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 No.2394249[View All]

wheres gleepy
550 posts and 91 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


how bigs this one


2x the size of earth


carry the one….square root the X…

yes here it is, 300 million years give or take a few hundred million


that doesnt even make sense you cant put the 6 in


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i mentioned, when i posted the first tetris puzzle, that it was possible


the whole point of tetris is that its not static
if you want a static puzzle just solve pentaminos instead of tetraminos


man you gotta stop with these gay spins in your problems we cant even solve them if they are not required and this just adds like 100 extra iq requirement to the challenge


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toot how the hell did new horizons send back photos of pluto
how does a picture get sent 4 billion miles


>how does a picture get sent 4 billion miles
try looking up they get sent from a lot further


*looks up*


its up


lil bro aint never heard of wifi 😂



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delivery for 'ceo_of_pawjobs'


wait wait wait
hol up
the boat was binted?


they just drag and drop it over wifi


applejack more like plapplejack




got all my stuff done today and beat dad home







america was so great that we launched a space probe in 1977 and its still sending back information


if my thumb nail falls off im gonna be so pissed


im never drinking again


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i dont like the "knowledge check" that these spins present but restricting the domain of puzzles to exclude them would make creating these puzzles far more difficult
there arent many useful ways to abuse the rotation system in these puzzles so you only really need to know the S and Z example that i presented above
the I piece has unintuitive spins but those dont come up too often
my tetris client has standard rotation with all the kicks working so hopefully it will be better when i get it working and you can play it out
i enjoy solving these scenarios
i solve these myself before presenting these and i only post the ones that i enjoy solving


had a single beer tonight but thats it


yeah no man theres NO WAY that last piece snaps into place


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oh no no no!


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you can try it yourself
set up a stack like this, place the S piece exactly there, then rotate counterclockwise



thats not how the russian guy that made tetris designed it thats for sure
its some retarded jap trickery
the russian tetris guy would take one look at that and agree that thats bullshit


magi wants to combo like me so bad


most of these retards who allow the marshall attack as white have no idea what theyre doing
yea they get a pawn but its a freewin if they make a single mistake


original tetris didnt have a hold piece or any kicks
its a different game
the modern game has more interesting scenarios and the increased flexibility gives more power to thinking


*clears throught*


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sigh wish gleepdawg was here to review that undercarriage


the japanese are so talented at getting me off


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not him eating that whole slice after saying one bite everyone knows the rules


spinach on pizza is kind of cap because its super watery and it fucks up the za


its up


so its good or its bad or what
i thought cap means its good


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made another $10 today nbd



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