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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.2228128[View All]

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i know this pretty rave birl


is this the dota anime or the league of legends anime


its the tomb raider anime


i hear ya man


cats are so silly…


hope the lotr anime isnt that bad


toilet was such a sweet kitty, but he grew up into a gangster. this must be what having a black son is like


dem loins are running away with it


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homosexuality is a sin and an abomination


cant believe beer boy is missing this


in post apocalyptic waterworld tampa bay, vodka has become the most valuable resource. hes a warlord surrounded by women


this guys writing fanfiction about his internet boyfriend


had some rough arams earlier



id read that fanfic
an army of alligators guarding him and his stockpile


wild how they spent billions moving the raiders and building them a new stadium only for them to suck ass.


lets watch waterworld


lionsbros our best D player is done for its all ogre
a win but at what cost


lets watch pissworld


he will be back before playoffs he has the wolverine genetics and the billion dollar nfl doctors


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i dunno man this dont look good…
they said its 'gruesome'


knocked over me beers twice in the same spot and placed a freshy their instinctively


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dont click unless you wanna see a broken leg
hes done its all ogre


they can fix that


sure but i just dont think hes comin back this year thats a snap


kinda wanna get drunk and scream


lmao owned


cuz they fuckin suck man!


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Dice rollRolled 1

odds go to work


theyre a lot like me…


reminder that i just posted about freak leg/arm breaks happening more often with all the giganiggas rumbling and bumbling around


oh no no no


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get off work, crack open a few beers
nothin beats it


i promised i wouldnt but i feel really anxious so i might as well
maybe ill stop by walmart and pick up a rotisserie chicken


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erm what the fudge


we still havent gotten our brapper banner


toot has a twisted sense of humor


damn thats crazy



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man napoleon was so flippin cool


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listening to some tunes


i wanna start smoking cigarettes again


racism hypno break:


*tosses you in the trash*


oh no no no


*magdumps you*


probably another of my nigs out


listening to mio yap about the auction

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