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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.255544[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

turt you seein this
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oh god this nip is cute :3




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nip whores…


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here >>182678

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 No.224041[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the elephant in the room
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new thread big titty edition


im gonna have sex with hotbigtit




what the fuck dude…

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 No.372954[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's all love Lain!
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you're fucked in the head toot
antisocial freakazoid




never had a sister but yeah i watched it when i was in grade school and it scared the piss out of me
i wasnt afraid of clowns just other-dimensional creatures who could manipulate all of reality to rape me and there wasnt anything i could do about it


leaving on that 150 mile drive. i love you comm

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 No.855843[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

boomerchad edition
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right now i feel good

in 12 hours though

i will feel bad




i love it when i laugh out loud
live love laugh :)




i got the tranny end

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 No.630109[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello respectable individuals. I just finished making this new imageboard on TOR. I haven't named it yet, but it would be nice if you guys could tell me what you think. http://vs5eqpjze3yvnw22ry53iflaoyvdm5dvjbubfolfoud4geygfhopzoid.onion/
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okay so then converserly , persay, why arent all my posts conseqeuentially



*belly bumps you into oblivion*



omo her bobs has a eye



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 No.979969[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

gonna sip tomorrow!!!
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wait tooner's an actual tranny? the more you know


digibro is just doing the "well thats just your opinion man" thing


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you should get checked for brainworms if thats what you got out of this exchange



i think you might be every poster i don't like but you're still cool

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 No.558889[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

a vice piece to start the day
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nosip day 8:
my bp is now normalized
resting heart rate is also lower
i feel generally less stressed

but interacting with people is much harder. brain is fogged up. i have no energy or desire to do anything, not even eat


sounds like progress




1 shipment of sickzii cum thank you very much


how bad is the craving

 No.1768232[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

gsl time
double monday night football tonight
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give it a cute anime op too please


plus one plus one


how to kill a thread


was gonna make a new thread but i couldnt find a funny picture to post


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 No.805029[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

does he even care about us?
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Second scene : Yui Miho, her scene is good but straight forward. The molestation and rape scene is decent. I also did good in her acting. Male actor is rough towards Yui-chan.

Third scene : Amateur, she is cute and did a good effort on resisting and crying but not for long. When is get fuck, she is less resistance towards her attackers.

Fourth scene : Honoka Mihara, she is one of my favorite actresses in terms of rough and rape film. Honoka-chan got a full package for a rape scene, she's got a godly body, knows how to act, beautiful facial expression and love her soft voice when she cries. The sex scene is good with a touch of rough banging. The last part of this scene made it more hot, 8 guys cums in to her mouth and forced her to swallow there thick nasty semen. She coughs, felt disgusts and let out a loud cry. Poor Honoka-chan, she dress up still crying while the men watch her then get off the bus.


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i dont like the high waisted shorts kpops are wearing all the time that cover their belly buttons



yeah i agree
but i also think ive been seeing em less in the last few years
aoa really liked them for some reason..



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 No.447025[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

New thread.

/tea/ friends edition.
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got knifed lmao


what a freakin noob…


wtf the guy just randomly shoots me through the door lol


my pussy is too large


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