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 No.1457183[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

cool thread
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i will not put it on


big vet operations can cost 20k


i've got fleas


who can afford 20k on a dog operation


new thread
new thread

new thread
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 No.1456085[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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holy crap!!
wish i could savescum worried i might actually lose the next rounds


tootmommy give him some milk


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are you trying to plat that?

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Real rape of European women 16 - 45 years

Files taken from a sealed source

list links


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 No.1454734[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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i liked watching lower decks last night but im watching more now and i dont like it what happened




air, im a free spirit

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 No.1453498[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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until dog the bounty hunter goes hot on your tail…


are we gonna watch alien 1 next
same artosis actor just like in repo man
lets do it


artosis wouldnt last 2 days in west teas hed be hog tied and left out to dry in the sun


wish i had a bro


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 No.1452486[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

saturday night
my skin all fucked up
nothing ever gets better
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there were a bunch of dudes they found in the late 60's early 70's he was just the last one


new thread retardds


artosis is just the new avilo


my uncle was in the living room…ugh…


strandedbros….. oh no….

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 No.1451385[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

game night edition
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old jewish men were better at writing tv shows than whoever is doing it now


deltarune is so funny
glad im playing this instead of shitty d2r



i didnt get the first game


now its white women

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 No.1450195[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

one sneed
i dont know why
it doesnt even matter how hard i try
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tucker time


i saw in an ad on an alg you can bet on if there will be blood in a ufc match. nate diaz bleeding will be free money




hate piibbles and pibble mommies

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 No.1449175[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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lots of post war cinema is about how retarded and gay the emperor was


i might stream some bridge building game for an hour or two



the emperor is not, was not, and will never be gay and retarded. anything to the contrary is pure blaspheme.


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