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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1991814[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

lets get outta that old thread
new thread
new beginnings
new us
its thursday
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damn the spirit of cain is posting in this thread


stay awhile
and listen!


now tell me how that makes you feel



no man im saying i had a good lady once

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 No.1990751[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

deep cuts
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red alert
we have a code 162 ped alert i repeat code 162 ped alert


sigh too bad zii is not here anymore he would definitely click……


make a new thread fast so we can get away from the bad poster


bro wtf abandon thread the feds are here


 No.1989719[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

tonight is about that bread
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zii is going to soy cry tears of joy when they announce the biblical rey and baby yoda link up


we need peter jackson to come back and do another trilogy to save starwars


baby yoda is enough to keep your little brain entertained


i know a girl that thinks mandalorian is boring but watched it all just because baby yoda was cute


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 No.1988506[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its sunday night
and you know what we do on sunday night
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new one


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im pretty sure the protoss called it shifting too idiot


larry bird

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 No.1987082[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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wrong in so many ways


https://youtu.be/fuDytLDtDB8?t=24 holy fuck JW vs jake paul


she was supposed to have this implemented on wednesday or thursday but instead sent a mail that shes done today
it has to be sent out tomorrow so this is literally the last chance to finish it
we dont have overtime, but we have completely flexible work schedule, so you bet im going home a few hours early tomorrow
also thank god for wolfram alpha i had to do a definite integral and really didnt feel like doing it by hand or even worse asking her how she did it



it really do be like this

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 No.1180476[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

toon my tin
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relinking this because i liked it and maybe you missed it


you can tell he's been wronged before




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>maybe ill try drinking some carbonated water


looks like a mix of towa and shinomiya

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 No.1985996[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

we do a little wiring
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new >>1987082



>>1987082 new >>1987082

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 No.1984603[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

can you find the winning move edition
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*tends to my fur*


*fires up botw2*


i want a bf






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 No.1322167[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

back to the dollposting
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Richard woke up in a field of Corn
Sky Size




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 No.1131490[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

siplands edition
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my new youtubegf is just like me >___<




gleep check this out

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