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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.1297283[Last 50 Posts]

162 bottles of beer on the wall


domestic seals are an interesting idea
but they are mostly fat
and in the open ocean they all get eaten by killer whales


do they give milkies


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its time


domestic whale farms


i sneed it



writing a cover letter is hard…


let us proofread it…


thought this guy was talking about writing a letter to cover




dont know what a cover letter is


from: toot
dear yagoo,
you have created a monster in hololive
sincerely, 162
to: cover


toot banned like 3 people last two threads


from: real_toot_162@gmail.net
dear yagoo,
please let me join hololive
sincerely, 162
to: cover


what would toots holoavatar be


wolf is casting league of legends…


lain duh


futa lain


booba lain


cute >_<


what goes through your head when you type this retarded toddler brain shit out


rumored J-cup


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antis are getting desperate




Embedding error.


nips are gacha af is this is a thing


the yagoo on their server makes me laugh


oh my god shut the fuck up


wittle baby gwumpy fiwst thing in the mowning?


couldnt make poopies


mommy animals tongue their kids bholes to stimulate the pooping process




Embedding error.
tim and eric were funny back when tim and eric were funny


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the witch




how come wuhan now looks more normal than the west


it's like i want to play a fighter the first time through a game, but im a hardcore gamer so i cant do that


ccp propaganda


path of eggsile


sickzii is frying garlic in flour for mothers day and got a nice bottle of onion wine


what the fuck no one told me it was mothers day tomorrow FUCK


im gonna call my mom tomorrow and say happy mothers day!!!!


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the moment ziis stream gets turned off


pains my heart to see japs drawing wtoon shit


*wakes up*


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i thought resident evil always scientifically explained the zombies why is there magic and witches now


umbrella and the occult linked up


thats gay


i like the big one with huge booba


damn she is gacha as fuck
i would flip her


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i like the big mommy booba and also her lil bug girl daughters are sexy too


the bullshit started with 4 and 5


we like magic
we like booba
if you want zombies only, then play a zombie game like callofduty


pwus wun


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is it true that black peoples can't add fractions


is that her response to "what do you look like?"


why do all the holos pick the blue eyed blonde haired girl in pokemon snap


can i add fractions?
i dunno
1/2 + 1/4 =
gotta get the denominator the same
2/4 + 1/4 = 3/4


because white women are more attractive than bug people


its 1 1/3 bro


then i cant add fractions


are you a real nigger


grow up



ah yes…. .5 + .25 = 1.33


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not like this gabebros


i used common core i don't know dot numbers


decimals shouldn't be taught
everything should stay fractional


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17/18 + 4/11
dont even know how to begin it


when is the international 2020
hurry up gabe you fat fuck i need my yearly dota dose


decimals are just fractions


first you find the common denominator


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enough with the amateur math


bro thats the old way
were gonna commoncore it


where from


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i can never remember what gcd and lcm are


gcd is general cooldown i think



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the essence of photography is light
and the light in that pokemon game is flat as fuck


did you ever have a teacher put up a good will hunting problem?


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pad would have loved this


i wanna snap some pokes


shes just like me


are they going for a humor jackass thing? i hope they got arrested


woah this guy knows his stuff


yeah i could definitely beat mori at gg


hes upset he doesnt have the game. im about to run out and get a switch for one now


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member this classic


dont buy a switch yet we're getting switch pro later this year


im gonna get the switch 2


im gonna get some breakfast baconator on the way in to work


needs sound



has the switch been hacked yet
can i run algorithms on it


how long is that tutorial
start playing the game you dumb bitch


do NOT talk to calli that way


havent they been talking about switch pro for years now


calli wastes time
i would already be on level 2


what a stupid cunt



i loved the hightlights of the jurassic park watchalong


Embedding error.
how can you not like calli


years ago


im gonna come in and its gonna be me, my weights, my barbells and just three days of working out


the originals could be hacked with a paperclip
idk what they need now


bro what kind of workouts are you gonna do
how juicy can you possibly get in three days


oh im gonna be eating raw meat



the way artists draw pits is too varied and only a very specific style of pit drawing pleases me
for that reason pit threads are mostly useless


China was preparing for a Third World War with biological weapons - including coronavirus - SIX years ago, according to dossier produced by the People's Liberation Army in 2015 and uncovered by the US State Department


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variety is the spice of life
cant be satisfied with one style of pits


how is biden going to respond


classic china
orange chicken and global pandemic


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>the originals could be hacked with a paperclip
>idk what they need now




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i used to think about marine every day
now all i think about is food and eu4




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but my lips
they dont sip
they dont sip the way they used to
and my eyes dont recognize you
no more


but my mug
it dont fill it dont fill the way it used to



all i have at the house is g&t and a lot of beer
maybe i should start growing shrooms again


forgive me lord for i must gook


post the gookmedia here so we can gook along with you


game and thrones


but you can sip your mug
every once in a …little while


fuccin lol


group b just had that je nais se quois that modern motorsport is missing
i know that we cant go back
but maybe there is a way to go forward


found a boobapedia like site but its all korean nudes


gonna watch some more boruto


formula 1 doesnt have enough money to have normal races fix them first. i want all the cars capable of winning


we're in the middle of a global pandemic


je ne sais quoi


the cc foids are talking about us




formula 1 only costs so much because of the rules
group b was homologation cars so they didnt have as much focus on aerodynamics
they were basically 80s/90s boxes with a turbo'd engine in the middle



oh im unbanned from there now


i got my pgf from cc


if they unbanned you that means youre a girl


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no im just on a different ip now


I notice at Dairy Queen the moids are more likely to mess up my milkshake


whats your problem
i still use a paperclip whenever i forget to charge it


dont reply to it


nature is brutal


Honestly I started to think the same. I moved countries for my bf three years ago and it turns out he was cheating on me in every way possible.
>Emotional and physical affair with his ex-gf.
>Sexting with prostitutes and another ex-fwb.
>Registered with prostitute forums to rate them.
>Sent e-mails and exchanged contact information with sex workers.
>Had pornographic photographs and videos of former lovers on devices.
>Had a subscription to some website like Patreon or perhaps Patreon itself for some girl's nudes.
>Spent over 1400€ in a few months that I knew of on cam4.
>Financed his ex a vacation over to his home while we were temporarily LDR and had sex with her everywhere.
>Took similar photos of me and his ex, to the point where when I accidentally stumbled upon her nude I thought it was me….. that's the worst of it all, I think.
I stayed for way too long, and I never expected it from him. I'm secretly terrified that all moids are this degenerate and pornsick. It seems to be the people you'd least think would be this disgusting, too.


how are foids so stupid


what a chad


foid this moid that


holy shit elephant seals are disgusting looking


that guy covered all of his cheating bases
except he never got with her mom or sisters
he was just missing that last final step


only reason she stayed with him that long is because she secretly knew and liked him for it
the only thing that turned her off was him letting her find out


90% of men are trash. Half are overweight and probably more than half otherwise unhealthy and unfit. Practically every single men is a porn addict, some of them cure themselves, but they all at one point were addicted to porn.

And I haven't even started with height or attractiveness yet, which are actually more pre-determined than what I listed. The other things they could potentially change, but they don't.


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why would they have a problem with former porn addicts who overcame it wouldnt that be better
and its a bit rich coming from fujos who masturbate to yaoi


nevermind im still banned


crumble kiwi opinion language


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true leaf token twist


my toes are so freaking cold


remember the cc minecraft gf


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foids can't even appreciate well tied knots their brains are too tiny


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*frots desk*


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>historical period drama is airing"
>"oooooooh I'll give that one a watch"
>every single female character is inexplicably devoid of body hair


yes because the nobility famously took very little care of their grooming or appearance



looking at cc again was a huge mistake their retardation is too much for me to handle


did your fragile ego get hurt, moid?


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went ahead and dropped a post thatll get me banned


link it



im gonna report you so i dont look suspicious


dont do that retard itll stay up for less time


im feeling moided up right now
havent jo'd in a week and ive got the testosterone of 1000 scrotes coursing through my veins
had a dream last night that my previous landlord was on her knees in front of me
i reached some fingers into her vag
and she was so hot for me, so absolutely turned on, that her hot pocket was just full of gel


i cant dude the foids are onto me!


youre not getting any good boy points for reporting anything


Sex scenes in scary situations. Like horror movies where the female character will be like "omg we're going to die better fuck"

I can't have sex if I hear a weird noise outside let alone some fucking murderer or disease was after me. I just don't think fear's the aphrodisiac the gimps who write horror/scifi think it is.


good i need good girl points instead


yeah okay i shouldnt have linked it


im just fucking with you bro i dont care about foidchan


no im talking about whoevers posting in my thread


that thread doesnt belong to you it belongs to mother earth


it was a fire and forget type thing but you guys are making it look like im returning to the scene of the crime


eating some lays salt and vinegar chips rn


trespassing in female spaces is a crime you moid


lays is paste and s&v is schway


i identified as female while making my post


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those dirty terfs dont give a hoot


you guys know that if you press the top middle button it gets rid of the loose pieces




yeah it clears up more board space


gih massive homos were jerking off!!!!!


is there a cc thread where they post their massive booba


its on /nsfw/, the hidden cc board


I think small dick r9k beta males are trying to push the "le size doesn't matter" meme because In my experience bigger is normally better. vaginas can push out babies for christs sake, your boyfriend has a 9 incher? Once you learn to take it, and I know from experience, its hard to go back.



>foids think this is an 8/10



its not their fault foids have no idea what numbers are


foidtalk i groan and resume activities


i have 2 doge


what 'tivities are you doin?


shed look really cute in a quaker outfit


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it keeps happening


with some foid magic i bet shed look 8/10


she looks kind of like saorsie ronan but her body is a little lumpy


poor marky was groomed, used and abused by sam hyde when she was 15-16 (he filmed her and made her have 3somes w/ him and older girls). He basically ruined her relationship with her mom, got her kicked out and then stalked her and her friend for years. He cried to her when she went off to college asking to marry her after she told him to stop stalking her.

Marky is like 24 now with no job no degree and is a neet. Her life spiraled out of control mostly because of sam and 4chan :/


dont care didnt ask


sounds like her life spiraled out of control because of bad decisions she made


sam is grooming younger girls now
he moved on
she should move on


this is the problem with women they cant take responsibility for anything
my life spiraled out of control solely because of me


sam hyde is so based for this one definitely cemented my positive opinion of him


that along with the texts and pics of her bleeding mouth made us hate him actually


who's us
we hate women


he got what he wanted
she got what she wanted
we didnt get what we wanted


what do we want?
i want to play video games


if sam hyde the sewer dwelling ogrecel can groom a cute underage girl you can do it too bro!


i dont want to groom i want to BE a groom


i want to sip
but i sipped yesterday and am out of beer


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all nub marks and stress marks removed from my doll parts. going to take a break before gundam assembly


take some pics when you make some progress


gleepy are you solar minimum pilled? are you prepping for the coming ice age?


thats another intern i need one to prep my gundam parts


Male homosexuality is disgusting, a hotbed for nasty STDS to make their into the sane population thanks to downlow faggots, and should honestly be made illegal, death penalty old testament style would probably be the best, doesn't need to happen under a theocracy just gas the faggots.
Lesbianism on the other hand, is acceptable on its own, but absolutely the best when in the context of a bigamist relationship. I just want to spoil a cute, shy, and unconfident little skinny nerd bf with my best friend, and also peg the shit out of him while he services/gets ridden by my gal while we makeout or vice-versa, yeah I'm probably letting my fetishes leak a bit too much into this.

In short, hang the homomoids and troons, keep lesbos legal.



i am on minimum solar but know no pill


this isnt very fujo


r.i.p. august ames


cant deal with this shit anymore i have to move out


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east coast bros be careful


on one hand, she's right about the gays vs lesbians thing. concubinage was normal and prevalent and harems were common which is likely why females became so much more bisexual by default
on the other hand pegging, eating pussy, any sort of male submissiveness is tantamount to gay sex and just as bad if not worse than explicit male homosexuality


pegging isnt gay


this fag thinks eating pussy is gay lmao


from my research, at least 35% of cute boys have became gay or trans because of the internet, pretty big loss T_T


my source is ice age farmer hes got all the hot news on agenda 2030 nwo stuff relating to the food supply and he says theres gonna be food shortages soon


the fabled 500 pound cc minecraft gf


canadian girls are cute
these swedish curling girls arent very nice to look at
but they can curl



the canadians are so bad at curling but also i would flip all 4 -_-



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theres one just not doing anything lmao


foids are completely delusional


the canadian girls are usually never hot
but this year however…yeah theyre all hot

but anna's leadership qualities make up for her dolphin teeth shes so great


only the manlets get to be cute
shy nerdy lanklets are creepy school shooter tier


who do they think theyre kidding if shy nerdy guys got girls they wouldnt be forced to turn into trannies or incels


us team actually has a cute girl
i wonder where she lives
maybe minnesota


tooncheat at it again


i thought that girls loved tall skinny guys


unattractive men are meaner than the hot ones, and especially short men always have some yapping nonsense to say. I have been winning in life ever since i stopped giving ugly guys a chance.


they do, just not ugly ones


i know the whole mens team that won gold in 2018 lived in minnesota
probably the same for the chicks


this guy knows mens teams
hes probably gay


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theres minnesota, wisconsin, the UP. canadian cultures drips into those places it could be any of them


The problem with giving ugly guys a chance is that they start to think they're a ladies man who conquered you despite their looks. Never realizing that YOU did a charitable thing by giving their ugly ass a chance.


emailed toot about some posts here


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this is how their evil brains work they justify and rationalize each of their pernicious behaviours and spin it as mens fault


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men evolved to survive in the world women evolved to live in the world men create


damn t6hey are getting owned


anna is a literal curling genius


we'll have to conquer them by force if they won't do charitable things


had to email toot again


i want a gook so bad




what the fuck was what


why is this a problem? why shouldnt ugly guys deserve a minor confidence boost? is it okay for attractive guys to think theyre ladies men? should ugly guys always act like theyre eternally indebted to girls that grace them with pussy?


omfg stfu

kys cc browser


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one of these mexican league of legenders has a face tat lol


you're so good at that!


i cant help myself from replying to these ccposts its a compulsion
he just needs to stop reposting them here so i can stop replying to them


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obsessed obsession


we need to lure so real girls here so that they can post that kind of stuff live in our threads


wrong i dont want any foid here



i did noooot


this is a dude zone and very few holes are dudes


my i9 came in the mail


what you gonna use it for?


im going to be a twitch streamer


should've invested in an inflatable pool instead



which i9 did you get
you know that 12th gen is coming out in like 5 months right




thats like 600 bucks bro
what mobo are you getting to go with it


idk i just have an itx case and 64gb of ram so far




post a pic of the case babe


made a typo on the 4
time to close my tabs and clear my cookies


thats the best way to build a pc is to get a couple of parts so it forces you to want to get the rest


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wish 2gd still hosted


2gd should minecraft with us


diabotical lol


must suck to make your dream game for millions and watch it flop


wallstare i added you on lol


diabotical aint even bad it just was mishandled to hell and back


are we watching a movie today




is lol still 5v5 summoners rift or is there another mode people play more?


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>LAST 1297612


fuck you thats my post


i meant ALL OF THEM


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i play arams only


is aram the one with one lane and its pure chaos


yeah and its a random pool of heroes


me on the left


me on the left



what do the majority of people play


folks playin a game round here


your brain is gone


5v5 summoners rift
some people here play tft which is a league of legends autobattler like dota autochess or whatever the hearthstone one is called


nenechi is a special girl


whatever happened to that guy
kkk playan a game out here people


ive been productive today


he watchin the android porn


nice hope i can be productive too


probably died





well he was a severely mentally ill homeless guy who was also extremely confrontational so hes probably dead



thought he was arrested for waving that fake gun around
maybe they put him in the bin


menses is a weird word



fortnite_groyper has logged on


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which shards should i activate lolbros


this is probably the only amiibo with feet showing
thus the price is justified


i dont know anything about any of this stuff
but in tft i usually just click the hottest girls and build around that


this season of tft sucks
i just played one match and all the champs look the exact same


what is your lol account


warmed up my tootsies by the vent


i stick my toes under my knees to warm them


*grabs your pussy*


ugh hate waking up this early


yea i dunno why theres like 5 girls and 1 guy who are wearing white/grey with grey hair its really confusing in the carousel




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someone stream it or say a time to start it so we synch up


bro you play a lot of league wtf
syndra elise and aatrox skins are all great but pick what you like really
bro you have 19 keys!!!!


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i think he went to jail someone posted an article it was a few years ago




theres a hearthstone one? whats it called?


holy crap lois


battlegrounds hop on bro we're forcing pigmen!


google it you fat fuck


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toon is now playing resident evil village


die skipperfuck


is he streaming


cant believe this niwaka fuck


he's not a skipperfuck he obviously got the steam notification retardo


everyone just calm down


searched for something in japanese on youtube and the first result was this
not watching but it but you are going to


not watching it but you are going to


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08 May: UFC Fight Night: Rodriguez vs. Waterson



what if nigger nigger nigger means something else in my language
feels pretty ethnocentric desu


hes just like me…


youre so clever aaron


not me


e woon


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>say "not me"
>it actually is me


heres your girl aaron




people always call me aaron when i drunkpost


wish i was drunk rn


which holo made the big yagoo pixel art in the first place?




he name is coco she is loco i said oh no (repeat 2x)


*bumps head against glass*


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report report report


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femboybros here we go




kwintu is not going to like this


do you really need to do the fatso angle with tits like that
does anyone fall for that






spent all day "writing" a cover letter which i bet they wont even read!!


ofc she would


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nonononono undo it make it go away i dont want this sub
i literally openclosed the stream


teon swept kwintus whole shitty team besides bayleef and genwun just came in on it and asserted dominance


i will come back stronger than ever


support whatever the hell that is you bigot





anal is absolutely repulsive
nigger trash



you can decline gift subs now bro


god that would be hot if she had a pip


grow up



i was hoping that was an underage qt


what do i click to get it off my account


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sickzii is probably h*ving sex rn…


flag on zii


omg toon, forsen is also playing that game






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a breloom could be cool..


guys what do i call it im not good with nicknames >.<


never seen a single of these characters before


i never give pokemons nicknames so i can learn their actual names


call it poopish




well its one anime so yea


thats a shitty name


i would have expected to see at least one of them in a reaction image or something


cause hes frowny


i just linked up with a dr pepper


need it


+spa -speed nature
this lil dude just got DROPPED


did genwun have natures i dont remember anything like that


maybe i do want a steak and cheese


genwun didnt even have special attack


natures were gen 4 i think
abilities were gen 3


what about moemon


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why is this new resident evil game 80 dollars?


video games used to be expensive


File: 1620501345355.jpg (33.54 KB, 392x432, 5465464536.JPG)

are you kidding me


ohm y god





a sandwich shop selling out of sandwiches is the new normal


holy shit theres a ton of beautifly in ilex forest and they give huge exp and 3 flippin SpA EVs
teon and braply are about to grind hard


*triggers the poltards*


me on the left


theres a really good hipster sandwich shop near me might grab some lunch from them


cut your hair hippie


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ive seen quite a few reaction pics of that show


not like this world of warcraft bros


what show


its how much now


wolf and valdes are casting the league of legends tournament wtf!




natures were gen 3 too


File: 1620501841945.jpg (37.54 KB, 457x522, E0s-f4kXoAMv-71.jpg)


gen 4 had the decoupling of special/physical from types


Embedding error.


give your pokemon a mrna vaccine




ah i didnt play gen 3 so i wasnt sure


File: 1620501937352.jpg (36.92 KB, 384x364, 33.JPG)

genwun may have just gotten replaced…


name her foidbitch


lol cmon man


name her spotemgottem




keep it


imagine having a voice like that lmao


foidbitch is just rude, a foid themed name would be nice tho






what do ccladies call themselves?




you guys are way too rude
i called her CCgf




ordered jimmy johns


shes gonna faint on you then go to another trainer


bros elon is on snl tonight!


holy shit bros shes modest





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File: 1620502467758.gif (2.47 MB, 1024x576, 1597626531026.gif)


eugh gross







during a GLOBAL pandemic?


yea i got a turkey tom a bbq chip a dr pepper and a choco chip cookie


dont you think its about time you lost some weight?






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teon is getting absolutely juiced in here


I would very much like a phone with a slide out keyboard but no one makes those anymore…


holy shit exp gives evs too o.O


exp share*




sneed it or feed it


now they got phones with 120hz screens wow i would love to see the smooth animations on those bad boys!!!


i must consoom marginally better technology



holy shit gih


what game


Embedding error.
bbq bros


120 Hz Fluid AMOLED screen

yeah thats what im talking about


just go to the apple store tell em you want a cell phone who cares about 120 ghz foldable water cooled amoled dumb shit
just a phone it doesnt matta


im too dep to like foodposts


hgss romhack ive been posting screenshots of my who adventure bro!


google cloud enables me to switch phones frequently with ease and keep everything in sync without missing a beat!


pajeet cloud


new technique to remain straight
jacking to tranny porn but cumming to straight porn


watching dsp play the new resident evil game


traps arent gay bro


so what you start the stroke on some tgirl action
and then when the moment arrives you swap over to the norm stuff


interesting im watching the pekora vod of village


noel was stuck on saika for 4 hours yesterday…


noel is a whore


this is a whore loving comm


File: 1620504804382.jpg (87.46 KB, 1080x955, E03IMVbXEAEt1uV.jpg)

it do be that


holy shit




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can you pirate the new resident evil game yet



i think so
there was a /v/ thread that said it was cracked, but you never know with those guys



teon looks so happy


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update : /v/ was lying its not cracked
crackwatch doesnt even exist anymore, or at least for a while it wont


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>They've got these people on there, these fuckin' losers who post all day, who think Bolshevism wad inherently Jewish. Yeah, they call it "Judeo-Bolshevism". I mean come the fuck on, Bolshevism wasn't Jewish… Wait, what Jamie? Bolshevism WAS inherently Jewish? That's bullshit, man pull up the stats then. Pull up the percentages for Jewish Bolshev… Oh shit


You can block receiving gifts on channels you don't follow through your settings>security and privacy.You can also disable at any time an unwanted gift subscription,heading to your subscriptions page,on a gifted subscription you will see the gifter of the subscription and the date of expiry. You may select “Disable Subscription Benefits” after clicking “Subscription Options”. This will remove the subscription benefits for the respective channel effective immediately.


ughh been in here forever
i just want a modest or timid female roselia with natural cure


ffxiv is f2p now up to level 60


mmoshit i dont care



ina loves that mmo


ffxiv sucks ass


it was universally regarded as bad at launch but they fixed everything


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File: 1620505632106.png (300.98 KB, 459x477, 1620454652426.png)


had a pretty well executed poop sesh


File: 1620505668843.jpg (22.63 KB, 394x396, bi3nh.jpg)


nah it sucks
its just worse wow


File: 1620505692955.jpg (38.54 KB, 467x453, 1607795914360.jpg)


shut the fuck up retard


chill out


how do they let these full episodes of family guy onto youtube!


why are you so mad at the truth


bro you're an ass baby


is there a format better than bluray ?


4k blu ray




fucking retards you probably dont even game i can tell by your shit opinions that have no logic


File: 1620506160876.jpg (172.1 KB, 640x718, 1608844424184.jpg)


dont know what blu ray actually is


that guy plopped out of his moms ass rofl


i think im ready for societal collapse and a return to agrarian society
things are just too clownish for me right now


i actually showered this morning


alexa look up agragian


yeah it's wow for trannys, which is why you should play XI private servers with me instead.



relating to cultivated land or the cultivation of land.


ive tried it man it fucking sucks


i dont think ive taken a shower in 3 weeks


File: 1620506376743.jpg (132.97 KB, 1200x800, D94JEyTXYAEM5zj.jpg)


ate a lot of food


rookie numbers



still havnt found a good roselia :/
might just use this +spa -def one


i wanna take more shroomies but i might get called into work


Embedding error.
you guys ever seen one of these fancy 360 panorama algs?


you have to open it on youtube for it to work ><


no you dont works on my machine


oh wait no you dont there is a little D-pad in the top left



guys shes 70 subs away from harley quinn at the batting cages >_<


listen bro


dang pekora killed the booba…


theonlypeter is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to ibabyrainbow's community. They've gifted a total of 1252 in the channel!



ffxiv is a good game and we have lots of normal men and women that enjoy the masterpiece that it is
woowooawwwooocwaft is cartoon baby shit with crap graphics you cant even pose for photos and it doesnt have a tight knit community


both are shit just stfu


i wish there was a literally a hypothetical really good new mmo


bwo your brain



imagine a good pokemon mmo..


the pokemon mmo would let you play single player



it would let you FUCK pokemon


not good
not new


not shy
not me



dont like what the internet did to my brain






File: 1620507544649.jpg (180.4 KB, 463x917, 1352425128940.jpg)


so no one wants to play ffxiv with me?


lets all hop on ffxiv!



File: 1620507610579.png (5.27 KB, 256x256, avatar_default_20_EA0027.png)

>lets all hop on ffxiv!


i would if i owned the game. are there any free mmos worth half assing? i remember playing the star wars one for a little bit


all mmos are bad its not hard jeez


very nice pits :)


ffxiv is free to level 60

ffxiv is great


File: 1620507764328.jpg (58.5 KB, 625x657, 1596770148015.jpg)


toot get rid of this sycophant


ff14 looks like every mmo ever; boring


really? 2021 might be the year to check out old mmos and pay for them


ff14 is good if you're just doing one job and ignoring crafting
the inventory gets cluttered too fast if you do any of the crafting shit


File: 1620507878110.jpg (1.09 MB, 2445x1438, yakuza4.jpg)

nips are gacha af is this is a thing


wooooooow finally found a timid roselia and its fucking poison point again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


gay nature
gay nature
gay nature c'mon


File: 1620507980413.jpg (127.85 KB, 371x720, 1620279408377.jpg)


accidentally went baby mode


Embedding error.
reposting classic im not a skipper


next one i catch is natural cure but with acomplete shit nature :)))))))


listening to my favorite band once again



u/mocha-macaron avatar
Does anyone else get shooting barbed wire style pains up their vagina and their arse at the same time? Those ones are fucking brutal


u/gelastIc_quInce84 avatar
it feel like im getting torn up from the inside when that happens. miserable


if you evolve a shiny mon does it stay shiny


the chemicals his brain mustve been oozing. i want that



hold on a second… bb has been playing this whole time with non shinies?


i should do something but the odds are high that i will do nothing


i wanna go get food but my agoraphobia is kicking in


File: 1620508285023.jpg (47.41 KB, 950x800, 1606235124965.jpg)


bitch that aint even real suck it up soldier




love this pic


thanks for those great reddit links boys


thought this was one of those hentai vibrators



i heard women arent supposed to have periods


its a curse from god


level 10 on those muscle pads feels like mild electric shock when you touch the wrong part of a lamp. the electric signal causes the muscles to tense up like they were cramps. getting an electric shock has nothing to do with what theyre testing. turn it up until they're abs cramp
miltons mom had one of those things so milton alan and i fucked around with it a lot


good ol milton alan and i


milton was a nig from jamaica hence the cool name


getting electrocuted isnt that bad it feels a little like you are burning but also got punched really hard while vibrating but otherwise its fine


women have a big old layer of fat on their bellies so that device wouldn't shock them as much
men have muscles and nerves so the device is more pain

it isnt an apples to apples comparison


that would depend on the voltage i would think


to make their muscles tighten fully so they couldnt fight youd only have to turn it up to 3




i wanna go get burger king but i dont want my roommates knowing i ate burger king………


File: 1620508861655.gif (874.84 KB, 300x168, 1615828248364.gif)


grab some culvers


when you say roommates..


File: 1620508893187.png (11.64 KB, 91x100, communityIcon_40dp09kc5vw4….png)

why is this the r/tiktokcringe logo? it
s the least cringe tiktok video ever


File: 1620508907573.jpg (265.06 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.jpg)


culvers is really far
its like 15 minutes away


File: 1620508939075.png (611.07 KB, 1174x714, hbt.png)


why dont you want your roommate knowing you had bk


eat 1 burg in the car sneak 1 into the house. stop at a convenience store and get something for an alibi. hide the bag under your car seat



how is secret eaters real


holy shit
just accidentally loaded a save state instead of saving over it and lost all that time i was grinding and looking for roselias >____________<


File: 1620509059553.png (124.32 KB, 600x727, 1616778534271.png)


i dunno my brain is fucked up


cheatboy feels the power of God




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is it because youre fat? thats rough bro cant imagine what thats like


im not super fat but even before i gained weight i hated eating infront of others




this was back before i even got woopr2.0 too so now i have to reset for a good nature for him again >.<
might call him beerboy this time tho since someone said his evo looked like bb and that made me laugh


is pad still on twitter?
https://twitter.com/AsaAkira/status/1152781134683660290 (link unrelated)


thats so gross
perverts should be killed


My husband is on his way home with diamond earrings and Cracker Barrel. Later I will ask him to have sex with me as I lay there and do nothing because I am too pregnant to move. Dreams do come true.


ive been told i make things i eat look delicious


nothing perverted about that it's perfectly natural


do you have people who arent your parent that tell you about things?


bro same
love food


you guys tell me about a lot of stuff


File: 1620509499818.png (110.58 KB, 306x306, 8fab0.png)

bro shut the hell up im done with ur shit


love sharing information with the bros


*clap clap clap clap clap*


basically this >>1297981


i feel like using google is cheating when im here and i have to get all answers in-comm


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h3h3 and tim heidecker are linking up


File: 1620509732982.jpg (43.71 KB, 808x550, peak.JPG)

gonna starve 2 death




where??? where??????


the worst


thats what im talking about when i say i did it natty, no outside resources were used


awful people
keep it


need it (in hell)


this aint a hobby
we do it every day


mad drumpfer






im aware of what hehe and his wife or gf look like and i've seen the jordan b peterson vaping .gif is what i know about hehe


bro …




crazy russian hackers mma league…


keep getting the same shitty nature on the mudkips
im so freaking pissed im done for now


*breaks leg*
*puts full weight on it*


File: 1620510013053.png (215.24 KB, 584x585, 1619423703349.png)


you could abuse save state


ill abuse your boyhole bitch


that freakin snap


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File: 1620510141685.webm (13.89 MB, 864x486, RIKKA_SPEED_RMX.webm)


cant believe this guy didnt have multiple saves going
baka move right there


still takes time to reset and nickname them
im just not in the mood to play now after accidentally deleting the last 3 hours ive been playing


there should have been systems in place to prevent this from happening


File: 1620510231937.webm (172.84 KB, 480x360, stfu.webm)


Brooklyn rapper Pop Smoke was allegedly murdered by a 15-year-old who wanted his diamond-studded Rolex, according to an LAPD Detective

niggerbros.. not like this



go on a diet you fat bitch


grow up


now we pretend we know who pop smoke is and mourn on social media


thats how i feel about eu4 sometimes
except with 60 hours instead of 3 haha


corn pop was a bad dude


poop smoke and a bullet linked up???




you didnt tell me about goldmines!


in england they rob you with machetes and baseball bats


corn pop cared about his community


*leaves my straight razor in a rainbarrel*
im coming for you basement joe


hell yeah gotta develop them goldmines
but not too much or it will deplete
austria and castille start with one


File: 1620510428197.webm (5.15 MB, 704x396, special system.webm)

special systems in place


wish i was comedically rich



and again what and when to build things and in which province? its all too much


i wish i had a powerful rival like kaiba


i can be your rival


what are your skills


i watched this movie it was fun


bro you gotta follow your instincts

in the gold province you just develop with diplo points
to know where to build buildings, use the d menu (or press the button on left side of the screen)
then you can go to the build menu of that and sort by income/manpower improvement




File: 1620510633904.jpg (68.12 KB, 970x486, MQHViqJbZAhFrittf9jGFZ-970….jpg)


well rounded at many little activities


bro your brain is gacha af


holoen collabs arent good unless they are playing mongus with the nipponese


are this child friendly??


why doesnt toot have something like this at the bottom of the page so we know what time it is everywhere


thats us


bro that chink flu rocket is going right over central florida!


it was hard enough to get a loser banner…






we love kwintu


i still havent f*cked bora yet




i find many of his personal and cultural beliefs appalling


kwintu practices human sacrifices and voodoo


dangerous… but intriguing


File: 1620511084623.mp4 (13.83 MB, 1620511059.mp4)

what the fuck… ?


coinshit dont click


i dont get whats happening


this steak just needs another minute babe


trying to fight through this anger and play again
the one positive i can think of is that i never even found the roselia i wanted to maybe this time i can find one


according to ice age farmer america is running out of food


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File: 1620511373727.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.73 MB, 994x800, 1620413967916.webm)



gross orc shit


wow *__*



cmon man




File: 1620511503959.jpeg (70.82 KB, 1080x671, E0Z338gVIAQfLFi.jpeg)


first reset got an adamant mudkip with atk as its highest iv
feeling a bit better


futa milfs…


put on your favorite band


File: 1620511618487.png (68.13 KB, 400x321, tumblr_af62c855fb118451f92….png)

Neurotypical therapists trying to work with autistic people feels a bit like expecting a plumber to fix a car.



damn so true




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how will she clean that up




File: 1620512066565.jpg (2.38 MB, 3024x4032, PSX_20210508_171357.jpg)


looks gross tbh




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poor sear and you werent supposed to coom on the veggies


the stuff on top of the spare gus is extra cheese that was in the pan ;)






ahh im so hungry


15 minutes delay
this is outrageous
kiara has really done it this time



went to culvers and their line was around the building
ended up going to freddies


based anime bro


File: 1620512387274.jpg (264.85 KB, 1024x768, 1559674080860.jpg)

rate my dinner


what the heck is freddies


its finally live


freddies steakburgers


culvers is always wild
everyone craves a little taste of wisconsin
even me, it was my choice for final slop before noslop21 begun


never been to freddies 2bh
no one is ever raving about em
theyre the kind of place to go if culvers if packed


toot the site is being compromised


amerifats sure love their slop


wtf toot
kill the cryptominer its getting too laggy


cool appetizer but where is the main course and dessert?


in in in


im a sloppiesuer


im a fucking fagnigbrapley


its all in that pic ;)


bro this is just one chinese rocket
by next year we will have them falling from the sky every month
just wear the mask and take the vax and youll be safe


gonna catch male roselia too now


File: 1620512891584.png (164.3 KB, 500x486, Untitled.png)


why would you want a male roselia


*wears the mask*
*takes the vax*
peace of mind


when is it gonna fall i want to play video games


cuz i want the right nature/ability combo way more than i want it to be female
also teon and braply are already female so i dont mind a little more male energy on the team


its all anti chinese propaganda


i mean if it falls into the ocean and this turns into a complete nothingburger im gonna be seriously disappointed
hope it kills at least like 5 people


5 black people


if goku was real he could just kamehameha blast that sucker and be done with it


goku understands that he shouldnt just solve problems that humans create


are you calling the chinks human?


debra is the new karen


baltimore isnt white


The rocket could hit Earth around 11:30 p.m. EST Saturday, according to calculations by Aerospace Corporation,

alright imma head out


should i be naming the male roselia im catching CCgf too or CCbf?


thats like… 1030pm CST




File: 1620513395520.png (1.2 MB, 904x649, sickziis pics - 3.png)

here is pic from yesterday


what if that chinese rocket crashes into the pyramids and reveals a spaceship inside…


what if it crashes into your asshole and just goes in


no way bro


its impossible to know until it happens


i'm old enough to remember references to skylab falling in reprinted mad magazine compilations


if it kills anyone i like china will be sorry


it wont hit the us we arent even close to the trajectory
our buttholes are safe


what if it kills toot and the site dies


its a big emp bomb set to go off over us


the chinese had toot do the math for the rocket bomb


Well, they never actually seem to eat all that breakfast either. As a mother, that pisses me off to end. If I'm making you all that food you better eat some of it goddamn wasteful little shit.


ccfoids will never be mothers


the coolest thing about the yakuza series so far is all the JAV idols it got me into



got a modest roselia but it was poison point again v__v


is roselia really that important
is it your favorite 'mon


shes having a lot of tics today


roserade is one of my favorites



im fucking bored


a gook vs a nigger?


the fine folk over at crackstreams.is


jesus this is boring


File: 1620515343986.webm (1.52 MB, 720x1280, 1620514456768.webm)

need a girl like this so bad bros……


why dont they allow dick kicks
if he goes down he goes down
shoulda defended his dick


any girl would look like that with that much makeup on


they should allow dick sucks


she has a tiny bit of eyeshadow and normal amounts of blush
dumbass incel




im gonna slop im gonna slop right noooow


im gonna sip im gonna sip right noooow


im gonna sipslop right now


bro he just got hit in the dick just now!


this nigger is play2win
gotta respect that


post a pic of your food bros


not sure if this is a mistake: bacon cheeseborger at burger king $1


no more sip
no more slop
beachbod 2021


im targeting 2022 tbh


File: 1620515961402.webm (2.9 MB, 720x810, 1620414227264.webm)



theres a global pandemic going on retard noone is going to the beach


you guys should get yourself a delicious flame broiled 100% ground beef burger from king burger for dinner tonight


how did they not cancel this game yet




i already ate -_-


just get a desert burg you deserve it


die feeder


the nearest bk is like 20 minutes away


got a male roselia with +spa -spd nature should i just settle….


i dont see the hubbub with that poke tbh


the collab stream must be awful none of you have said anything about it


File: 1620516398932.jpg (389.27 KB, 1631x1042, Screenshot 2021-05-08 1825….jpg)

damn look at this thing




got an urge for chocolate malt


man now im thinking i should have just kept the ivysaur and not even bothered wasting all this time on roselias


please god let me die in my sleep tonight


oh no niggerbros were losing to gooks now


grow up


they all rein in their sick twisted personalities for collabs so its a bit dull


im hung like a horse
the cc foids would go crazy fighting over me




psot pip or hush fag


god i love booba mommy


um did you guys not notice anything weird about that webm


dick swingin isnt a big deal anymore its almost expected


didnt notice the dick cuz im not some fag


only noteworthy thing about the collab is ame is in a really good mad probably went through a whole jar of peanut butter with bubba or something





endless space 2 is pretty sweet
i usually feel overwhelmed on every 4x but this one has a pretty good UI keeps everything nice and simple




its on sale too in case youre interested in such a thing


Endless Space 2 is a Strategic Space Opera, featuring the compelling “just one more turn” gameplay, set in the mysterious Endless universe. As the leader of your civilization, will you impose your vision and build the greatest stellar empire?


endless sip


i desire the sweet embrace of death


just one more sip gameplay


you don't have to sip right now


Embedding error.


File: 1620517739909.png (1.42 MB, 842x1199, Screenshot 2021-05-08 at 7….png)

what the fuck is that thing


i dont get whats goin on but i like the music


looks like SHIT




they should've used music cues from this instead of automata


spiritually i'm an american gi living in japan in the 60's


dang i wish toss was here that guy is funny as hell


1960s nipland… waiting for the next kurosawa mifune flick to drop in the local cinema…..


i killed toss sorry



arguing whether or not nakadai is a better actor than mifune at the local ramen mise…


File: 1620518109185.jpg (33.09 KB, 388x388, E0sjmFGWYAQUvK0.jpg)

we need to go father back fellow neanderthals




just power cycled my brain by sneezing


wonder when the golden era of train groping was
take me there thanks


File: 1620518471812.jpg (246.04 KB, 1231x1531, q7jgki8189e11.jpg)



turns out i cant cash out without losing 30-50% to tax


fucking boomers


is this really the first youre hearing about capital gains tax


fucking bidne


cant believe ive been farming roselias all day and still havnt gotten the one i wanted


its all gonna be worth it when you find the one



short term capital gains tax are big


am i supposed to open an offshore bank account or simply never cashing out


kwintu has cursed you



japs are such weebs


babyrainbow is about to get hit in the head with a baseball :/


she deserves it


opened and saw “fuck <n-word>s” in the chat not cool man *closes*


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grow up


File: 1620519325600.webm (2.88 MB, 720x1280, 1620519037196.webm)

>she isn't fat






fuck off you cant clean bonbi shes beautiful


she looks like shit bro


a beautiful tub of lard


which tiktok did bonbi get famous with again


she hit one!


hit or miss? wasnt that.. uhh….


bro thats nyannyancosplay


bonbi got 12 million views on that video of her eating 3 tubs of ice cream


yeah thats what im saying
so what the fuck is this mushed up retard on about >>1298251


File: 1620519806782.jpg (36.77 KB, 389x550, flat,550x550,075,f.u1.jpg)


bonbi nyanya blahblah bluh wee woo
its all baby shit you idiots


the toddlerification of adult men


we love nyanners


nyanners is a slob


who is we


the fatlardification of bonbi


shes fatter then toss and toon put together


i bought shadowlands and it fucking sucks sipper!! it fucking sucks!!!!!!


wait you gotta buy that shit and still pay the monthly fee just to play that game?


i thought toon was like 70 lbs


its so fucked up i am completely dumbfounded by mmotards


and its terrible!!! i barely even finished the first zone before having to lie down in dep


toon went from cute twink mode to morbidly obese in less than a year
kinda sad when you think about it


File: 1620520215901.jpg (75.3 KB, 730x1024, TpS9CSj.jpg)


i said she hit one in reference to ibabyrainbow hitting a ball at the batting cages


actually we are getting a little too muscley here


bbc bros you seeing this fight???


okay ffxiv


bbc bros you seeing this fight


big fan of HelenaTheFat


yea well now fuudo is married to a hot gravure model


i want to be gookdommed


░░░▀▀black kids░▐▄▄▄▀


man come on


mario is not to blame


yeah the girl on the right



what the fuck happened to apink
atleast chongie is the same but the rest are all soulless and disgusting now


even if thats true you arent allowed to say it


they matured and blossomed
they are single-handedly saving kpop you fucker have some respect


dont reply to me if you havent watched all seasons of apink news retard


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next time preface your post with that


dr kim really fell off around 2014


shall we buy dogecoin before elon goes live on saturday night homo live


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the man sneezes just like the rest of us


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men like this need trt not hrt


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5 year oldmogged


sigh just found out stiv kys'd himself after tolki ruined his life


he showed that foid


File: 1620521256517.jpg (111.22 KB, 637x395, Screenshot 2021-05-08 1947….jpg)

still horny
still havent jo'd in a week


die gaslighter




watching that family guy episode posted earlier
damn this isn't funny at all!


stiv and the grim reaper linked up??


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upper back is freaked


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shes not baby


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>ame is by far the worst singer so they gave her the best alt outfit out of the hologaijins to make up for it


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she is really bad at singing i heard her singing maroon 5 yesterday


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the mushroom is shriveling up and dying :(


the falling chinese rocket and gura's apartment just linked up??


bro its time to see a urologist


toss please save us this is ridiculous
we were having such a good time


where is the falling rocket rn
we have like 2 hours until landfall


gura lives under the sea


Embedding error.
pebtagon btfo by baste thunderfoot


I wouldn't even dignify it by referring to it as singing




zii I'm on ep14 now so you better not slack when you are doing being a normie


post your vocaroo or hugh fag


back from 'work'


Family Guy Season 14 Ep. 19
funniest shit i've ever seen


simp harder holoENIGGER



fuck my ass im bored too


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