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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.2228128[Last 50 Posts]

new thread ne w thread


mam your baby is on fire


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whk bros are you seeing this


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crazy how elon musk is going to single handedly save humanity from its degeneracy
we'll be exchanging doge for high art memes on mars while the shitskins devour themselves and destroy the earth


crazy how abloobloobloobloobloo


crazy how im about to take a shower


i want a bf


post her nudes


started cutting recently and honestly it feels way better than smoking weed


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cutting is stupid because it leaves scars where people can just see them and think "oh youre one of those… yikes"


i just really dislike tattoos desu



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this is the closest well ever get man


i like her boobs there


true i always judge them
especially if the amount of scarring makes it clear they were doing it recently


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is it canon for zii to always get the bad ending?


oh i thought he meant cutting as in losing weight lol


guy cutting is supposed to be carving slayer into your arm


people can tell if youre a pothead too, its as much of a repellent to successful people as cutting
at least cutters are dedicated to pushing through difficult situations, but being a pothead just means youre a lazy fatass


my penis hard now




crazy people are allowed to just make up their own opinions.


sickzii is only giving this game 7.5 out of 10 this is crazy


i need to restart my pc but im too dep to be without it for that long


thats a guy


i feel that


and he basically just rushed through it never to play it again


fapcams are making a huge comeback now that covid is gone


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>fapping to kpop


im so fuckin retarded im just so dumb why cant i be less dumb im just permanently retarded braindead coma patient when i try to think


my pc restarts in like 12 seconds now its crazy


whoa what's going on there


my new pc takes like 2 minutes to restart because some amd shit doing ram checking or something idk
its horrible


you're smart as hell zii and dont let anyone tell you otherwise


when does archive.org come back i need that site


back from nap, we can stop the bad posts


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i put linux on the nvme


'tats on a jap is like face tat on yt'
'succesful people dont like cutters'
'they also dont like potheads'

come on man, this aint a dumpster


i got the itchy eye if you nam sayin


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thank you for gracing us with your high posting standards
how about you go back to napping lil bro


ok i timed it its not actually 12 seconds it was more like 23


the jap tattoo thing is true though


one of those takes was mine and it was extremely insightful


calling out this benign stuff when theres copious ziispam is just 🙄


those are all true tho


1. bad useless post
2. thats just you repeating some 4chan wanna be jap crap
3. your seriously quoting 4chan as a novel and valid source
4. your gonna just shout it is true (again) ignoring these points


im curious, what would you rather we post about


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karina's pitpussy is a big deal


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im trying my hardest to goodpost


the problem with postcomplainers is they offer no solutions so they become what they are complaining about



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i heard that false arguement 20 years ago about metaposting, which ironically if it was true it just make you the biggest nigger for complaining about my constructive criticism


it is it really is


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wheres the construction in your criticism
all youre doing is complaining about "bad posts" while providing nothing but your own "bad posts"


dont ever let a real girl hear you call it a pit pussy


i have never and will never speak to a real girl


bad post


bro no kshitter is ever gonna talk to irl women


complainer complainers are the worst


Listen, just leave or stay
But I'm done listening to it


complainer complainer complainers are the worst


i want a bf


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you dont know that


complainer complainer complainers dont point out why complaining about complaining complainers is bad when its obviously good


stfu lil cuck youll read my posts all the same


bad post


bad post


complaining about post quality is only valid when i do it btw


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its always the one assblasted holospammer who complains the most about complainers


no one mentioned holos ugh i hate complain complainers


'you cant complain'
'its a bad post'



its true thats true


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4b2cbros are you seeing this?


hooo boy


just woke up
missed another ziistream :(



whos streaming it


i can stream it after megalopolis


might go for a double popcorn night with Gundam



my schej is on its flipsideoppo rotation so im missing too many movies…


people got psyopped into caring about stuff like this while corporations rape our assholes joker buckbreak style


lunch toime



this is pretty funny


fuck sickos tbh


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it really pisses me off that ass raped joker and he immediately bitches out what an asshole ill never watch anothere todd phillips film


he still consumes western media lmFAO


never seen joker 1 and the internet already spoiled joker 2


*shoves you*




it's up


ive finally dialed in my perfect pants pattern now nothing can stop me


lol'ing at the mudshark clip


ugh that day old sub wasnt that good


showered and moisturized now my body is feeling nice and smooth


*sniffs your pits*


*custom combos you*


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all bleeding stops eventually


danm she took a monster shit




yeah that counts as a TAS category run


makin tater tots for brekkie


fuck this sub is fucking me up and i dont have my pc


boring post




what kinda sub


you lol


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mozillachads we stay on top


guess im never using chrome again!


watch the ad chud


what kind of blades do you guys like to cut with


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i have a global 7in veggie knife for all purpose chopping and a 8in wusthof for meats and fish and such


he shoved that shit in his pussy


we stan a ftm minibear


its time


im thinking about getting a cool knife like one of those counter strike knives to cut with


hes getting a counterstrike knife guys


yoo check it out https://knify.gg/






zesty nigger caleb williams balled out




forgot the sickzii flag


a fucking FOOT??


what kind of knife are you supposed to use for cutting cheese
(not brapping)


a cheese knife obviously fucking retard


im retarded yea but is that a real thing


lil bro never heard of a cheese knife lol



my blade is only for virgin flesh
why do you need to cut cheese anyway? just take a bite out of the block


im not a fucking mouse


a pocket knife?
or a balisong?


theres knives for cutting cheese that have hollowed or missing parts of the inner blade so it doesnt stick to the knife as much


why do you need a knife for cheese just buy it already sliced and shredded like duh doi


you havent experienced a beautifully aged block of cheddar


There are a lot of group fans who anti him and they sent him death threats on Weverse as well as sent funeral wreaths to SM regarding him. Riize’s core fanbase hates his guts and genuinely wishes him harm, it was a horrific situation.


*stabs you with my new cheese knife*


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something like this i think would look really good bloodied


late night
come home
bad posts
i know


with my atopic dermatitis its like im cutting myself every day anyway


heard deadlock is flopping and everyone just wants to play counter strike and dota forever


theres a dedicated player base for it already but its never gonna be as popular as those two
its too niche and difficult


a shooter can be difficult? lol


just point at the head and click lol how hard can it be






you basically need all of the skills from dota and cs combined so a ton of people are going to be turned off by one side of the equation


ive talked to guys on discord who say they kinda like scars but still idk i have nice skin but its scarred now


*bops you in the head with my new fondue ladle*



true true
once i got players that knew how to play it got really hard and stompy


get wild and tough


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toot can you add an american flag flag


need a bf like this



bb was a crazy ass yt boy fr


american fag flag


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>toot "working" on the site but actually not accomplishing anything


im thinking about using kde instead of a fucking foot when i make the switch


me and who


tm network's classic hit


lmao what the hell is that little freak thinking


i didnt do anything today


read ab ook watch am ovie fire up ag ame


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literally tf00t every single day while our guy musk is launching rockets


ummmm tf00t was published in the esteemed journal ‘science’
peer reviewed



sigh they are perfect


i wonder if tf00t has any cutting advice


im quite happy with my nutritious eggs and cheese and milk and fish thank you very much


winter is bulking season man


do girls like weird unambitious losers


only if youre tall


People worry more about protein in their diet than any other nutrient. All plants contain all of the amino acids in proper balance for ideal human growth. In other words, it is impossible to make up a diet deficient in protein or individual amino acids from any unrefined starches (rice, potatoes) and vegetables. You must get over this common myth. The only real problems with protein come from eating too much, usually the result of a diet high in animal foods.


why do plant eaters all look skinny and healthy and meat eaters all look pink oily and older than their age


Meat and dairy cause and perpetuate inflammation in the body


my gut flora?


this is why vegans look hollow they dont believe protein is important so they get 7g total per day and get that vegan soulless look in their eyes
no vitality because their bodies cant repair


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Can I have the Nitrus today


i fuck with legumes


boogie2988 and wingsofredemption are huge meat eaters and dairy lovers


i heard beans have toxins in them and when not prepared properly is what gives you gas


you have gas because your gerber gayby gut fwowa are trying to digest real food instead of mcdonalds mcchickens


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nvm i just came to 11 minutes
this food would fuck me up


just tried to put a screen protector on but a piece of hair flew under the protector at the last fucking second


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looks like the opening scene of RE VII when they're eating all the rotten guts and shit


I just use my brain instead of screen protectors


get owned slut



my dad put my screen protector on for me yesterday i dont trust myself to do it


well amazon is letting me return it so its all good now


i missed the deadlock conversation but i played it a fair bit awhile ago
my biggest complaint is that it has a moba knowledge barrier, need to learn so much shit
i liked it though and the aim felt pretty forgiving for a pc shooter


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im just pissed because the rest of the application was perfect
and then a mystery hair flew underneath right as i put it on


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the 40yo+ kpop fan



thats so us


mystery hair huh


it looked like my roommates dogs hair


should i go see joker 2 what do u guys tink


idk are you a fan of ass rape





well go for it man


damn i knew i shoulda started the dual texans wrs against the shitty pats


it do be getting crazier out there


yeah man violet myers is in it and she cosplays as harley quinn and gets raped in the ass


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managed to get all 3 endings in one playthrough lol, i only had to reload my last save and do some things differently before the last fight


also toot where is zii flag


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we need to get as chubby as that and then invest in bbls


had a fap sesh




nasty freak


why is getting chubby a prereq for a bbl


sex is natural baby


they pump fat from your tummy into your butt if you have no fat in your tummy they have no fat to pump into your butt


oh i thought it was just silicone
why dont they do that for boob jobs too


they do both for both
but i think that silicone boob implants look/feel really good anyway


they look retarded bro


the retarded ones look retarded
the good ones you can't even tell


show me a silicone pair that looks real then bitch


i fucking love silicone boobs the faker they look the better and you can put that on god


not if you talk to me like that young moid




add me on Snapchat and I will


paypal me $10k and i'll show you a real pair in 3 months


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who sucks now?? 😎


you man



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huge poke leaks


whats blud waffling about


jordan love went sicko mode?


bro we got that literally week 1….


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come on man


dont post stuff like that bro


*lets loose a massive fart*


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god i hate faggots


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you need to lost some weight bro


no he doesnt 🥰


oh no no no




hes just doing the antifat angle


that kittens so chill lol


is this the xl underwear guy or do we have two fatasses among us?


i'm way fatter


what the fuck is this dude doing with his cats?


you dont deserve human rights


ugh fatso spam


pokebros are you seeing these lore leaks
sex with pokemon is canonical is the pokeverse


its a kind of reverse garfield situation where the owner is a fat piece of shit who eats lasagna and hates mondays



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americans are fat
more news at 11


my state is healthier than many european countries including croatia actually


are we posting topless images of ourselves? other posters should follow through


my ribs stick out :/


Kanye West told wife Bianca Censori he wanted to have sex with her mom — while she watched: lawsuit


that's only for my snap chat subscribers


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*posts a picture of me and my cat*


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*posts a picture of a gook*




whats her mom look like


yea ~_~


post the pokeloreleaks bro


thanks man this shit was getting out of hand


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lol (her not her mum)


dont touch my lasgna kitty, eat your low fat cat chow


duck sneezes


has kanye had 2 whoregf's he made walk around naked or 1?


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me today



1 its this one
unless your counting kim


i could never pull an all dayer


kinda crazy how the sun is just up and bright as hell every day



The Ten Commandments 4k scan HDR


i was just confusing different looks the 1 whore had


its not your fault this whore is basically a shapeshifter
the only thing constant about her is her boobs pretty much




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good morning bros!!!


maybe a fap?


bluey break:



wet my pants so bigly i gotta swap em out


hm yeah dont think im gonna be watching this baby shit


oh hell yeah love this show gih holobros!




weird i pissed my pants too
an hour ago and they still aint dry


is this like her alt account or something? idgi


crushed my cat rolling over for snacks :'(




who said anything about pee


is she retarded


Imed Tora

Member (2 months)
​​Good one CC

Jeremy Starlight
​​Cute 💚

Member (1 month)

Reimu Hakurei

Member (2 months)

​​cute laugh!

K non
Member (2 months)

Member (2 months)
​​Damn, get entangled upon

Sir K
Member (2 months)

Member (2 months)

Member (1 month)
​​that was relatable CC thanks for it

​​and it cute

New member
​​humor alemão

​​Good one CC CeCeLaugh

Member (2 months)



bruh that format is fucked why would you make that post


terrible post


i would've hand deleted the memeber lengths


autistic people are so annoying


im not autistic im passionate


im retarded, self inflicted, years of internet addiction, very sad


then why are you so annoying


not zii btw


*stuttersteps into the thread*






i wanna sex yujin real bad


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wnba lol


reeki was right


wish i could have fought in the civil war



*blasts you with a musket*


*rolls eyes*


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we got a new civil war right around the corner man


*misses from 10 feet away*


ahh! this is scary!


ayo reeki
pvp me dark soul nigga


low lvl poison build me


when i think of chinks i think of that one girl from flying tiger
when i think of japs i think of erina mano
but when i think of gooks? i think of her…


think im gonna get myself some redbull, some zyn and some booze





what if the illuminati are actually the good guys


i think of gook math girl
shes the face of korea


hol up hol up we dem woo's


dallas goedert u worthless nword catch something


all the TEs have sucked huge asshole this year


did that one guy from that one collision end up dying


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its insane when you try to compare wonys pits with any other gooks pits


this beetlejuice fanta is the sleeper hit of the year. you guys need to grip some up before its gone!


half of us live in europe we dont get this shit over here


plastic surgery monster…


do eubros get the krabby patty?


no it doesnt get past the health inspection over here


is uk eu or what i still dont get that


no we got rid of that anglo scum


man youre over 30 stop being obsessed with pits and get a job


you dont age out of pits dude


the pants i made are so pretty




did any goyim get the krabby patty prime grimace shake


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yuros jelly they cant get purple or neon orange slop because they say it isnt fit for human consumption or it causes cancer lol


yet they have 5g
interesting innit


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toot add's tomorrow theme for zii but wont add the windows 95 theme for me…


toot thinks youre a dumb little holotoddler sorry to break it to you




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it's about respect



holy fuck he really added it back
i had to use some shitty uggo theme just so i didnt burn my eyes out


yuro goyim really believe insane counter reality to cope with being a 2nd world shit hole


this used to be a jungle comm…


your polling is down since you got your job. now is not a good time to ask. the people want more buzzworthy storylines


zii stream persona 3 reload


he won't play any games out of order bro




who tf is spencer rattler


thats me


you can troll him like cobes by getting him to play series with many games "zii play final fantasy"


p3 is one of my favorite games


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don't know why i added a 's to "add" there.
[citation needed]
do my japan trip posts not count for that? man…


who asked


bro you didnt even do anything in japan


please tell us more tales about your expeditions to the east


zii you should've waited for silent hill 2 remake (director's cut)


is it gonna have hotter girls


he went to a love hotel with hookers like every day


it would only make sense


dlc Born from the Wish will come out later anyway, where you play with Maria


a wish* sorry


cant wait to play a 20 year old game lol hold up tho just let me go drop 1k on a ps5 and the $80 game


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gotta get up at 6am tomorrow to fly for work <__<


poorfag lol


commies like zii really do be calling they 1 bedroom a "home"


ps5 is like 400 bucks dude


400 bucks too much for a 20 year old game


7 am for me >__>


living in a house just seems like such an insane hassle


youve been phoning it in since you got your job. its like we arent your main priority


coco is live with her dad


damn her dad can get it


remember when am said "yeah im gonna stream again this time for real just need a few days to settle in to this new job and place"


what should i have for dinner im greased out


he's scared since the brapper incident




Silent Hill 2/Initial release date
September 24, 2001
excuse me
23* year old game


that's also inferior in every way since it's not honest to the artists original intent


soylent hecker 2 gen z edition
featuring gay baby skyrim markers on everything so retards know what to do


you can disable that



NEW - Vem Miller, arrested outside Trump’s California Coachella rally with multiple firearms and fake press passes: "another assassination attempt."




another gay failed psyop attempt by drumpf to garner attention not realizing no one cares


the brapper incident



why did this guy try to shoot trump


>that's also inferior in every way
not true tho


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come on man!
i started sharing more pictures lately
yeah the new job has been a total buzz killer. i have money now but no time to have fun with it.
football season really put a wrench in my plans. how am i supposed to stream when there is a football on?


ban all posters who dont upload their drumpf vote


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you have to be more passionate about games man


there he goes making his three boring posts


they call me a guy who make boring posts




smol smol little bro


im in man you know im in


actually we drink 4 steelies and 2 hookahs


fuckin eagles tight end zero points what a shithead


hey has anyone made this joke before
zii loves video games so much because he can relate to the npcs


no i dont think so


zii has a gamer's soul


im thinking its an eggs for breakfast eggs for dinner kind of day


incel ugly freak whos afraid of girls, how is that npc?


incel annihilation


thats literally an npc archetype


kys nigger your posts are an eyesore


wanna go?


grow up


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wtf im watching this anime and tokoyami tower just showed up on the screen


i'll see you later


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i need to find my lost passion. maybe i should ask tasteless


we know you already posted this today




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aaron stream crouching tiger hidden dragon again


i didnt though?




im off to bed
stop talking about me retards


lets gossip about sickzii




yeah yeah yeah whatever kill yourself



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hol' up, dem boys are down against dem lions!





>dak poopsock


ziihours directly into niggerspamhours
guess we having zero good posts today


some porn star a guy here obsesses over




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me looking for a good post


everyone hates you
youre annoying


no way that's weed demon


cinnamon never responded to my post last thread. maybe he was a florida bro that got swept away…


were voting for Kamala and to legalize weed this year bros


cinnamons been lackin real bad lately


bunch of ip peeking cyber stalkers


weed demon? you mean gweedly?


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hol up dem boys are playing?


id cop a feel


Natus Vincere vs MOUZ - IEM Rio 2024 - Grand Final


im out


what is wrong with yuros


cs go find someone who asked


i dont think thats yuros mate


cs get the fuck in here


divine diablo locked in?


File: 1728853351930.jpg (676.76 KB, 3840x2160, 1728850919512379[1].jpg)


british broad casting is not yuropean?


this whores begging to get facefucked


youre chinese


shes 8


actually shes a 3d model and not real


File: 1728853780607.jpg (116.73 KB, 1080x864, evie-templeton-will-play-l….jpg)


none of this real


we should learn how to use blender and make 3d models (futa porno)


laura was nice id rec the remake to pedbro


were so considerate of our pedbros


crazy how i look exactly like jeremy irvine


hes a bit messed up in the head but he posts here so.. you know..


File: 1728854007037.webm (3.42 MB, 428x671, 1728825022761723.webm)

tf00t bros we got too cocky!


jeremy posts here?


he will never recover from this one


you can see where it cuts


that's actually incredible
after all those losses this week with the tesla bots and taxis, he came through and won anyways


this coco stream is real comfy shes walking around some asian mall and explaining random chink garbage with her dad




bro youre still on about that 50yo looking asian chick?


ozzy osbourne would be NO ONE without post malone


the streams you guys like are so lame i dont understand how you can stand that shit. theyre nothing like cobes


your fascination with that ogre is equally perplexing to us


crazyfuckingvideos bro you seeing this?


ok thats a crazy fucking video right there


animal abuse warning


im in love with the skibidi senator


fuck you man you dont even understand the spirit of gore youre a fucking piece of shit


wish that cat wouldve taken out all those fuckers


yea here we gooo
*3 and out*


if your skins brown i dont like you its that simple


here you go little drumpfter now leave the adults alone


*waddles on in there*


its on fire and burning though?????


what a god


don't worry about it


i watched that kamela ad you guys were buzzing aboot yesterday


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why are dem boys losing? ugh!


File: 1728855650591.png (536.74 KB, 607x667, 1678426640352477.png)


is someone watching thats giving them bad luck?


thats it
im with her
its her turn


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thats it im voting for kamala
*remembers im not american*
alright then


you can vote as as illegal immgrant come on over dawg


toilet knocked orange off my lap and took over getting petted


lol he ran off for a celebratory toilet sip


you named your cat… toilet?


sounds like the cat named himself



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what is his problem


hate that nasty fat jew


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File: 1728856678478.gif (1.81 MB, 400x225, 1572303910599.gif)



i know this pretty rave birl


is this the dota anime or the league of legends anime


its the tomb raider anime


i hear ya man


cats are so silly…


hope the lotr anime isnt that bad


toilet was such a sweet kitty, but he grew up into a gangster. this must be what having a black son is like


dem loins are running away with it


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homosexuality is a sin and an abomination


cant believe beer boy is missing this


in post apocalyptic waterworld tampa bay, vodka has become the most valuable resource. hes a warlord surrounded by women


this guys writing fanfiction about his internet boyfriend


had some rough arams earlier



id read that fanfic
an army of alligators guarding him and his stockpile


wild how they spent billions moving the raiders and building them a new stadium only for them to suck ass.


lets watch waterworld


lionsbros our best D player is done for its all ogre
a win but at what cost


lets watch pissworld


he will be back before playoffs he has the wolverine genetics and the billion dollar nfl doctors


File: 1728858414131.png (2.11 MB, 1731x982, ClipboardImage.png)

i dunno man this dont look good…
they said its 'gruesome'


knocked over me beers twice in the same spot and placed a freshy their instinctively


File: 1728858533260.png (Spoiler Image, 211.99 KB, 586x327, 1728858383034313.png)

dont click unless you wanna see a broken leg
hes done its all ogre


they can fix that


sure but i just dont think hes comin back this year thats a snap


kinda wanna get drunk and scream


lmao owned


cuz they fuckin suck man!


File: 1728858813948.mp4 (542.41 KB, GAMING IS DEAD.mp4)


Dice rollRolled 1

odds go to work


theyre a lot like me…


reminder that i just posted about freak leg/arm breaks happening more often with all the giganiggas rumbling and bumbling around


oh no no no


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get off work, crack open a few beers
nothin beats it


i promised i wouldnt but i feel really anxious so i might as well
maybe ill stop by walmart and pick up a rotisserie chicken


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erm what the fudge


we still havent gotten our brapper banner


toot has a twisted sense of humor


damn thats crazy



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man napoleon was so flippin cool


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listening to some tunes


i wanna start smoking cigarettes again


racism hypno break:


*tosses you in the trash*


oh no no no


*magdumps you*


probably another of my nigs out


listening to mio yap about the auction

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