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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.2433351[Last 50 Posts]

its time for lambdawg-sama's super ⚝hyper⚝ and ⋆˙⟡cute⋆˙⟡ thread!!


shit op but im not gonna say anything so i dont hurt his feelings


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fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


tfw no shiny glistening thigh gf


amlitzer told me hes trying to start a hololive after school club and he sits there alone everyday until 4p.m.




is that ishowspeed or not stop dodging the question


sorry man i am so tired i need a quick nap


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cant believe the dark triad won


Hax$ (pronounced "Hax Money", May 7th 1994, – March 25, 2025

wait wtf its unironically true
what the fuck


rip to the goat
fuck the dark triad


yea that guy we never heard about died


its so fucking over


fuck you leffen you hold no power here


isnt this the guy who deliberately tried to kill the game with 20xx and the b0xx
good riddance?


holy fuck


this guy has a scammer's face


what if lisa su isnt his sister and hes actually just mrs doubtfiring as amd ceo


fucking rectangle players i swear



im getting fucked up tonight


lisa su could kinda get it after that pic the other day


erase those genitals


painted a wall
didnt look like i messed it up but will have to check tomorrow


the n64 bombermen games were so cool


guess who woke up at 3 in the afternoon again!


so were the snuper nintendo


i never played those



stormgate, wild gate? how about close the gate when you leave the dang yard!!


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>Wildgate, a crew-based sci-fi game where you can fight in first person or in ship-to-ship combat in space


im practicing my crowd work


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you're doing great sweetie


thats jensen bro you better put some respect on his name


how come they dont make fist fighting games


like street fighter?


its really weird being tired all day then completely full of energy at night


like glove on fight?


well he looks like a scammer (and he is)


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current 3 worst x posts that keeps popping up in my alg
libtard ragebait
staged situation that is obvious 2 secs into the vid
dont open in public


the first person part makes it lame
i want a game thats mechwarrior in space big clunky ship to ship combat
like fractured space



this is what shows up on my x feed man


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x? you mean twitter?


hoo boy its vault day!




lol sometimes it be like this for us weedheads




they killed him because he's autistic


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lol bikers are so fuckin obvious man


dad really thinks i should go out of my way to help him with stuff around the house when he never does anything for me


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stop deadnaming man


i was sexually assaulted today…


youre telling me for 40 years my ass was getting molested


i need a beer bottle opener that has something to catch the cap so it doesnt go flying


use ya teef


*glomps you*


ate a piece of pie earlier but i want another piece



not funny lol


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if you become a witch you get to play all day


that would be sooooo cooooooool


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*euthanizes you*


every sparkler needs their worm eater


no way worms taste good


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its tuesday
and you know what we do on tuesday night


her teeth


get a nice rest for an early start on wednesday?



fromsoftbros…we won.


jerma is a wowbro and a fromsoftbro? i thought you guys said he sucks???


*fires up wow*




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crazy that were quitting wow in 2 days and getting a job and moving out of dads house and starting our life at 34 years young!


crazy this chick drank all this by herself right before the photo


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come on man youre not fooling anyone


i believe you


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this is what our podcast will be like


oy vey those are big


howard stern sucks


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yeah its poe time


unironically cant tell why anyone would watch jerma hes not even talking with chat


my eyes itch


talking with chat is the worst part of any stream


ching chong chimmi wang ching chong chong


watching other people play games is peak lilbro shit


real hood niggas watch asmongold watch fox news streams


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now watching the hawk tuah documentary? thats some top dawg shit


good, im glad we agreed only low iq nigger monkeys watch that shit


this is a real hood nigga board you buck


hol up we sneed the stream on this one


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fuck honkeys


got this case of beer sitting behind my door so everytime i open my door it just makes a clinking noise


>"i wanted a catgirl maid so i made one"
>"i wanted a panther v tank so i made one"


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who the fuck is that little kid? i dont remember malcolm having another brother
but also toon hasnt streamed it yet so i havent seen it in 20 years


dude thats baby spock!


i always wondered what these actors who never really get famous end up doing for money
like theres no way someone being on a bunch of cancelled tv shows is making a lot of money to live off of


prolly sucking cock in an alley


my thinkpad is so sexy


are we playing the first berserker kazakhstan


think… pad
think about pad


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hol up theres a culvers in florida now!


take toons place and stream it for us




oh shit you gotta get it!


its up


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so happy i downloaded this clip i wanted.
why does hawk tuah spark so much joy?


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i get home from work
i sprint to my personal computer
i open the one six two thread and make a post


they had another baby in the last seasons man


its 20 minutes south of me do u want to meet up some time


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*peyton manning voice*
chicken parm you taste so good
grimace shake is in my cup


is the truth really more bizarre than what i thin?


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this is a pretty smart idea


when i used to have a fucking job i would think of imageboard posts all day and i would write them all down on hand or on receipt paper so i could hammer them all out when i got home


una barto


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debatin' manning?


what a beast


lookin good gleep!


better not be mouldering and decaying boy


remember it is me and cobes 34 birthday tomorrow




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lol this dumb thai bitchy really thought it would be a good idea to show the actual vocal queen how she thinks it should be done




lol this dumb bitch really thought we would care about this gay post


its a huuuuge drama in the kworld man


this is so us


im grateful for these 90 second explanations of korean pop incidents because otherwise i would have no idea what is going on


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i do this when im eating dinner but then i forget about them




do kids still run around holding scissors
do they know what cut and paste comes from


*reads the room*
it's up


did we watch this yet


sneed the cobes-asmon link up man that shit would be biblical!


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>do kids still run around holding scissors
>do they know what cut and paste comes from


lol biblically accurate glegle


is this a gleegle?


theres no way glegle was in the bible


running with scissors? those are the guys who made postal 2 man?


oooh i bought some coconut water let me try that bitch


i heard coconut water tastes like cum
let that sink in


well let me update your knowledge in like 30 secs


a girl on youtube said that. it is now canon to me


my headcanon is that uh youre gay


haha got em


This is why chubby girls reign supreme. I mean, jesus christ, look how fat my pussy is.


hmmmmm doesnt taste like cum
it tastes like if you took coconut meat and ran water through it
water but with faint very watered down taste of coconut


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i dont like how this lady put jesus and her fat pussy in the same sentence


maybe it was her prayer



steam is down… gabenbros…

its ogre


i dont click on the p*rn links


this is the classic lil bro


how is this acceptable fellow gamers


^ lil brotato




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mirrors startle me


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you ever take an online quiz that tells you are vegeta



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we need to eat more creamy liquids




gleep im starting my first tom clancy tomorrow
hunt for red october


holy fucking crap man you're just like that one guy!


enough fucking around with that john lecarre spycraft shit
clancy is the GOAT


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*logs onto 162*
what's up my bros!


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i failed to meet expectations and then accidentally started drinking




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holy fuck!


kotkinfriend u up?


im gonna read those le carre books too, his stuff is all over the top of every list of best spy novels


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thats a bangers



okay, well, im gonna read ringworld


this talk slaps


no kotkin?


oh shit that looks like halo!


how many times did blackwater change their name now 8


its just smartshit is the only way its related


its up


i heckin love erik prince and peter thiel and marc andressen and the whole right-wing sociopathic control freak tech network!


the freshest kotkin is 7 days old [banger]

ill take a look


peter thiel is epic as hell


i heard marc andreeson is trying to start a new libertartian city and the bureaucrats wont let him


i like eric prince all mercenarybros are our guys simon mann is based af also


i run through the world of warcraft
thinking about playing tomorrow


all the tech billionaires have a closeted vibe except peter teal


hes literally gay dude like hes married to a man


he tried to keep his gayness on the low but that one site outed him
which is bull


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would you have a closeted vibe for a billion dollars


hes hyper catholic and fully 100% gay u gotta respect a guy like that


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hey man, it happens
uh, okay?


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gay people are always so gay and doing gay things. im not down with that shit


its gonna be crazy when i get super rich like peter thiel and then some paparazzi runs an article about how many hours of tgirl porno ive watched


im in my yachting with ladyboys era


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what era comes next it seems like youre maxed out


japanese x is buzzin about this rn
apparently its based on a manga https://www.mangaupdates.com/series/brzbf9o/shikyuu-ren-ai
her womb fell in love with another man


wombs do that?


wombs arent real


Manga is the Japanese equivalent of comics
with a unique style and following. Join the revolution! Read some manga today!


any tinn in japan updates?


i just read an issue of berserk not even 20 minutes ago


tins womb fell in love with his father in law


this is like a JAV squeezed into a drama its weird


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is her vagina faithful? or does it conspire with her womb?


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japan is bringing hentai rules into mainstream media?




crazy how i look like this


holy fuck man im in


this but unironically


tags: cervix penetration


meant for this golf cart >>2433584


oh no no no ui-mama bros, we got too cocky!


why did tin decide to get fat


holy fucking shit


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chat is this real


this is so us



how about this undercarriage





damn that owner is hot i could settle easily




i thank you just because i dont have 'za and seeing that has me fiendin


isnt this problematic


dae hate niggers?


what if black people never left africa like at all and they were this weird phenomena the whole world watched in awe


its up



this is huge


hot DAMN that pizza looks good as hell
right up my alley man


oh thats where eraserhead baby (the drug) comes from


its crazy how all you have to do to make a good pizza is make it crispy and dont put a shit ton of sauce or cheese on it


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this was the best boss in wow and its not even close


what about sneed or the jailer?




sneed? isnt that a rumble hero?


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remember the hbo show animals


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hooooooooo boy!


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o shit




twitterlord you dont miss a ting


wombs are kinda hot


i wish elon was a nazi


imagine if elon doubled down on the nazi salute and just kept doing it



and when i say we like em nasty
this is what i mean


david foster wallace deserves more than an airport


elon is mein fuhrer
i would die for that lil nigga


the dfw airport


i still havent read infinite jest




i hate my cat
i dont know what to do. i'd never bring him back. all he does is destroy and scurry away like a squirrel. he isnt a cat


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wild that she is actually trying to play gold/silver legit with a SNES super game boy instead of just emulating it on a computer and pretending she is doing it legit lol.


miserable fool


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i tried years ago and gave up a couple of pages in
i just couldnt be bothered



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an yujin gf



i got 2 strawberry uncrustables for dinner


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this gets me in the omos


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what about this


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dad wanted to climb everest but his buddiess wifes cancer accelerated so the trips canceled



crazy how a black man has never set foot on the south pole


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hoooo boy its time


how do you save peasants who were already cut down


>theirs nothing up their


is he wrong?


that sounds like a cope out


gravitys rainbow
sitting on my bookshelf
never opened


climbing everest when you arent into mountain climbing and are just paying the tour company to sherpa you up there is kinda lame and burdensome anyways


imagine spending like $50k to go to the top of everest and you get up there and its like yep im way up in the air on this mountain alright time to climb down now


i would definitely die if i tried climbing mt everest so i will pass


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dude at 56:30 this guy says that america has more in common with russia than china or india
are we finna be allies n shiet?


white people do be like yup


it costs 50k?


yep thats one i havent read yet either
jon blow said it was good


there are 13 other mountains above 8000meters id climb before everest. id save that six flags for gooks circus for last


for me it was ulysses


you guys are so well read…


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*posts the thing*


bro we didnt read those books


imagine grabbing her by those udders and milking them right into your mouth…..


thats ok those are the hardest books to get and its ok if you cant handle them


we read all those lilmemes in college


im here to save you girl
come be in stavvys world


im gonna sew a vest with one of those hoodie pockets


hey guy that really hates tech bros and the military industrial complex and peter thiel and billionaires you should peep this one out


ive gotten that ad


i like how the right wing tech chuds name all their companies after lord of the rings stuff


not me i love all those things im huge into all those things



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wish i had a thing im thingless


at what point are you as a man supposed to just abandon all of your principles to pursue money


age 18 preferably younger


*spins the slot wheel*
learn to hop on wow man!


im watching this 'devs' show right now if freakin stinks


i do this thing where i get really into something and then proceed to over do it and get burnt out on that thing and never want to do it again


who is that ad appealing to idgi
its a guy who says he now has to be in the office for way longer than before but is on his phone doing dumb shit all the time and isnt actually doing any work
whats the idea im too dumb to get it


thats cause you are too old


may be


youre right im too old
*puts on some eminem - the eminem show*


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gooked up an egg sandwich


hes acting like job is bad but they show job is cool. is funny


what was cool about it


looking good gleep


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dougie was crazy for this one


dougie pisses me off so much


crazy how you dont even realize you got old until like 5 years after you got old
i remember when i was like 32 thinkin yeah i still got time man everything is gonna be alright
it was already over


i remember thinking how old i would feel once my age starts hitting the double digits


im 34
im still young


i think my dads gone crazy


they're making death machines and military hardware for the american military
what is possibly cooler?


bro doesnt even know hes cooked



yeah man you still got time
you got this


you guys arent actually like 32 years old and making these posts are you? tat would be really weird


well now that you put it like that


in a lot of ways im a death machine


working for a company that makes rockets and robots and submarines would be pretty slick


i still have time to relive exploring pandaria
and then heading back to draenor to save azeroth again
and then defending azeroth for when the burning legion invade


but the day to day is just spreadsheets and cad stress diagrams




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chocolate covered espresso beans need to be outlawed


i think the hardest book i ever read was the sound and the fury
the first part is just some 162 tardbabble for like 50 pages



the sound of the fury warrior *presses bloodthrist*



the sounding furry? sounds like fetish content


i fw faulkner heavy


being an unaging immortal would be so cool



meds now lil bro



refried beans and tortillas all over this whores ass


i actually fantasize about being an immortal swordsman roaming japan fighting oni


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smart guy


i bet me and faulkner would have alot to talk about and get along pretty well we both sound like brooding outcasts




this is the difference between a developed and undeveloped inferior cognitive function


i bet niggers have highly developed inferior cognitive functions lol



what else should i read by him
by read i mean put on a to-read list and then maybe buy in five years and put on my bookshelf and never open


he spends a lot of time writing about this


literally me


i dont know any faulkner books i guess he wrote sound and fury? did he do finnegans wake too? i dont even know


i bet were going to see a lot less body cam videos from youtubers in the coming years because apparently the police station has to have someone manually go in and edit out all the personal info from the vidfeos


all of faulkner?



im just like tokuchi


faulkner would be a huge mr. beastbro


finnegans wake was joyce i think
iirc thats the one you gotta really drink the koolaid on and study his whole life or else it just gibberish
faulkner wrote as i lay dying and uh some other stuff


misutah biisuto


what if ghenis khan was a zoomer




as i lay dying
sounds like an album name


you shouldve read faulkner by the time you finish high school


that was a hard time for him when his family was abandoned to die on the steppe by the guy who took over the tribe from his dad


sorta burnt out watching girls put makeup on like ive seen about as much as i wanna see for a lifetime of that


some of us didnt go to or finish highschool asshole


he locked tf in tho frfr
he hit that grindset


ok by the time you are finished high school aged


this as a blanket statement is just retarded and not taking curriculum into account. youd have to be focusing on english and taking honors classes and extra classes you dont need to finish high school


wasnt wow out by the time we were highschool age?


i really dislike bradley cooper


he killed his brother for stealing a rabbit he caught


lil bro is 70 years old


wait oppenheimer, like the movie?


bwadli coopwa


lil bro is from the mesozoic era


as i lay dying is a good one and its a lighter read than the sound and the fury


is the whole book about a guy lying and dying?


we do not tolerate thieves


maybe he was planking on the wrong spot…


yeah and hes gooning to gooks the whole time


bros dont steal bros rabbits


power rangers mesozoic force??????


our posts are basically done in the stream of consciousness technique


if that was actually true id buy that book right now


you mean like a conversation? lol


you should really read them if you are american


yeah but the way you put it sounds way more retarded


now which one of these guys hated niggers


probably all except twain



those authors? never read them not one line of their books. for me, the true american authors begin and end with poe


idea: as i sit in my chair gaming


and hes the one they meme about the most because of ole jim


they say to write about what you know well explain tolkien then


they not like us


nasty whore 1 2 & 3



tolkien knew about gooks


he was a nerd


chatgpt i need you to write in the style of faulkner an old man lying dying and goonin to gooks


name one gook in tolkien's writing


fuck all that big brain figuring out what tolkien was metaphoring and sheeit


he goons then he dies


what if
smoking weed is a superpower


twain was kind of a proto-redditor tbh
a yankee in king arthurs court is his fantasy about how a 19th century new englander would basically be a magician in medieval times from his superior scientific knowledge, rationalism and work ethic


all the elves dumbass
the whites are men
and niggers are the orcs


its my understanding the elves were all gooks


belladonna gook and the entire gook family


the original isekai?


then what are hobbits and trolls


yankee was a romp how dare you


those were tooks!


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this guy really thinks this is not what tolkien had in mind when he was writing about the elven race


The bed creaked under him, a groan older than his bones, and the sheets, yellowed like his eyes, clung damp to his thighs, and still he gooned, the screenlight carving shadows on the wall—shadows of them women, shadows of his wanting, shadows of a man who’d once hollered hymns at revival and now whispered nothing but breath, breath and the click of a mouse. His heart stuttered, a clock winding down, but the flesh didn’t know it, wouldn’t know it, not yet, not while the gooning held him, a trance deep as the Mississippi silt, and he saw—or thought he saw—them Korean women turn their heads, their eyes black as judgement, and he wondered, in that last flicker before the dark, if they saw him too, saw the old man dying not in grace but in the muck of his own making, gooning to the end.


was this grok?


thats how im going out
gooning to the end


shutters warped and peeling, letting slits of God’s own scorn leak through—he gooned, gooned with a hunger so rank it shamed the devils in their pits, his rheumy eyes fixed on them Korean women flickering across the screen, their skin pale as moonlight on a still pond, their almond gazes slicing through him, and he, wretched man, craved it, craved it like a dog gnaws a bone already stripped bare

fuck this is actually pretty good



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stayc j its going down


them korean women huh


why dont we have good authors anymore


we do have good authors theyre all writing manga


and why that a good thing


limitless is just about a guy who starts taking adderall


we got eminem


m n ms are candy


its okay i still have to get through gogol


the overcoat? all time banger one for the ages


*shoves you*
*shoves you again*


hmm theres still time to be the next kurosawa before ai gets there




all those make up and camera tricks weren't available then, at best they all looked yellow in pics


we still have chess tournaments even though stockfish exists


weve seen korean women in real life bro theyre angels bro




these bags of frozen burritos dont have a way to reseal them wtf am i supposed to do


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imagine if tolkien knew about hanni…


File: 1742951104048.jpg (335.84 KB, 1170x1743, GeE9H4AWAAA_wSO.jpg)

i'm tired of skinny gooks


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fuck i gotta jack now man


hanni gooktongue


if tolkien saw hanni hed have said
>i changed my mind about the orcs!


she would've been made into a treacherous villain with no recourse


danielle on the other hand would be the queen elf cate blanchet played in the movies


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hey screw you assholes


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time for the you know what bros! streaming ep 3 & 4 of diebuster! soonish.




you starting your stream is like waiting for kanye to go onstage


this is so thiel coded


one day woody got wood


aww jeez i hope the stream doesnt get reported or anything


rotten sassy child


i dont know this thiel guy but ive heard the name


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damn i gotta make a film fast


give me a part


that books real funny man
the father character was a real hoot


stream gundam seed bro!


dude dont make me clop


did u see this yet


what if being good at words and stuff is cringe and gay so we never get a good writer again


File: 1742951619814.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.91 MB, 1280x720, 1742945917474881.webm)

crazy this is what tolkien was thinking of when he wrote elves


cmon man


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starting nowish!
i can do the hd movies sometime.



cool cool


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got really fucked up last couple days


chat is this real


i have to shit again? i just shit


fucked up in the crib


its crazy how this seinfeld ep was just a gigantic ad for tupperware and yet nobody cared at all


thats kind of my theory is that being good at art is gay and cringe and also not profitable anymore so all we are left with is nepobabies


i have to sip again?



im gonno clopp


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Perhaps most astonishingly, not a single white American man born after 1984 has published a work of literary fiction in The New Yorker (at least 24, and probably closer to 30, younger millennials have been published in total).

either white boys stopped writing or publishers stopped looking at them


im finna bleed out my dick cloppin to this horse pussy namsayin


oh hell yea i nam u sayin man


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reminder that there's always a chance


he transitioned?


he's a baseball star there is no chance man


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faulkner would fw em heavy i feel


think anyones ever really jumped into a cab and told the driver to follow that car


theres algs about this the people who choose what books get published are all lib women and also only liblinlenial women are reading fiction these days


theyve feminized the written word


and we're the ones who will masculinize it



it is pretty crazy how you can walk into a barnes and noble and theres just row after row of basically unreadable garbage by untalented hacks


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and then theres the movie section


they out there playing the wackest games of melee you ever seen


new jeans latest performance was full of lip sync…


please dont perform sir



men are smart enough to realize that you dont need to go through the struggle of getting a book "published" when you can just write a blog on the internet




i put my black v neck on and look like a huge faggot




modern day writers are being held back by infinite scroll porn algorithms


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shoulda been a cowboy


ive scrawled my genius o'er these banana-laden walls


i like this >>2433893


thought it was funny the time the guy posted the pic into gpt and it commented on the absurdity brought by the jungle background


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lets just say tonight we have a little experiment brewing


a drink combo?


the infinite porno loop


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yeah i skipped chump, what you gonna do about it?


i hate you


im convinced the beer in the bottle tastes different than the can
that theory will be tested in about 4 hours


just skipped a post


dad found the idol merch..


read the dates on them and make sure one isnt 4 years old if youre taking the time to do an experiment


best by on the can is aug 25 and on the bottle its may 25


its a bad place to be


i only watch manime
gurren lagan
kill la kill


kill la kill is for tgirls


✨ Immaculate Melee
Daily Puzzle - March 25th, 2025
Stocks Remaining: 👸
🟩 🟩 🟩
🟩 🟩 🟩
🟩 🟩 🟩


norm la norm


hooooooooh boy
the link up!


bald faggot


can hear dads retard nigger ass breaking stuff in the kitchen




none of those shows are good or were good nor are the manime



im just going to let you know that i insta close almost every holoshit i vid i open but absolutely nothing makes me pause the vid and close it faster than when i hear fucking english come out of one of those dumb roastie whores' mouths


going back and watching all the popslop i skipped cause it was popular


thats so cool of you


reminder that you're doing that.
we arent doing that


going back to a world without internet would be so crazy now that weve had internet


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the future is quadripedal. runfags will adapt or seethe


wtf elon musk is in transcendence


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its time to get it


if i need to hustle up a hill or a long set of stairs you know im going gorillamode


used to love going gorilla mode
havent done it in a coons age though


went cocoon mode


hold the fucking phone
i just found a channel that hosts asmon restreams when hes offline!


watch this instead


is that legal?


is transcendence supposed to be about elon musk does elon musk think he is johnny depp


we need to play pokemon stadium 2 at the mansion this game looks wild


*gives you a lobotomy instead*


is pokemon a solved game?


theres 40 different pokemon games


and not a single one is good


ill play with you


i think pokemon is solved right there's like the ultimate comp




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remember when ewon was on rick and morty


trystscroll time


have you tryst'd yet?


hookers disgust me man theyve all had thousands of foreign dicks and gallons of stranger cum in em man


maybe gen 1 is solved or theres a rps setup but later gens definitely have metas more than solutions


no and i never will im terribly afraid of getting aids its just a fun escape


read that as hookers digest


hooker's digest
with epic lunar charts about how spring affects the whores gonnorrhea


im afraid of nigger bodyguards robbing and killing me


im afraid of being crushed and mangled by machinery

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