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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.103254[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

'Man is not the best of things in the universe.'

Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
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new thread (?)


new threads arent technically necessary


gott in himmel


you aren't necessary


wow papa johns is garbage

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 No.995603[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

oh boy!
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omg bbw chan… im going there



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hyeri is literally perfect


nobody go to the new thread……..


i dont like vtubes
i dont like pops

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 No.1038790[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

floor doritios edition
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fp you got fucking owned kid






f cs gmscfejsmge8847 jdwntb

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 No.1767128[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

new year
new me
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grow up




someone make a new thread
and make it epic




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 No.1765982[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

~~ 162 weekend bulletin ~~

you might still be able to hop in pickems
either way make sure they get set properly before tomorrow

iofi is 3dlive streaming in 90 minutes

gura is 3dlive streaming 12 hours after that

international 11 regional qualifiers are ongoing, will wrap up within the next 6-7 hours

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oh no ggg bros our guy fuckin sucks!


another 12 rounds of pillow fisting


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might go for a ride tomorrow


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 No.1764887[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

imagine sailing with him and sailing into the fog that makes you gay and the fog that makes it so you can't say "no"…
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but apparently i wasnt the worse, another coworker started twerking on a midget lmao
shit was crazy


tfw no croatian midget gf


love getting shitfaced drunk and throwing up and causing a scene and embarrassing myself


so what should i order now?
kinda feeling for 'za rn


new thread
cringe warning





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 No.572916[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

bundychu edition
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okay its really shitty altright bs



mizkif's sister isn't even that pretty

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 No.736120[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

me on the left zii on the right edition
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why did epstein do it bros
he had so much to live for


if the camera was down the corrections officer wouldve been sitting right across from him in a folding metal chair


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 No.705826[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

celibate edition
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gee i wonder who made this post


kyung is so impressionable
reminds me of certain someone in our comm…
*looks at you know who*


the only latin in my church is a few words on some of the stained glass things and on the pillars


dont stare



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 No.878297[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

vore edition
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the one in the middle looks like a 15 year old


nah she has the face of a 35 year old soccer mom


35 year old soccer moms…


post aunties toes



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