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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.2225717[Last 50 Posts]


i want a bf


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the new tesla bus will solve everything




this is a pretty gook


are they gook lesbean sisters…




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why doesn't he grow a beard




i literally cant look at her anymore i think shes so repulsive




lotta chudposts all of a sudden


we should watch his new movie tonight
you know like as a goof


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thanks cleanbro


thread is off to a wonder start i see


a wonder start?


it only gets better from here


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wow. these ppl r so weird. thank god im the only normal person here




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no i'm 41


middle of the night and watame is still playing cutely


would this make the house weaker to wind?


i lost my old nikes wtf how can i lose my shoes i have like two pairs


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sum41 amirite


was that new daniel vid good i didnt click it


i took your shoes bitch
im finna take your other pair too


this that pretty girl mantra


its so good



[+31, -5] Wow… amazing. What a wall…


[+302, -41] Wow… ILLIT's director set out with the intent to plagiarize New Jeans right from the onset. I think they all assumed that this would be like the gaming industry where you can just create a few similar looking products and reap the profits.


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>men age like fine wi-


the trick is in not getting bald


its over


cobra said he's just hitting his stride


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or being br*tish


nothing wrong with being british


wrong so wrong


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babies are wild


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not interested




its not fair


gleepdawg check this out


is that a wig lol


im in the sipzone i cant be bothered rn


you're going to die bro


he sold his soul and now is banished to this world (the devils world) to carry out the devils work as a ghoul and will be left behind here when he ascend into heaven


ugh this game im trying to pirate isnt just instantly working i hate this




buy it!!!!!!!!!!


pay gaben his dues nigger


>paying for video games


i dont like deadlock


it looks so soulless and retarded



i like deadlock


who do you main


im a deadlock main


viscous and mo & krill are my favs


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what are we ordering?


pinot grigio


just watch dsp plain it so you don't get a virus bro I drink and watch dsp he's good man watch sh2 rn


pilk with gin


let me get a gin and tonic, hold the tonic


wtf are the Republicans doing with all these Street shitters like Vivek and Vance's poo wife wtf is going on man they got more stinky brown people them the Dems almost


the future is brown


not if my man musk has anything to say about it


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i'm doing um


and um

garlic bread and um salad for dinner


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Elon musk esque body type


everyone here needs to fill out this form



zii took a day off from work to play sh2 but aryssa spent more time than him gaming


nasty tranny whore wearing a wig


1. beautiful t-girl
2. not a wig


all zii does is game but he's so retarded from commie food malnourishment he struggles with every one he plays


where can i buy some cool and/or radical cargo pants


1. stfu faggot
2. don't ever post in my thread again


5.11 tactical


1. not gay
2. *vores you*



i wore the apx softshell pants when i did contract work overseas


*sells my ass to strange international men*
ah yes, when i did contract work overseas


fuck cargo pants


that's it i'm subbing to aryssa, at least she cares about video games and is a true gamer


eat shit and die tranner


bb help me harass this freak


there's no need to be mean


@PatriotFront Hi. I’m Tawnell Hobbs, a senior writer at The Wall Street Journal. I am working on a story looking at the outreach of groups, such as Patriot Front, in communities impacted by Hurricane Helene. It would be great to talk to someone from your group as I am including Patriot Front in my article. I am wondering how your group is being received and why it decided to lend assistance in these areas. Also, we are wondering if you could provide pictures of your group helping out. I can be reached on email: tawnell.hobbs@wsj.com. Thank you.


aryssa: goes into sh2 blind
zii: already spoiled himself


rent free


aryssa is providing insightful and interesting commentary on the game and lore
all zii does is complain about women and spending hours failing puzzles for children


you guys should be supportive


i spoiled myself by playing silent hill 2 on release in 2001


just gave myself a handjob


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well that was definitely an arc when i realized i shouldn't consider 162bros as friends, but rather than strangers to kill the time when i'm bored


you wouldn't last a day as a gay in the military
because i didn't ask and didn't want you to tell me



wtf is ziis problem??????


we bust balls


maybe we should just go work on the railroad


toot this is a direct threat BAN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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125$ for pants???


it's an investment


the arc where i don't consider my 162bros friends; but lovers



i have viewed the comm as gangstalkers and nothing else


chongqing seems like such a crazy place
sorry for dit link i couldnt find elsehwere


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saw this on x
this is how the floorpissing i previously mentioned occours
in case my previous visualizations werent clear


we already discussed this


kanye west tried to rizz up amouranth


more labels than a ben garrison comic


i have to work in a few hours -_-


its friday night bro………………………..


ben 'gas em again' garrison?


friday night is prime 'dashing hours man


i could live like this ngl


i did that when i was a kid and i told my parents that the toilet must be leaking but it was just this


*puts on a wig*



i swear by these european work pants from snickers
they are my top pants of all time and i wear they every day


mal cops should kill her on sight


bro are you a construction worker lmao


god i wish she stepped on my dick with those heels




those look good. why do pants gotta be so pricey doe


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Jessi embroiled in scandal of walking away while fan was getting assaulted by her group

[+224, -2] She acts all loyal and tough on TV but look at her running with her tail between her legs… disappointing
[+11, -0] Wait, so her fan was getting beat up and she didn't even stop to report it, just ran away?
[+7, -0] Her image was cleaned up a lot thanks to Yoo Jae Suk but she's still a thug at the end of the day


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whatever happened to techwear


id glaze this oriental then hop on arams


gleepy said theres two sides to every story. so we should wait to make a judgement


i dont even understand the story ngl
gooks are fucked in their heads
what do they expect her to do fight the guy that punched her fan or something


bros we need a spicy latina to go sicko mode on our pips



oh ok
fair enough


Damning Video Shows Roger Stone Is Plotting a Coup for November


i wear size 38 pants can anyone beat that


im like a 31 or 32 or something like that


Hey guys! I uploaded a video essay last night about Starcraft and its use of the Rebel flag.


You ARE a real smarty pants, and I'm glad you're making videos to show everyone. I knew nothing about Starcraft's inclusion of confederate imagery nor of its past rampant racism in the fan base. Excellent first video, keep on creating! 💜


you look like a retard


"past" rampant racism in the fan base lol
dumb fucking niggers


this is how i imagine gweed looks


opened the vid
closed the vid





the bomb exploding in counterstrike should be way more chaotic and devastating. its such a little cum dribble. it doesnt even destroy anything


162 full of bad bitches


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wait where is the zii stream


literally 162



i want a bf




he said gaming was too exhausting after 3 hours

meanwhile aryssa has been gayming non stop for 12 hours


ugh i slept through the zii stream


i mean thats what happens even if you tune in so


holy shit maybe i should move to America and leave all my friends and family behind, be lonely and afraid of getting robbed or stabbed by niggers every time i walk outside, pay 10x more for groceries and rent, basically everything else
how did i not think of that before god dammit i'm buying a ticket
everything for some extra cash in my bank account hoooo boy America here i come


calm down kwintu


moo deng dropped off faster than anything i can remember in the past couple of years


stop being mean guys


im one of these characters because i was deeply saddened by the news
guess ill be da minion


is that varg


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im having a panic attack


you can live with me and we can split price of rent and food and you will have a friend



do the deep inhale followed by another inhale before a long exhale
repeat as many times as you need


hold ur breath until u die lol






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wouldnt bang


big kusa


beer lord….


post the hitlers my friend one


girls hearing the joker gets raped and trying not to show interest in seeing the movie challenge impossible


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true u know she booked a tick right away


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getting absolutely twizzzted tonight
might go full joker mode (pre rape) on the comm ngl



is that a wig lol
bro help me harass the gook posters


friday night so you know what we're doing


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well if everyone else is drinking….


if everyone is drinking nobody is


poured a vod


I survived hurricane Helene and milton
I cannot be killed




with beer boy floating in the atlantic ocean? seriously?


he'd have wanted me to get drunk


prove it. let us see the stash


whoah! welcome to the description dude! or dudette!!! or dudex!!!!!! or deuteronomy! or whatever bible chapter you might identify as! i really hope you enjoyed the video or I'm gonna delete the whole channel! just kidding guys HA no but for real tho thank you so much for clicking on this video I really appreciate it. In this flick essentially I'm gonna give you the run down on a lil game I like to call starcraft, and how its use of the confederate flag is really stupid and I don't like it and it makes me mad and so mad in fact that it created a hateful little seed in my brain that sprouted into this video and why YOU shouldn't like it too. i also wanted to make a video essay to show everyone how smart I am and I really hope you think im a real smarty pants after you watch this video too. The following resources were used for the making of this video, if you think I missed something lmk in the comments and ill update/edit!!


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gweed types just like this


no but I've been here since old scv when it was just an IP address and the janny would constantly nuke the the StarCraft threads on /vg/
of what man


aint no way we have a new poster here


let me guess, pando invited you here


he tries a new gimmick like once a month and theyre all awful


not new esl retard learn to read


your an esl retard?


our sipper hasnt been on steam in almost 48 hours
floating on a raft of vodka bottles
le sigh


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balltomos fucking dead…


sipper post pics of your front yard man


its so over


brother in christ



*pins the new poster to a wall*
hey what's up man


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calm down man nobody is out to get you


i am




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oh no no no they got yung filly on sex assault


marquise is cool as hell
love that nigga


that shit is gas hold the g


never understood why varg wasnt wearing shoes in this


not like this yung filly bros


damn itd be so crazy is angela white, violet myers, ava adams, and lauren phillips all just showed up at my door to have sex with me


yeah i also love gay ass consumer tech products and subscription based wallpapers for my cell phone


i like informed opinions on new tech yes


hes not informed though hes a nigger


some of the smarts people in the world are croatians and blacks


reminder that hes ethiopian and that ethiopians are the only nigs in africa who have ever had anything resembling a civilization but only because they interbred with ancient greeks back in the day


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i was on a train in tokyo when the news broke. was surprised he was included on the nhk news.



oh man jacks vs ak
phil might rage


croatians dont seem very smart
they put rocks in their soup and about 75% of all croat men are incels and complain about women


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why were you surprised
he was a great man



absolutely nobody

>did i mention i went to japan?


the traveled to japan guy is doing his thing again lol





shes gonna get sand in her pussy


thats not how you make a sand castle you stupid fucking bitch


ugh phil won




jk amlitzer we love hearing about your journeys to the far east


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i dm'd amlitzer asking him why he went to japan and he replied jk pussy
i told him you have to put the jk after the joke and he just replied lol


tf00tbros… its time




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a 4 minute debunk?
you know he was rushing to get this one out


i had arby's and i must say it stunk
the roast beef was even more rubbery than usual
the 'cheese' was cold
the curly fries were at least 30% little scraps not full curls

the chocolate shake was good though


fat retard


it's so lame and cringe



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yesterday when i visited my old uni friend we dd'd some food
i paid 36 bucks for a burger, some fries and a beer
bidens america


people still complain that food delivery is expensive smh


did you get some ass tho


you guys ever read 'stoner'?
thats a depressing lil book right there


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he was but i just figured he was unknown to the average japanese.
i didnt do this tho



you can see the dude in the back remote controlling everything
what were they doing here


(he has to say that because hes a teacher)


legally, i didn't do this


aint no way


making an itinerary



americans be like bro just come here you will have a bigger paycheck but everything is so expensive they spend their entire paycheck on food


i checked flights to chongqing just today and its 800 bucks at cheapest, 24h trip with 2 layovers
i dont think im doing that…


is 800 one way? that doesn't sound too bad actually considering the distance.


hmm its 600 bucks in 16 hours
could be fun


600 bucks both ways i mean


do they have jk p*ssy there
asking for a friend


musk is techincally an "honorary" nigger since hes african
and is full blown jew
so youd have to be extra fucking stupid to trust anything he does


u lil niggas seriously talking about a place called chong ching


are these dudes really talking about going to chingchong?


both ways but theres some sketchy shit about having to call the airline directly
other tickets are 1.5k+ and you can maybe get a 20h trip instead


post the jar jar ziinks pic


chongqing is the most cyberpunk city after hk ofc we want to go there


flying is scary


chinkbro prolly has family in chingchong


i heard that its cheaper and faster to fly directly through russia instead of going way south around


do people really sit down on toilets with the seat down?
thought it was the opposite where you put the toilet down to pee as a guard then put it up when you sit


i dont wanna go to a cyber chink distopian nightmare i just want to see it on the tv or video game


what the fuck


come on man


better control that cybecuck car perfectly its you're going to get exectuted chink chang chong


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it has a billion hot chinese girls though


im into that…


AI = actually indian

AI = actually indian

AI = actually indian

AI = actually indian

AI = actually indian

AI = actually indian

AI = actually indian



damn just won bigly again


two billion brown nipples
millions of pounds of makeup and cosmetic products slapped onto those chinky faces


so does vancouver and they have orcas and lots of trees and they dont eat bats or snort rhinocerus horn dust


ugh might have to have eggs for dinner


millions of stinky shrimp pussy smelling like swamp magic


what are you WINNAN


no way jinnytitty doesnt do blacked raw before the year is over


gleepy whats your nordvpn promo code for 20% off again?


oh no you have to eat the best food ever how terrible for you


you know
you know where you are with


i eat more eggs than you bitch


meant to write phil won bigly


come on man im not clicking on those vids again


open close


u doin okay bro?


ever since i uninstalled doordash i stopped using it and have extra money to buy video games with


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im powering through


those feet got me leakin


wonder what phil's IQ is
bet its freakishly high


canada is cold bro


stroke it daddy


drunk as hell
gonna try tanking a m+ for the first time no route or anything


damn beer boy would have loved this…


tank it daddy


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keep thuggin it out bro


what should i do with eggs ive got two main recipes but im looking to mix it up
eggs sesame oil salt tabasco rice
eggs onions lemon juice salt rice


did bb post any signs of survival i skipped


eggs…rice…oh no


hes radio silent


james no baka!


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baka baka baka!


omg im doing cot and i have no clue how im supposed to navigate the start


i think hes still missing
entering day 3 shortly



you just know they fucked after that


stream it


i dont mind this one because shes covering her face for about 50% of it


demented moidpost >>2226053


we dem gamers anele pepega


wiped on the first pull
3 people left
i logged off


demented moidpost >>2226055



is this the lady from that new korean dating sim


bricked a key on the first pull man thats a new record


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i saw a clip on livestreamfails and had to find her simpcity


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you gotta be kidding me


hoooo boy
you just know theres a huge tilt incoming
hes gonna flip


phil is so smart he folded that


phils a genius


today im gonna set up linux on my old pc and test out gaming
i hear this proton thing works good


pop_os is the distro nerds use for gayming


i want a bf


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were closer to 35 than 25 but yea


supa supa sonic supa sonic sonic


hawk tuah spit on that thang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


id go hog wild on hawk tuah


do you like qwer


havent listened to them before
link me something


this is a bop


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a jack hooo boy


okayu is just like =ω=


stfu spamming buttbuddy bitch




this is just brutal


got to love her


whichever gook is in the red swimsuit and jean shorts
thats a great look there


they got that ho magenta in the group and their whole thing is that they took 3 afreeca girls who didnt know how to play instruments and trained them up
the drummer already knew how to play


can someone get me some potle i dont wanna walk there


i wont drive to the liquor store i wont drive to the liquor store i wont drive to the liquor store


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are there any studio/live recordings
like not a mv


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damn so they are actually doing proper girl band stuff instead of just pretending to play instruments? i like that


cmon man its friday were getting fucked!


why is it on a beach


bulgarians havent invented walls


Impregnate asian women. Launch asian women into the bed. Hold a asian woman’s hand. Make love to asian women. Take asian women out to dinner. Hold the door for asian women. Smile and wave at asian women. Ask asian women out on dates. Raise a family with a asian woman. Nurse asian women when they are sick. Snuggle with asian women at night. Take asian women to the amusement park. Swipe right on asian women. Drink tea with asian women. Massage asian womens shoulders. Tell asian women they are beautiful. Refuse to pull out of a asian woman. Hit on asian women at the bar. Take asian women to the beach. Go fishing with asian women. Watch anime with asian women. Workout with asian women. Go for a jog with a asian woman. Wrap your arms around an asian woman’s back. Grab asian women’s asses. Elope with a asian woman. Braid asian women’s hair. Shower with asian women. Take asian women on vacation.


made a racist 4norm post and ill probably get banned again


this is the future


pandos been really quiet since this dropped


this goes hard


i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf i want a bf


>65 minutes
come on man


you know ima boutta lock in and watch an hour long harry potter video essay


Impregnate bfs. Launch bfs into the bed. Hold a bf’s hand. Make love to bfs. Take bfs out to dinner. Hold the door for bfs. Smile and wave at bfs. Ask bfs out on dates. Raise a family with a bfs. Nurse bfs when they are sick. Snuggle with bfs at night. Take bfs to the amusement park. Swipe right on bfs. Drink tea with bfs. Massage bfs shoulders. Tell bfs they are beautiful. Refuse to pull out of a bfs. Hit on bfs at the bar. Take bfs to the beach. Go fishing with bfs. Watch anime with bfs. Workout with bfs. Go for a jog with a bfs. Wrap your arms around a bfs back. Grab bfs asses. Elope with a bfs. Braid bfs hair. Shower with bfs. Take bfs on vacation.


just admit it


oh no no phil is behind tonka now


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phil is going to lose so much rn


poker is too fp adjacent for me i dont care for it


thats an easy check into fold on river for phil surely


saw that you need to verify your email address to post on the 4 nowadays


cant remember if i used my email when i bought my pass


gleepy here, back from my sipnap and ready to post with my 162 friends
*cracks ab eer*


every rapper and popstar of the 2000s got their holes explored by diddy




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this fucking donkey 3bet me with 6s are you kidding me fucking shitting me right now



nice we got a lil phil rage on that one


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im gonna do it im gonna potle


late night conversations



yo ammy-chan check this out




listening to the new dream theater again


I'm drunk

I can start posting some shit like skinny puppy, type o negative, Fred durst

but toot is a fag baby

so it is what it is toobs



its crazy how normalized mcdonalds 2mm thick patties have become


toot needs to apologize


yes we rent adspace on the sphere


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toot how would you fix this


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aint no way phil made it back


so did i skip your update post?
have you said anything?


reinstall windows


cant u reset resolution settings by plugging into a different monitor


just finished watching this at 1.5x speed
none of them were particularly damning tbh just minor stuff like characters not knowing something they should or acting dumb


[powerful holoclip]


i mean personally i would just ssh into windows and edit the registry values for desktop resolution on the command line but most people dont have ssh enabled i dont think


are you trolling or retarded?




what are these two retards going on about


clips or content of any type concerning pekos monkey? i watch and listen intently


im so glad i potled =3=


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cant believe bb is dead in a ditch rn


skibidi toilet cat


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me and who


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if he was a little fatter with an earring hed remind me of toon


maybe ill go buy just a few beers…


need to finish killer7 sometime in my life


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theres probably some powershell command you could do
or even a batch file could do it but tl;dr


snap this ones going in my cringe compilation


i have it on ps2 i never finished it either


i want to do hard drugs again



how hard


sum1 stream the new tomb raider show


someone stream the new dandadan


back in the day we had a lil coke peroid where we got kinda addicted but we quit it
but now we've been listening to cumtown and nick keeps taling about it so we gotta start doing it again


cocaine aint hard unless you talmbout making some crack


cocain is lame and a waste of money


drugs aint hard unless they have a high probability of ruining your life
meth heroin oxy fent
stuff like that





only time ive done cocaine is when i was on acid and i feel like the effects of the coke were dulled by the cid


the fist 3-5 times i did cocaine it was epic
but after that i kept doing it just felt like an espresso shot


*goes back to the club*


*hops on cocaine*


thats the me espresso


i NEED to see this


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its not even worth downloading
its seriously bad and not in a fun way


that is kinda rofl


only us linuxbros get this one


what is


you cant download cocaine


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>he didn't go back to the club


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not like this philbros…




this is kinda pon


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dang that new dragon ball game is 70 bucks
the people don't care about the +15% price increase theyre buying it in droves theyre drooling over it they need it


last game i bought at full price was bloodborne


goliaths vs ultras?????



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wtf spoilers?


cant remember the last time i spent more than 20 bucks on a video game


pretty sure we bought the d4 and tww deluxe editions but go on


i bought astro bot but i had a playstation gift card for 50 buxxx from my credit card bonus


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heya hoya hoya hoya


so true


hey how are ya hey how are ya hey how are ya


i bought ff16 and it's among the worst games i've ever played


damn man
square is so disappointing

i bet the soundtrack is still great


whats so bad about it


among us?


me in the middle


some online albertans told me that native americans are huge drunks


native americans have some massive genetic predisposition to alcoholism but their entire way of life being shattered living in poverty in the worst parts of the country is probably a good enough reason to drink


ended up buying beer… im so disappointed in myself…


chief sipnbooze



162ers have a massive genetic predisposition to alcoholism but their entire way of life being shattered living in inceldom in the worst parts of the internet is probably a good enough reason to drink


some of it's great but some of it feels really out of place
5% of the game is cool as hell but the other 95% feels like you're playing a b-tier 360 era jrpg


this is one of the nicer places of the internet actually




the fuck


bros we're watching the dodgers game




it's time to get back to fucking work
i need you on that mode again


you seriously think im gonna listen to a black man


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you bought beer?
drink it up, it's delicious


im heavier than goggins ever was


yess, my queen




goggins seems moorish or something hes not like subsaharan or nothing


im as racist as they come but i respect goggins and listen to him




sort yourself out man


the difference between goggins and the average negro?
he locked the fuck in.


>At 24 years of age, he stood 6'1″, and weighed 300 pounds.

you really weigh more that 300?
come on man


i don't come here to get body shamed

let me drink my beer man


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double wopper and a large fries is a bit too much i think

*eats it anyways*





thats like 18 bucks man


fat fucks be knowing the price of every fast food item


its called being smart you should try it some time


it was 13 actually


lock in
for her


wendys upped their dave double to like 7.49
woulda never gotten it if it wasnt bogo


dodgers homer


The Search for Atlantis 2000

12 Oct 2024
pd187’s review published on Letterboxd:

sober, comprehensive danson-hosted doc thats maybe (never thought id say this) too focused on esoteric nazis & blavatskkkian occult-fash but good vibes despite ufotv no ancient-alienz more like the shudd's cursed films in its sideways, almost scolding anti-gratification approach, disenchanting & (i think) deconstructive. the Atlantean Missile Crisis: will a solar flash kill their sunken machines? do priests whisper hymns beneath the waves? will they dream of us too old for light?


thats a lot of big gay words


shes so perfect


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uhhhh bluhhhhh ghrrr


toon stream emperors new groove


yea man thats a huge stereotype thats pretty well known about the indians for the last few 100 years


crazy that if the dodgers win the world series theres gonna be superstitious sports schizos that think gura singing 7th inning song was what did it and petition for her to come back


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when zii dies

were going to lose an icon


heaven is going to gain its most sluttiest incel virgin angel




*rapes the joker*


i dont think people are telling the dodgers to recreate every promotional event they did for an entire year


>i dont think
it shows


damn nigga


who dis


so they made joker 2 bad on purpose to own some chuds
thats what im gathering so far


me nigga


thats a man


die nyanners


the jew director was probably ostracized by his jew friend groups and this was the only way to regain their favor
not saying it was right but i get it


im in a grumpus mood


minion of grumpus?


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fauna gigi and wawa are adventuring cutely maybe that will help


i want a bf



bro you know im watching! on gigi rn


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just read some bad posts



toon stream BASEketball


why is the first series in baseball a bo5 whats that all about


they're about to hit a milly


ill stream
stream my piss down you'r throat


apparently he lifted the go back to the club from pygmalion


lost interest in them a bit ngl
still like them but they're too focused on numbers lately



imagine if someone kyoani'd covercorp offices before a 3-d event when as many girls as possible would be there


close your mouth we are not cod fish


i dunno but i dont really mind
and the wild card round is bo3

the important ones are 7 thats what matters


just found out you can pick a custom background and text color for pdfs in acrobat
this is a game changer


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imagine if someone kyoani'd your house while you were passed out drunk in your bed


im all set on that garbage


i voted vhs but im not watching tonights a holonight


i seen em both!


a movie rated so low it doesnt even have a rating or a movie with a rating 2.8/5


v/h/s was p good but all the movies after it are trash
especially the one that just came out


justin long and his brother wrote one of the stories in the new vhs so im gonna watch the whole series even though it probably doesnt matter


lol which one
i hope it was the one about the cyborg bollywood girl


vhs is fun but im going to bed


when are they gonna make d/v/d


this beetlejuice fanta really does capture the essence of the new movie in beverage form. it is one of the craziest things


its mid?


the more i think about the new beetlejuice the more confused i am
like why was monica belluci even there, all the plot points of the movie still would've happened without her
the dead dad thing didn't really advance the plot either
just a lot of wasted runtime that could've been used on dafoe or keaton instead


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"fur babies"


oh that one was a total tusk ripoff so that makes sense


they call him


tusk was a pretty disturbing movie


its a deeper fleetwood mac album that takes a while to appreciate


i mean following rumours is tough, that thing is a mastapiece


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ok were watching V/H/S (2012) in like 60 seconds get in here!!



dr. house is getting called out on his bullshit


bro im at work


all you ever do is work man


its true youre a workaholic and its taking a toll on your marriage


shaq told me to stop hating jews


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how many times do you think you pee per day


17 times


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ive seen 2 of those movies


maybe the joker getting raped was a lawrence of arabia reference


can someone explain baseball in minecraft terms


wtf wawa and fauna both got alged that office under the stairs vids


been farting since i ate that arbys


whyd you get arbys anyway


i thought a beef n ched would spark joy
instead it sparked farts


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what about these?

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