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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1372446[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

schway thread
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just like income taxes


jesus isnt gonna let shamans into heaven


stream it


really wanna buy a cnc mill…


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 No.1371426[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

new thread
1016 posts and 133 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



you didnt have pizza table kids at your school? just the fat sperg weeb untouchable but not in the 162 way


hopw about idont watch cartoons at all cuz im not 5


the main character's name (re-l 142c41+) is a reference to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_124C_41%2B


5'5" based

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 No.1361297[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

movie night
gamer night
saturday night
1209 posts and 167 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


youre hearts jelly from the covid bro
its going to pop


>The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is safe for male reproduction, according to a new study by University of Miami Miller School of Medicine researchers published in JAMA, the most widely circulated general medical journal in the world.

antivaxx bros this was my biggest worry…
might just get the jabs to stop worrying about it

has the "you'll have to be vaxx'd yearly/seasonally" narrative been deboonked yet?


its my collar bone near my shoulder not my heart



hooooo bro
a peer reviewed study?
fuck outta here

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 No.1370214[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

pits coming home lads
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warcraft players warcraft haters
can't stop talking
about WoW all day




hi there


someone make a new thread


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 No.1369190[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

it's friday night mother fucker
and tomorrow is saturday
1018 posts and 110 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Laboratory-confirmed influenza detections
In weeks 21 to 24, one laboratory detection of influenza was reported.

To date this season, 73 influenza detections have been reported (Figure 2), which is significantly lower than the past six seasons where an average of 51,942 influenza detections were reported for the season to date. All provinces and territories are closely monitoring indicators of influenza activity this season. Data in the FluWatch report represent surveillance data available at the time of writing, and may change as updates are received.


i dont like them…


Thirty-one of the influenza detections reported to date this season are known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt and do not represent community circulation of seasonal influenza viruses.


god they're such narcissists


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 No.1367858[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

1327 posts and 162 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


just steal more of your dad's medical weed



think il steal some of dads booze :)



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 No.1366743[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

cocos last day
a new wow patch
gsl tonight
halfway through kgf2021
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took a shower


clean baby…


shant be showering tonight got too much gaming and drinking to do


i needed a shoulder slough


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 No.1365727[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the call that saved bitcoin
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i dont know python can you post it in c


i dont know c… i think the pointer stuff c has would make this less confusing to me


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heisei era 'zillas starting with return of godzilla



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 No.1364673[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

no answer
no problem
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these crappy boxed microwavable gyros fuck my stomach up cant do em anymore



shes just like me


my cock in your ass?


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 No.1362514[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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did you check the side effects of that


whats that
homestory cup or something?


guess that should have been tbf tbqh


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