


gookerbro reporting in im busy watching this dark elf girl


how am i desperate i already finished the show ~


dark elves are called drow


niggerbros :)


actually drow are BLACK elves


grow up


remember when that guy was saying nigger down over and over earlier lol



im rooting for the grow up poster because she has that scrappy underdog energy


now were posting normie nigger sketch youtubes? fuck off


i dont know exactly what made me stop watching madmen but i stopped as soon as dons hot wife started being a bitch




grow up



File: 1688424572079.jpg (54.73 KB, 528x557, 516.jpg_large.jpg)

she just likes standing there :)


more like a duergar or svirfneblin girl if you know what i mean


unlike a lot of shows it isnt getting worse its just more of the same just alright brainmush


i really like the mini arc in season 1 of the no longer functional alcoholic guy getting fired


this song is such a banger


can someone explain this meme to me already


File: 1688424830693.gif (1.34 MB, 577x474, 1544276941600.gif)


no not this one, the sidewalk one


dont worry about it kid


gleepy youre such a nigger man


grow up


come on man just give me the deets


sigh someone explain it to her (im bad at explaining)


just had to do it to em




that migos song is so bad
i wouldnt even call it a song


nigger down?


damn thats lame
i thought i was missing something epic
that has to be the most boring overused meme ive ever seen


grow up


lol that stunlocked him good



bf who plaps you


Good point. There's no such thing as "the good old days"


zoomers are funny asf they say shit like no cap and ong out loud in real life



finished off this 6 pack and i really want to drive and get more beer sooo…


actually its 1am time for workout


ugh… UGH


paula abdul…



bro you gotta stock up!


i think this is the person my mom tries to look like


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just make an account man



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File: 1688425983367.png (313.47 KB, 2163x718, Elon Musk on Twitter @Twol….png)

the saudis are wondering whats up
t wolf is giving them the 411


File: 1688426051255.jpg (33.02 KB, 426x600, Fzxz2__aEAAxxD6.jpg)

today's queerplatonic relationship of the day is between lapis lazuli (she/they) and peridot (they/them) from steven universe! peridot is aroace and genderqueer while lapis is an asexual lesbian! (peridot canon aroace, them being in a qpr is coded, rest is hc!)




hey man you do realize a colon and a womb are two entirely different things that serve two different biological purposes right


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so can they make babies together or not i dont understand all the erminology


File: 1688426197943.jpg (83.67 KB, 497x403, su.jpg)


>plap plap plap right in your womb bitch!
*notices its a mans butthole*
>what the heck howd i get so confused?


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some of these off brand vtubers are wild


shut the fuck up gleepy


hope the queerplatonic relationship of the day becomes a regular addition to our threads



hope it doesnt


holy fuck odd eye circle bros we are so back


the one on the left thumbnail could get it


i like the tiny hat on orange girl


wish i had some sauce for my 'jitas


thats my gf and wife kim lip you are talking about


were eating 'jitas?


File: 1688426913057.webm (2.41 MB, 1920x1080, 1688253718693533.webm)


both can be plapped so who cares


File: 1688426966725.webm (5.87 MB, 960x540, 1688270541609950.webm)


File: 1688426990565.png (28.61 KB, 910x378, Screenshot 2023-07-04 0129….png)

toot it isnt working come on man


i have a fajita bowl from work for dins






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File: 1688427053342.webp (165.74 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.webp)

oh my girl bros we are so back as well


File: 1688427076809.jpg (304.19 KB, 1499x2048, 1345282832296.jpg)

okay i dont like this vtuber either


and now if you click browse then cancel to clear the image box it doesnt clear the image
he managed to break the site without even doing anything


moid on voice chat
soulless model
racial slurs
yep thats an en vtuber



ah fuck i forgot to do the raid i gotta do it tonight!


File: 1688427114661.webm (5.39 MB, 1920x1080, 1686534288175123.webm)

come on man she said no offense


its over


not looking for any games at the moment


File: 1688427147557.jpg (108.08 KB, 400x554, 136003966199.jpg)

doesnt have much to do with the clip just dont like her


oh my god i was walking back to my room and dropped my dinner on the floor


ill hurt you


i dont like her either
the only vtubers i can watch are the cgdct holos


could you - like - not with the negative energy?


try it buster brown


nice one butterfingers



File: 1688427281344.webm (185.96 KB, 426x240, 1688038465166853.webm)


*opens the porn tabs*
just looking :)


i like it when gooks run in mvs


File: 1688427360074.gif (359.33 KB, 498x488, sparkle-on-its-wednesday-d….gif)


im not cleaning this up
mom can deal with it when she gets home from work


come on man


did you get the cheap paper plates again


this was already posted


we told you about the double stacking system


thats what the dogs for


i know
in the morning
im reposting it because its good


same but any kind of woman really
gets my rape instincts going yknow


love stimulating my rape instincts


found a new way to earn some beer money by telling mom im turning off the internet unless she gives me a $10 a day allowance. and by turn off the internet i just change the wifi password so she cant use it


theyre a lot like us if you think about it


thanks jerm but its monday


thats vile man


hoo boy its prime day in a week!


you are relentlessly such a disappointment. mentally


itzy more like itsa me, mario


im like a meerkat
i forage (the pantry)
and my life revolves around a burrow (my room)



File: 1688427709623.jpg (49.09 KB, 1024x664, 1687611989267668.jpg)

the last 4 or 5 gleepy posts he has called out have all been me hehe


toot posting is so slow tonight
i have 64gb of ram and i can barely make a post a minute


works on my machine


toots rate limiting



harry potter and the order of the phoenix more like harry potter and the order of the penis to fuck GOOKS lmao


quit imitating elon toot


yes thats exactly it man ~_~


if i had saudi oil prince money i'd pay for harry potter fanfiction movies featuring the original cast to be made for my own viewing


the worst thing is when the post button gets stuck in "Posting…" and you can see your post already but you have to wait before making a new one because when the button finally unlocks it clears up your input fields


>i have 64gb of ram


we refresh when that happens


this used to be my gamefaws sig


if i had saudi prince money id build perfect 1 to 1 replicas of cs maps and play 5v5 paintball on them


pretty sure id still be sitting here staring at the wall even if i had money


if i had money i would play video games all day


if i had money i would get a mansion and then get scared every night of the ghosts that inhabit it


ok that sounds hella epic ngl


saw a decent 6/10 gook in this amazon ad i think one of the gook bros would be alright to plap her


at this point id settle for a gook with thick frame glasses (but id make her get lasik)


ill plap any gook i see but i wont stick around to deal with the aftermatch


why not just use a modern imageboard
theres hundreds of them that are free and easy to install


link one with a nice demo



why whats the point you never do shit


modern imageboards? soulless


i dont like change if anything changes im going to throw a tantrum


this is just like the reddit api debacle all over again


bespectacled gooks are sexy man


im not toot but i checked around and all imageboards seem to be permastuck in 2015 they are all trash


bro just go on github stop being a lazy baby


show me one kpop with spectacled gooks just one


already did that


im giggling and clapping my feet together to this jerma vid rn


i feel like this is a trick arent they all spectacled?


any girl with freckles and glasses is a mustplap for me








wow yeah thats amazing dude great software


this is for a booru…………


lil bro really linked to some ponyfucker booru site 😂😂👌


theres a forum section



why arent we a booru?


that looks like 2006 phpboards trash


second of all we dont use github


its not just some shitty pony website man ive been modding it for 3 years now and its really good software


theres a forum section 🤣🤣 im dead 💯


elixir huh
toot we gotta get in on that
its the up n comer of the front end space


lil bro really thought 😭😭



😂😂😤😂 💯 💯 💯




stop pretending to be a zoomer retard


no riz 😒


well ask /tea/ what they use and if you can use it because theirs is really good


shut up lol 😂
*plaps you*


we zoom here


nigga, tea???


im really bad at it i have a very small zoomer vocab


oh stop


stop fucking plapping eachother


*moans louder*
what if toot just makes a hashtag onesixtwo on twitter and we all just reply to that with the hashtag and use that as our imageboard


here this one uses nodejs, go, and rust


File: 1688428784703.gif (680.49 KB, 1280x720, large.gif)


on the real this nigga was talmbout some tea?? go kart ass nigga fr


i like that idea
*gets banned for saying gook and nigger*


This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 3, 2022. It is now read-only.



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Something went wrong. Try reloading.


thats a 25% tip but really its the jews fault that we squabble amongst ourselves as such


File: 1688428939468.png (101.89 KB, 2990x742, Screenshot 2023-07-03 1901….png)


Thousands of Pounds of Hot Dogs Recalled Ahead of July 4th Holiday


not like this


reminds me that nyanners promised to swallow a hotdog hole for the july 4th stream


fuck! hot dog bros FUCK!


shes going to choke and die…


dont forget we hide from predators (mom telling us to gaj)


mom really is a predator sometimes fr


slump your shoulders
look non threatening
curl up in a ball and start crying


its funny because i have a 100% rate at calling out gleepy posts so far im honestly the gleepy sniper (or the gleeper as i like to call myself)




File: 1688429181135.jpg (55.95 KB, 402x378, Fqu5tRYaMAEIEqU.jpg)


these fucking people are retards. i was a pizza delivery driver and there were a few times i didnt get a tip. i never visibly reacted or did anything.
every house i went up to i had the exact change in my hand and would try to give it to them, i wouldnt ask if they wanted their change or any of that bullshit.

these fucking gigzoomers are acting like fagbabbys and doing it on camera


idk why you are so mean to gleepy
i like asking him questions and he always answers in a sincere and nice way
he also doesnt spam anything


Maryland man steals forklift from Lowe's and fatally mows down woman at Home Depot


im fagbaby


gleepy my brother


nah sweety


zoomers are the greediest generation to ever exist


we need forklift restrictions this has gone on long enough


shall not be infringed


assault forklifts


File: 1688429885752.jpg (57 KB, 640x546, 1688428545776509.jpg)

sometimes women go too far and have it coming (a forklift)


women do be like that sometimes


racked up another bug kill im so strong


File: 1688430059870.jpg (30.2 KB, 480x360, bully (love yourself).jpg)

i wrote a 2 paragraph reply to this but decided not to post it


dont misinterpret it now i actually meant what i said


mom left a crock pot full of chicken grease out for dad to clean up hes gonna be pissed


dad is gonna flip?


drink it


what if im actually evil and this is all just gods way of punishing me before i hurt anyone while also preventing it from even happening




he talks about eating shit out of mens assholes and i call him a shit eating nigger how is that mean


i just read the room man


truly amazed and grateful at the miracles of nature that can turn the warm rays of the sun into verdant life! so much wonder in this world!


quit character assassinating him man what did he do to you


>muh nature
its all God's work


cant believe i could be the next hitler if god would stop intervening


cant believe a lil geoengineering is all its gonna take to fix the global warming crisis



does her pole rotate in place
the other day i asked some twitch whore and she said some do and some dont


File: 1688430757673.webm (1.25 MB, 480x856, 1683419651170902.webm)



me and who?



this is what second life looks like now?


she acts all smart but in reality she probably loves sucking on cocks


i mean who doesnt?


please dont geoengineer sir


sometimes, when im whistling classical music to myself, i start quietly tearing up because it is so sad and also so beautiful


if i hear you whistling at the mansion ill hide razorblades in your room


this is a "lil bro" bait post dont fall for it


lil bro…


do not redeem


File: 1688431204106.png (1.73 MB, 1080x1340, 38f.png)


my teeth are perfectly shaped for eating cheese


the geoniggers are coming


this is me but when they take away my drink




geoengineers rise


this symphony got a nigga bussin fr


it do be bussin doe


File: 1688431451790.jpg (191.4 KB, 933x630, ........jpg)


just denied 2 separate people their diamond rank ups lol




they call him the diamond dog


ive heard some buzz about this brave internet browser


thinking of becoming a minimalist who only wears natural fiber kimono and does the dishes by hand every night before bed


i keep getting gatekept at plat 5……


File: 1688431718085.jpg (26.91 KB, 534x549, 1688428493001503.jpg)


the full version of that jim caviezel fuck sickos podcast is out


finna getcho ass whupped talking crazy like that boy


File: 1688431926510.jpg (342.36 KB, 960x1280, 1576266212557.jpg)


she is grooming herself faster than we ever could


im watching




japanese women are so ugly


some japanese women*


File: 1688432241242.jpg (156.53 KB, 812x1082, 1688427770891629.jpg)


what game


super mario rpg




ai is going to force us to jack it


thats hot





File: 1688432564617.jpg (106.82 KB, 607x1080, 713020753_ayakasuneonightp….jpg)





my life would be meaningless without japanese cartoons for children


was gonna buzz my hair but just watched some buzz cut algs on youtube and it seems like unless you are brad pitt you shouldnt buzz


File: 1688432868649.jpeg (2.88 MB, 4032x3024, 200-welcome-desk.jpeg)


ive buzzed all my life i couldnt imagine life without a buzz


im committing to becoming a mongolia kazakhstan bhutan nepal tibetaboo


ok so chrome now whenever you right click save image just saves it as webp for some reason
even if the image is a png
it just forces it to be webp or something
i cant explain this to myself i think people that work at google are fucking retards


central asians are just migratory gooks




wonder what its like making 600k a year taking pics of yourself


i imagine it saps the soul


thats what the amish believe not mormons


theres no way shes making 50k a month
shes cute but not 50k a month cute wtf


onlyfans is all about community engagement


i have a python script that automatically converts webp images in my downloads folder
i could post it if you want


>shes cute
she looks like shit man


nevermind i thought it was just pics she probably has some massive paypigs

Real life 39 year old church attending Milf next door with a very naughty side, and very high sex drive 💦
What you will find here-daily Additional Perks for joining
- chat with the real me!
- multiple posts daily
- exxxplicit content on the wall
- BJs
- sex videos
- cock ratings- best cock rater on Onlyfans
- sexting
- JOI Queen ; custom content
-video sessions, watch me in action while I cum
Tips are appreciated and messages with tips are answered first 😘


shes better than average looking wtf are you saying


are you fucking with me right now? shes a cenobite


is this healthy behavior


nobody uses that word man



alexa cenobite


i dont think it is


File: 1688433489187.png (879.06 KB, 1465x1459, Screenshot 2023-07-04 0317….png)


>shittoss comics
gayweed i thought you had better taste





stonertoss is a god actually


dont make fun of cortana like that its so mean


actually hes a talentless hack grifter


whats bixby from?


bixby is samsungs siri i know because of my korean contact they use samsung shit


chatgpt-chan is way cuter than any of those girls


>writes low effort altlite family circus
>dumb chuds eat it up


cortana and chatgpt-chan are the same person…


was plat 5 and then a bunch of di mashing niggers randomed me out and now im back halfway through plat 4


File: 1688433978568.jpg (83.01 KB, 850x637, Fk5etRDaUAEckbe.jpg)


hes just like me



with how many dis ive eaten i finally get how those deer feel right before they get flattened by an 18 wheeler


i would glaze her elbows



Hotfix for Fenrus, the Devourer in Shadowfang Keep

hoo boy


File: 1688434235206.jpg (81.16 KB, 544x625, blinkfox.webp.jpg)


i want a bf


damn i havent played sf6 in a week im getting left behind by the meta


just di on reaction bro


i try
i try all the time
in this institution


they dont think it be like this but it do


i want a cool kung fu drama flick to watch


File: 1688434468194.jpg (4.21 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230704_102926060_HDR.jpg)

can't believe they actually named a city after that girl from azumanga daioh


modern or ancient china?


File: 1688434513938.jpg (40.24 KB, 935x676, IMG_1607.JPG)

wasnt me


that would look so nice with trees instead of power lines


i dont know i just want a cool one
im looking at letterboxd lists rn


its lain-core you wouldnt understand


japan is so cool it looks just like in the animes and yakuza games


try special id(2013) or flashpoint


the best chinese movie is hero


its actually crazy how bad some of the people up here in high platinum are
they would have been silver in sfv, i can tell because i was gold


the best chinese movie is spring fever




do taiwanese and hk movies count as chinese






yi yi…..




pre 2000 theyre all different post 2000 hk and chinese merged but taiwanese is still different




File: 1688434887737.jpg (3.75 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230704_103840361_HDR.jpg)


have you been to kyoto yet


slam dunk a chiyo into the trash can


whats in osaka
do they have sushi there


do they have sushi there she says


whats in osaka she says


osaka is where the gantz movie was that was a sick movie


i read the manga and let me tell you


the anime animation left something to be desired


wasnt there a live action gantz


dad installed an led light in the bathroom and it makes me feel weird


>he actually pronounces led individually and not as a word
lil bro


oh no no no


File: 1688435486864.jpg (3.52 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230704_104411593.jpg)

yeah, i left there yesterday



oh paddy dj please take me to the party


when did this start? no one told me


i would eat that sushi and i would grab that jmilf and rip her top off


File: 1688436052445.jpg (3.26 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230704_110025423_HDR.jpg)

huge line for this place, must be good


they love lining up over there so theres no way to know for sure


he looks like the its overjak


that looks like a good deal its like 70c for each piece of nigiri


File: 1688436229359.jpg (3.28 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230704_110244409_HDR.jpg)

an archery place


go show them how its done


theyre shooting from like 4 meters inside lmao


first timers welcome…


looks like a tourist trap


dont they use a deliberately poorly designed bow on purpose so its really just ceremony


you think that dumpy looking fat guy is dating that hot girl to his left


the universe is fucked in the head like that


just ask grils out man try a little


isnt 1000 yen like 10$? 10$ for 10 shots doesnt sound like a good deal at all!


burning chest pain below left nipple
relieved by massive burp


the exchange rate is really good rn so its more like $7 or something


they use a sapling that is tied down while it grows and then cut. because one end of the bow is thicker they dont shoot the arrow from the very middle of the bow. to give it an even draw they nock the arrow like 1/3 of the way from the bottom


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it's harder than it looks man



can you order alcohol on the 4th of july or is everything closed


how shameful… what dishoner…


bro we got 10 bottles of vod in our room we dont need to order more


i want some beer man!!!


gyms closed tomorrow this stinks


go get some the store is open for another hour and 40 minutes


we dont go outside bro


it took me a while to get used to shooting the bow. apparently the way i was holding the arrow was wrong (they taught me a different way in middle school). once i got adjusted to it i got those three hits on the target.


my middle school also had an archery segment of pe class


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this whole pedestrian tunnel is transformers ads


do people drop out of middle school


the people who are good at that archery are like doing zenshit and going autistic with the mechanics. im gonna post the alg that gets posted whenever we talk about this. it has an archery gf in it.


what happens is they drop school for home schooling.


after middle school they have to apply to get into a good high school i think. those entrance tests are a big deal i think


MATRIX ATTACK: Tristan Tate EVADES Jewish Question, Attacks Redpilled "INCEL" Leader | America First Ep. 1186


white people are the only ones who do schooling
most people didnt even do any schooling 100 years ago regular schooling is still new and fresh to them


china had school like a million years ago


giving kids at least elementary school has gotten p norm.


its funny how caviezel had to restrain himself from killing all these people because of his training that he had for person of interest just to make this movie with mel gibson but now that the documentary is done hes going to unleash the hell of God upon sex traffickers all around the world


damn baste xi and his ancestors



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zucc is about to dab on elon epic style



so much buzz about person of interest lol


what does the logo say


it says nigger


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not bad for ¥100


people drink buttermilk raw in japan?


the song?


im going to need to see proof of hands to compare to my photos


i was really bad at archery and im not usually bad at things


wtf is buttermilk


when the logo is sus


i thought the same thing which is why i got it. it's just sweet vanilla milk though


did you have a hot tsundere class president to teach you though




that sounds really good man for 100 yen thats a steal you should get like 10 more and bring them back with you


no get 100 more


not even gonna click… you guys and your gay emo nostalgia lol
glad you can still enjoy things…


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sip bros…


real reality is so mysterious and scary


ok why even post this then


wheres the strong zero


work tomorrow v__v


im just gonna come out and say it when my anti pedo trafficking interviews stop for a better help ad i have to ask the question
am i being played?


on the birthday of the greatest country on earth?


yes :/


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i think they eat the turtles…


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western sports a dude figures out a better way to pitch or to do the highjump and the sport evolves. jap archery theyve just been shooting holding it out sideways in front of them like retards forever.
"it is not about hitting the target" is such a cope. we should desecrate their traditional shooting style and dominate kyudo


not the turtles…


how long have you been in nihon man wtf


we would never disrespect the samurai class like that


youre so westerncoded and europilled you cant even begin to fathom the inner spiritual point of archery and by extension all the fundamental eastern martial arts


amen the slants are pathetic


literal savages


toot, check reports


i dont shoot kyudo unless i get paid buddy


actually we love and revere traditional japanese culture here that post does not vibe with us


we actually revere all ancient asian culture


*pulls eyes apart with fingers*
ching chong ding dong


thats right thats why we are watching nanashi mumei until my oshi starts streaming in 17 mins


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alley, japan


asian city alleys have so much soul


its so clean wtf



*reveres her*


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google says this is the red light district but it doesn't look like it


persona 5 reference ?


go there at night


i'm going to learn extreme kyudo from that douche archer lars anderson and every japanese person who sees me shoot will kill themselves in shame afterwards



that looks like my idea of a red light district i can see gals handing pamphlets on the corner and ugly dudes walking up and down with hookers on their arms


not having kids or not wanting any is so crazy


i'd eat her butt


plap bro…


thats a nice alley


you dont know how much i hate myself


cant wait to play board games with my half asian sons someday


dont judge us and we wont judge you breeder


just go adopt some its not that hard


theyll be the next prozd


no i mean like selection wheres the evolutionary advantage


evolution isnt real man its just an excuse to hate on god


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so im walking down this street and there are little places like this with girls in bikinis just kneeling there 0____0

no i can't take a picture of one with a girl there because there are signs saying no photos and i don't want to get jumped by the yakuza lol


still not asking for it


put your phone in your shirt pocket with the camera on and over the top of it and take a copcam style video of it on the lowlow


big +1


ask her politely


you need a hidden camera man


dont get any ideas bro they dont let the gaijins plap


listen to me im a creepshot master do the pocket trick it works every time


>im a creepshot master


bro just enjoy the memory dont take any pics!!


fuck that youll want pictures


damn i'm hungry




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check out this one i got of my mom she was none the wiser






your mom is a slut!


>of my mom


bless you clean bro


its time


im already there man


shes live…


bang bang


i saw an alg today that said yakuza guys cars will often have license plates that end in 33 or 333 or just lots of 3's. or the same thing but with 8's

japan doesnt offer vanity plates and issues them sequentially. so the yakuza or a lackey will go into the DMV and wait until a plate with a bunch of 3's is about to be issued. then they'll bully their way through the line and go up to get their license plate.
it's an informally accepted thing and the people at the dmv and in line know just go along with it


those yakuza guys are so whacky man


8 is an unlucky number in china it looks like death symbol


i thought it was 4



that would be a funny yakuza side mission


pretty sure its 8 i think 4 is lucky


yeh 893
yattsu kun san


my plates? 1488


or maybe its vice versa



i just know 4 is bad news in nihongo



i just alged that wtf


badass mike u__u


our algs are synced


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welcome home master how can we serve you


can i get a mchicken and fries


heres the alg, better than me paraphrasing.
first 3 min he explains the #'s
last 2 min he explains how the police cracked down so hard on the yakuza that its different

from 3:00-8:15 is some boring story about his job working to stop the sale of bootleg DVD's for copyright shit being sold from yakuza run vendors. skip it


i think youtube is stunting my algs from my rampant adblock use


feel like i owe you a watch for the effort to timestamp the good parts even though im not that interested here i go


im using ublock origin i havent gotten ads or the message about not to use adblock


i'm quitting yt when they force and throttle or block vids from streaming


dad gave me a christmas card he forgot to give me and it had $500 in it and $20 worth of lottery tickets


scratch em up bro


thats a lot of bottles of the good stuff


this but their undershirts are soaked through with involuntary lactation milk


can lotto tickets expire?
i bet you hit it big but theyre expired


and also their pips are peeking out from beneath their skirts



huge +1


better yet make them nude


yeah after they do the drawing the tickets expire right


it said they have to be redeemed 60 days after the game ends but they all lost


teenbro… soon enough youll learn that chicks look hotter with clothes on


in our state its 1 year after the game ends


i actually thought his copyright story was more interesting than the car stuff i went ahead and just watched it all


youtube doiesnt let me watch their free movies with ads but thats about it


this guys freaky as hell


that nigga drinkin spermadine 😂


thats just because i told you all the other stuff. but seeing all the guys with finger nubs was cool


😅 he really do be


wheres the booze


only at miller grove 😂😂😂


in my belly bro im getting plasters and watching my oshi


*eats 100 pills*


you suck


yum yum down the hatch


kinda wanna become an anti aging athlete now


dont none of it works
that guy used to look like a normal 35 year old guy and now 10 years later he looks like a vampire freak


gonna watch an asmon video then go to sleep


need some slop


he looks like cancer aids bro like our guy elliott paige


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just met these girls in the red light district they said they want to come back to my hotel room


no you didnt i recognise them


theyre gonna tie you up and rob yo ass nigga


do you workout regularly rn?


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i found one from 6 years ago and he looks way better now am i gay?


every 2 days like clockwork


dear lord take them with you


oh no no no


a simplified version of that you can do is start taking T where your levels are monitored. you're just taking enough to get the levels back to the normal levels when you were a 20 year old.
it isn't T-maxxing


how do i synthesize t from my room i dont have a car


ask a /fit/bro where to get it


youhave to find another man
and then you uh
you share with each other


im a 30 year old man with grey hair and i like my tits bare


you have to gook


bro this is the /fit/ thread


if i pretend the bulge is like a battery pack or something then i can still fap to this…


don't do it, we are old men with grey hair and out neet hearts can't handle it


theres multiple online sources just pretend to be a girltranny



i was watching this since you piqued my interest and i heard something that triggered my zogdar
>i took my mind out of it and built a system
>and i asked myself if i built a system that better cared for me than i could would i follow it?
>and i said yes
feels like a pilot programme for our future in the smart cities rationed and monitored and given only what the system deems we need and now im scared


you can't be scared of everything man


how do girltrannys act?


im scared of being microchipped and monitored and forced to eat ze bugs


dont forget your hairline fracture. that might not be healing right


like most of the posters here


my hair line isnt getting fractured man its going all the way back


happy 4th


>my speed of aging is slower than a current 10 year old
wouldnt a 10 year old be aging way faster comparatively than like a 25 year old?


really makes you think


perhaps he meant deteriorating not aging


>we're comfortable with 5% fat
theyre going to make us skeletons


i have progeria


everything he says sounds made up







dude looks way too ghoulish to be doling out health advice


why am i the only one that thinks he looks good?


idk dude maybe your brain is broken


you might have warped sense of looks


scientifically weve down the #1 way to slow down aging is to suck the blood of young virgin women


why couldnt it be the pussy juice of young gook women? then wed live forever right fellas


milk truck just arrive





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