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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.2225111[Last 50 Posts]



i want a bf


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no way this guy enlisted when dems and repubs are talking about going to war with Iran and Russia for Israel and ukraine
no ones that retarded here


lately ive been seeing clips of that navy submarine movie with denzel washington
looked kinda interesting




dont let not knowing what the fuck youre talking about stop you guys


this one needs your full attention


never seen that one but i saw u-571 in theaters and it was sweet


BEIRUT, Oct 10 (Reuters) - Israeli troops opened fire at three positions held by U.N. peacekeepers in southern Lebanon on Thursday, according to a U.N. source who was not immediately able to specify the type of fire.


we need to bomb the UN


what are those whacky kikes up to now


idk but lil bro here is about to find out irl


who knows. the choice to paste that headline was really poorly thought out if you ask me (and if you care)




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we filled that one up fast o_O




you can't be horny in this thread




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moms be cookin steak like this and not seeing any problem


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where's the gun? she's an american but doesn't carry around at least one gun?



thanks for the late reply! how was school today sweetie


hate moms grey steak


me everytime U___U


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terrible, but i have a three day weekend so it's fine.

eating my quiche for dinner that i made yesterday, it's delicious.


making quiche and eating it the next day is slightly weird. i dont want to hear any excuses either


I'm 31 and neet


i dont have a personality



i always thought teachers had secret freak offs


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wony got pads


i thought that logo said tommy hilfiger did i merge


tommy who?


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went to the hardware store earlier. they already have Christmas stuff out?


i clicked one of those 24/7 x music streams last night that said it was halloween music but it was just generic jazz that really p'd me off


diddy party in the teachers lounge


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spooky gweed


that reminds me i saw someone with like a 12ft tall skeleton in their front yard it looked exactly like one of the giant skeletons in the catacombs of dark souls 1


people do be spending hundreds of dollars on halloween decorations


sailing is pretty cool


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a fruit fly flew into my milk


at least it was almost empty


flies are some niggas


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reminder of the ancient race of giants who lived in america attested to by abraham lincoln


just fish it out and drink the rest who cares


lincoln probably got tricked by one of those travelling freakshow menagerie type things that had the skeleton of a giant sloth with a human head
niggas believed anything back then



gleepy said that tomatoes and potatoes originated from the americas but i don't know if i believe him


the moon looks cool tonight



tsuki ga kirei desu ne


yeah….OR the nephilim were year


northbros can see aurora borealis tonight its some big thing. you gotta be in at least canada


teswa and ewon awe coming out with a wobot?


they were going to show off their self driving taxi car today


do i still have to tip


i need to play a game of dota to finish the event but i dont like dota


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if you dont tip the robot
that robot will remember
all other robots in the world will know and remember forever


i dont likey


i likey less


swrong with you


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my squat form is so fucked
got all the weight on my heels
need to feel that tripod


your squats are hexed


unhex his squats bro


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and i got a nigga
grocery bag



dota sounds like fun and then you get stuck in a game with 9 other knuckle draggers and the game goes on for 45 minutes




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oh yeah, the whole reason i went here was to get a key copy made


are there any cool clips from mikenekos recent streams


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thats such a grown up thing to do


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i miss the old nyanners


the hard r nyanners


id lose my cool dealing with tweaked out sheboons like this all day



u wouldnt do shit whiteboy


gigi bros, check this out



this is some highly concentrated tism shit
she would love it


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look at these huge fuckin tits man!!



this is how deer look at an oncoming f-150


i got invited to my teachers freakoffs when i was in school


i want a girl to look at my dick like a deer looks at an oncoming f-150


oh its an actual gigi vid i was expecting asmon


i saw something that looked like a dead dalmatian on the side of the road earlier
hope it was just a coat somebody left :s


yeah shes dumb as hell no thoughts head empty type bitch


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i have to go to bed now
at a normal time




im gonna wait to see this gay self driving taxi then im going to bed


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holy shit!


remember to moisturize your hands every time you wash them




what do you think the water is doing nigga


drawing the moisture out of your hands



m,y soap moisturizes and cleans


this is what big moisture wants you to think


Former Fed Trader Warns We Are This Close To Another Repo Crisis


been hearing about that crap for years


just moisturized my entire body myself (including my hands after i washed them)


smacked kat a lil bit and he stopped play biting and scratching me


sometimes cats need a little love tap


need to shower before its too late


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this guy reminds me of pad


no they dont.


is that ninja


gotta show cats your power so they dont try scratching you


is that xqc


i like to back off when kitty is overstimulated so i dont train him to be vicious


in my baba ghanoush era


you guys seeing this tesla taxi



looks gay man


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im not getting in one of those man


its the future


*rolls up in cyber truck*
*rolls down windows*
hop in fool, freak off


the future is gay and brown


what if we really do get self driving cars one day thatd be crazy


i saw a video of driverless taxis where the passenger was cowering inside while niggers jumped on the hood and started tagging the car all over


elon has such a cool leather jacket i wish i had a leather jacket


you should buy one and wear it everywhere


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the future is gay as hell


lol he's reading off a teleprompter


tf00t is going to have a field day


how much does it cost
how far does it go


he said under $30k


he says one price @ announcements but retail always has been way more


whats the difference between pad and you


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the bus of the future…


lol these things carrying stuff are just gonna get sacked


hobos gonna love peeing in those things


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here come the sexbots


1 boston dynamics robo dog could probably kill all of ewon's bots


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another day without an anime gf whats the point


seahawks bros, we can still win this…


im surprised there arent more freak arm/leg breaks in football considering all of the collisions and 300 lb giganiggers falling on each other


you can finally get an elon humanoid friend


we could still get a bunnygf..




>down by a tuddie
>1 minute left
why didnt they go for an onside kick?




*slams fist*


robotstippers! in the gazebo!


you just gotta find the girls who go for fat idiots


like bunny


elonbros… we won…


oh no no no shithawk bros we f*cking suck!


cant believe were gonna live in a world of abundance and leisure soon


nevada-tan save me
save me nevada-tan


the 9ers kicker just got heemed


crazy how every election has been the most important election of my life


thats just how important canada is


holy fuck!



remembering this one time me and my friend were being stupid on a darkrp server in gmod and the admin teleported us to a separate room and gave us a talking to and the only thing we responded with was ayuppa and he banned us


gonno watch some more duckman


even if i got everything i wanted in life i wouldnt enjoy it anyway


how do you know


i just want to live in a pod with internet access directly in my brain and instant delivery of whatever food i want


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wonder what fonts well have a hundred years from now


wonder if god is going to strike us down with another great flood


dude what
imagine having a hot gf who really truly cares about you and lets you lay your head in her lap and suck on her nipples


whats the difference between me and toot


you're a nigger and he's a jew


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fruit is so good


i need to make more oc ive been way too lazy recently


we should make fruit tierlists and compare and contrast






we got any gamers in here???

get ON

>WE< are gaming


rocket league


crazy how the 130iq average founding fathers thought the 105iq average anglo americans weren't fit for direct democracy but modern democrats think the 90iq average americans are


government is a sham


damn all the normie news sites are saying ukraine is losing now


people are scary


did they even have iq tests back then


more like the whokraine xD


washed some of my work hats and boy howdy they were nasty


no but its obvious from their writing that people like john adams, jefferson, franklin, madison, hamilton were geniuses



i hope jefferson is in hell
screw his nigger loving ass and his dissected reddit bible


yeah he was a enlightenment inspired fedora tipper but he was still a genius if you compare him to the average us politician today


compared to any modern politician


they are almost as smart as any of the founding fathers other than the dei plants
they are typically extremely cunning and driven people albeit the diff is that unlike jefferson they don't even try to have noblesse oblige and just double down on their greed because they know america is fake and gay anyways and that nobody is likely to lynch them


it would be such an easy life to be a mid level politician in america
what do they even do


hold press conferences


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actually franklin was probably the only legit genius, like a fucking wizard even
that guy invented his own expanded sudoku to doodle on for fun during congress


oh no no no


he would have loved map painting games


>s tier
grapes, mangos, bananas
>a tier
pineapple, honeysuckle, blueberries, pear, watermelon, clementine
>b tier
apple, kiwi, strawberry, raspberry, grapefruit, plumb, pomegranate
>c tier
cherry, peach


bananas are shit man they're all just clones of each other


lil guy eatin honeysuckle


he probs meant honeydews
honeysuckle is alright too
as a kid i would pick honeysuckle, wild mulberries, even dangerous stuff like yew berries without knowing
luckily never had any complications from any of it


i think we can all agree though that even c tier is pretty good


uh i meant the melon i cant remember which that is

yea i love fresh fruit, its the best nice refreshing and sweet
if i could only eat one food group for the rest of my life (and not have it negatively impact my health) it would be tough to choose between meat and fruit


i can fw this


dragonfruit look really good but ive never eaten one
looks like atleast an a tier fruit


i sometimes almost get one but theyre just so damn expensive i always back out


the one i tried was really mild and didnt have much of a flavor


rambutans are a tier fruits they are mildy annoying to eat but they are like grapes but just way better


no i think many of the founding fathers were 'geniuses' and probably would have safely tested 2 standard deviations above the norm if they had iq tests back then adams taught himself dutch in the 3 months it took to sail across the atlantic, jefferson was fluent in at least 4 languages and a scientist, author, philosopher, architect etc… madison was on par with montesquieu as a political philosopher, hamilton was an autodidact who when writing the federalist papers pumped an essay every 2 weeks (like serious essays not modern collegiate bullshit)


learning languages isnt evidence for being high iq literal babies can learn languages


thought so
the tip off was in the name being too cool sounding
marketing always gives really interesting names to things that would sell like dogshit otherwise
like ghost peppers


babies dont become fluent in 3 months


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the highest iq american of the revolutionary era wasn't even a founding father


reddit figure like emperor norton


woodworking used to be a guy with a chisel and a mallet now its all pocket screws and guys with a giant cnc table


all the founding fathers were gay retards






thought that was moo deng for a second


and comm used to be supportive to each other now its just backstabbing and kicking people on the ground


im gonna go to thailand just to throw shit at moodeng


leave the lil pig alone man


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i want to go to thailand but not to throw shit at moodeng


leave the ladyboys alone man


actually im just really interested in the historical sites


what are some cool historical sites in thailand


yea right


your mom for example


unnecessary roughness


people really just go outside and do stuff every day?


lets freaking go it doesnt take 2 hours to dry a load of laundry anymore


bunny girls…


bunny girls arent even real


do you like them…


i like to put them in a pot and make a nice stew


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i like it when i can make my foes "go to hell"




i'm really interested in the history of siam


*condemns a deer to hell*


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this is so sick
i'll buy this


life is fucked up and scary


zii you're scaring the hoes


what if you wake up one day and you see a pyramid head disappear from the picture :O


i want a bf


after all, why not…
why shouldn't i go to the store and get a 6 pack


alright dude just go


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me on the left


wow you are pretty good at dancing


a big day for guys with autism


whats your problem man


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can't sleep with this horrible acid reflux, ugh



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hey am check this out


we would all be doing that shit if we werent so distracted by video games and imageboards


i have a bitchin irl hobby tho


6.5 hour life changing stream: 40 min recap version.
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT VIDEO. DO NOT BE DAUNTED BY THE LENGTH. easily the most important piece of media to be created in my lifetime


yesterday you said you would only post good and must watch cobes material
is a 40 min recap really must watch?


is a hallucination being consistent a good or bad thing


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yes it recaps the 6.5 hour livestream that will bring about world peace and a neo-renaissance like wyld stallions


He literally said he never would tho


big g is known to cap on occasion


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cute collie, the dev who put that in has good taste.


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ugh, biboob moved to japan. im gonna miss her streams.


she said shes gonna stream at the same time



come on man, that's like when a girl tells you she's just not interested in a bf rn.


isnt tsla the airport security people


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reminds me of when miss hannah minx went to japan and disappeared


she might have painted herself yellow and learned to permasquint and melded with the local population


just cracked open a 'ster


who is that? post her nudes


lil zoomer…





oh hell yeah


sorry i can't talk about it, people will say i keep posting the same 3 boring posts




ugh, cute


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ever played ski surf2?


hol' up, boochi and cs linked up?

volume warning




toilet cat keeps hanging out in the toilet and drinking it


thanks for warning, my volume was maxed out



aint no way


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WASHINGTON - Allan Lichtman, the historian who correctly predicted the outcome of 9 out of the 10 most recent presidential elections, has made his guess on who will reclaim the White House this year.

Spoiler alert: it’s Vice President Kamala Harris.


second world low iq vibes


looks like ill be tracking you fuckers down


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BROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW WERE EATING 3 PIZZAS TONIGHT!!!


kamalapost funny because they no like kamala




it was a news post retard


sorry i was probing


probe your ass retard


i will enjoy cutting off your limbs


i dont get why every en girl doesnt move to japan


i understand perfectly because i know about japanese culture and the logistics of moving to japan


dont they skip a lot of the shitty parts by being streamers


its different when you have a japanese company as big as cover sponsoring you
they do 99% of the paperwork on your behalf


that guy is annoying


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i think it's all the garlic that i eat that's causing my acid reflex.


because then they have to actually do work. they can't blow off management for months at a time when they are just a few train stops away.


i think its because you coddle your body and are baby


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i'm baby?


you need someone to cuddle your body


that would be so cool
especially if they were a cute jgirl


>project manager is now citing ChatGPT in meetings and giving us giant documents that are pure AIslop and expecting us to read that shit

It finally happened, tech got so fucking cringe that I honestly can't take it anymore. I feel like I'm living in a South Park episode. Do I have any options? Is it too late to be an electrician or a plumber or something less gay?




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i do coddle my body but clearly i need to or else i get sick
don't we all…


yea it is too late


crazy how hololive plush's will be appraised for hundreds of thousands of dollars on antiques roadshow decades from now


like for instance when i get heartburn i just assume its because of multiple factors in my shitty lifestyle and i just it is what it is it and try to ignore it


amlitzer its time to hop on trt lil buddy


get fat
get mad


like i know i can leave a 'za out for 16 hours and still eat it.


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only if my insurance were to pay for it, and besides doesn't that cause you to lose your hair?


sounds like me fr


there are worse things than losing your hair especially if its grey



isn't trt what trannies take lol


its time


if you take trt for heart bun you might be a holotard


hes taking it because hes frail and sickly


boring posts


oh it's you


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i got this but idk what it means


the chinks really got a city named ching chong 😭😭😭


it means your shit is all gay and you sound retarded


i was very mature and didnt slop last night
but tonight the demons are calling out to me


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frozen III
warcraft III the frozen throne


sigh…cat loves my toilet more than me****


disney doing phases


is this a cinematic universe or what


have you tried the letting him drink from the gently running faucet yet?

i keep the toilet lid down now.

something huge is the bag of birdseed i started to put out cups of under his windows. its attracting birds and making him go sicko mode in the window watching


the little mermaid cinematic universe is not a part of the greater disney cinematic universe IDIOT


i just did when he jumped up on the sink, prefered the toilet


hawk pooah shit on that thang


i hate how google maps is screwed up in china so you can't look any of these places up


ready to make some bad posts


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>google maps
lil bro we use apple maps here


>apple maps


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toilet cat is now playing with my paper instead of the catnip toy



clean your fucking room


bro you shouldnt be keeping receipts around they have harmful chemicals on them


*jumps around to happy hardcore at 10 in the morning*
no no no no no no!!!


what are we listening to boss







bro are you the schizo that santized his liquor bottles during the kung flu?


doesn't this guy have a bunch of controversy
it's slapping though


yeah he had a nazifursona and something else idk


*pulls corners of eyes with fingers* oooh berry coor


oh i thought he was sexually assaulting people but that's pretty bad too


personally im in here


hitler loved animals, i dont see why a nazi fursona is controversial


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hey man open up your mouth for a second


i remember seeing pics of that city flooded early this year its crazy they built it where it it and crazy flooding is just a regular part of life for the lower tier people


before they started making western style towers everything was built on stilts.


couldn't read more than 3 words of this post


Sexual Assault Controversy

In 2014, Tumblr user Nishimikan made a text post accusing Renard for sexual assault, saying that Renard gropes people in their sleep, with her being one of the victims. Nishimikan claims that she has made the post to "raise awareness" of Renard's actions. Shortly after, the post was shared to the Lapfox Trax subreddit, where it gained 40 points (82% upvoted) and 96 comments.[16] The original post has been deleted, but was archived on the Flash Flash Revolution forums.[13]



*takes horse xanax*


/tv/ has a /jrg/ general now




>crazy they built it where it it and crazy flooding is just a regular part of life for the lower tier people
oh i get it, this is a knock against floridians


waiting for the epic tf00t take down on the musk presentation



no jrg
joker rape general


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zii are you seeing this


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door dashed a 2nd cat


you gotta introduce them slowly if you want them to be friends


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gleepy why don't fast food restaurants and other businesses have gargoyles on them anymore


toilet cat is jealous, he was meowing with her at first


because jews and gargoyles are natural enemies


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wish i had a sun tan


the sun gives you cancer man


sorry i can't talk about it, people will say i keep posting the same 3 boring posts


then why is there a sun god


its a trajedy women dont respect tolkien


broken branch…



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100% made-up BS.

Our Sun deity is a goddess named Sówili (Sól) or Sunna. There is no "Pagan son" anywhere. And there is no "Queen of Heaven". The closest you get is Nátt ("Night"), the goddess of the night.

And No goddess was ever called Fregg, nor Freyda. It is Frigg and Freyja.


not gleep but aren't gargoyles supposed to keep demons and stuff away? most businesses are run by demons so it wouldn't make sense to have them up anymore.


alpha male cat is pawing at the orange one hiding behind me


thanks varg 👍


im too tired to go to bed so ill just stay up


sorry i can't talk about it, people will say i keep posting the same 3 boring posts


yooo flex some survival crafting game on epic?


>sun vs son

the star around which the earth orbits.
a boy or man in relation to either or both of his parents.

No, Myfarog: Mythic Fantasy Role-playing Game is not historically accurate.


File: 1728658368578.jpg (14.61 KB, 300x152, Ra_Barque.jpg)

is ra didn't exist then why are there ancient drawing of him


we dont have epic and we already have the one survival crafting game we will ever need


lego fortnite?


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using my day off from work to watch watame!!!


alright man i'm just saying…
calm down ok?




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get a gf man this is pathetic and this is come from a non gf neet who just game all day





does this guy want to kill himself over this yet


thatd be great content


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how do they get the inside of their hair to be a different color like that


i think if watching watame makes you happy you should keep watching watame


there aren't that many n64 games


are you aware that hair has layers


is she nibbling the skin off that apple


well excuse me princess, some of us don't have hair anymore


youre excused


okay then beat them all genius


she licked it off


*beats every n64 game (and i mean all of them)*


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lmao my toilet kitty finally hissed. ive been hissing at him for a week


that must take a lot of diligence im proud of her


stop hissing at your cat retard


actually i'm not proud of her and i think she needs help


ugh the zero sugar fruit twist fanta tastes revolting


good hiss and smack keeps him from clawing me or my items


working on it


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i'll check in with you when you're 200 games in


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is she okay


she just disintegrated what do you think


japanese is read right to left, so she is fine now


<Heavy voice> NO!


i started slipping thab vids when he's paying a real stinker of a game


wish izumi konota was real and also my gf


potterheads, you seeing this?


damn bitch you live like this?


not fembrained enough to be into this


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when will tesla make fuckbots


bitches love it when you stuff them into a tiny closet under the stairs


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i would just get one of these


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sex robots will never be good



hoeh? what ist dis?
i support this and definitely think youre ready for another cat

i dont know


i dont like videos like this because someone is inevitably going to try to fake this shit for views
like logan paul almost killing his dog on purpose so he could "save" it


gd i love white people we're so amazing


hate wypipo so damn much bros


i just got back from leaving the house for 2 hours. big boy grocery shopping all by myself. i got the beetlejuice spooky apple fanta!


mixed race tiktok zoomers are listening to hitler speeches for inspiration



chikara koso POWAH


hispanics love hitler



hispanic here,


so how is it intk


2nd most important day of my life tomorrow


it's international coming out day…


we came out ages ago lil bro


don't fucking call me lil bro ever again


lil sis*


what happens if ur already out and then u come out again


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its evil day im going evil


it is chilling rn but its saying its apple spice flavored


evil pando mode



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you said this already


we need to bomb lebanon and the un
we need to invade iran


who is we


these are just being remote controlled
elon is a fraud


so theres a guy somewhere standing around tardily waving his arms?


i could get paid for doing that??


anything is possible


hoooooo boy


how is tampa


about to cook up 2 bacon sandwiches


i might cook up some sausage and eggs fr




i have got a serious problem with breakfast sausage


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1 step closer to ending mortgages


*insures my cardboard box for 1 000 000 000 dollars a month*
hah feels good to live in america where at least i know i am free


if i had a neetchild leeching off me i would reversemortgage


would you reverse mortgage if you had a leech parent?


shut up



how do i find a 300m hill


what does emmersonian mind mean


we dont have the technology to do that yet


i just shaved everything.


keep messing everything up


2am in japan
miss flare pulls a 70k card from a pack and sings a cute song


what are these normie ass questions about having friends and doing activities


i passed by this hookah place in the middle of an industrial area a couple of times and theres literally no way it isn't a front for drugs or human trafficking

there are never any customers and they have UV lights and stuff all over
it just looks sketchy as hell and it's right next to an overpass too


did you go inside and check it out?


boiled my first lobster today


tf he do to you


i dont have a deathwish man


stfu narc bitch


how did it feel killing that lobster, how did it taste


this beetlejuice soda is a little too funky.
its like apple cider flavored soda that just goes hard cinnamon at the end. and its neon green


has anyone tried the crabby paddy meal yet?


that stuffs not good for you


so you've tried it then?


felt weird because it wasn't cold anymore so it was moving around like crazy before i boiled it



yuria satomi will always have a special place in my heart….. but they pop out new good javs all the time so its okay


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stay strong chud-san!!




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that's why we wear 2 fingers of sunscreen, sunglasses, mask, use a parasol and seek shade every day


just don't go outside??


sometimes i'm forced


yes, go outside and have sex like healthy human beings
although if you had gf you could have sex inside


kill yourself


if you go outside AND don't have sex its so over for you


went outside to get a haircut today didnt have sex…


how are we looking


i feel like just be yourself is not the right advice


having s*x outside (no sunscreen) is a big thing for us


i want a bf


many +50 are looking for young body




Just one second…

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i hate being alone at night
something tells me tho I could hate being with someone even more
I guess I need to check this one out


*cracks open a refreshing cold beer*


oh heck yes



come on, young boy


im in man you know im in


toot make it a week this time man hes not gonna learn with pussy 1 hour bans


50$ per hour


*slides you a seven minute cute holoclip*


gonna queue it up for lunch time





i think i deserve a beer


*cracks open a second cold one* join me bro!


i wanna drink but………..


we're all drinking man it's friday


its friday man. you can sip


but i'm losting weight and i'm doing really well……….



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hol' up?


baka architects


let those uva rays pierce your skin 24/7


ahh, that's good cider


crazy what people will do except stop causing climate change


im just about to start drinking too!


are you trolling or retarded?


is the mansion going to have this technology


how do plumbing/gas lines/electrical work in the mobile house


the same way in a house boat?


poop in the water?


miss luna released this cute mv


all im saying is name a woke racing game, you can't


we love miss luna here


forza horizon


mario kart


so i know that hurricane was a nothingburger in the end, but has anyone heard from beer boy?


it spawned several deadly tornadoes how is that a nothingburger


*spawns a tornado under ur feet*
by the power of elune!


your brain tricks you into thinking


that doesnt sound right


the girls are such great patrons of the arts
its like the renaissance up in here


is beerlord back yet




destiny looks like the product of incest thats a pretty good argument against it


i just watched a lesbian show where the two girls find out they're sisters




okay man


man i just had an insane nap


hold on i need to see what a scrawny eristic and known pervert make a public apology for incest


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these emotes slap



would this make the house weaker to wind?

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