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"starcraft" discussion
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 No.2393647[View All]

the ram was the issue i guess the timings didnt match up
now im locked out of this pc because idk the password and i havent used it in a decade
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have you no shame? you drove gleepy away and you're still posting this trash in the thread i hope you get raped to death bro


welcome back gleep


hooooh boy i am in in in in in



its up


i hate computer hardware soyboys with a passion


burkes legit man youre just an ltt stan



you ask too many questions


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non-wowbros will never know what this feels like


shut up freak, hope dad spanks you again soon


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donkeys are so cute


i hate ltt too i hate all new hardware and i hate the fanaticism over hardware it should not be impossible to run an internet browser on a 10 year old laptop and it isnt going to get any better if people are still crawling over eachother to buy the latest insanely over-priced gpu so that they can ruin their eyesight with all the blurry post-processing and bloom and dlss and fucking generated frames and raytracing oh my god kill them all


when the guy looks back at the camera while hugging the donkey it reminds me of the amateur porn vids where the girl looks at the camera while shes bein fucked


wish i had a nice donkey and a donkey type lifestyle


cant believe boomers were getting all bricked up over lara crofts literal triangles


the entire video is shitting on nvidia and every vendor that sells nvidia lil bro how about you open that 3rd eye for once in your life


uhh we werent getting bricked up about that


lil bro on alliance oml


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how was i suppposed to tell with this soyboy clickbait alg thumbnail did you really expect me to click


i blew my third eye out with heroic doses of air duster


first game related thing i j/o'd too was the sex audio in max payne 2 in that hotel level




says fake prices right on the thumbnail lil bro i actually take back what i said earlier i think you need to open your first 2 eyes and read for once in your life


pornsick moid


ate that 2nd sub. full and bloated from that and beer earlier


i was looking in the pantry not because i was hungry really i was more just sight seeing but before i knew it i had opened up a ramen cup and had no choice but to eat it


i heard that in france they consider subway to be a desert cake and not a sandwich


kimchi fried rice


i heard that in france they consider roaming muslim child rape gangs to be cultural enrichment


ive hit fat bottom, destroyed by my gluttony for food and beer. whatever i coulda been is gone


youre telling me a kimchi fried that rice?


you can remake your body its never too late



i know that feel bro



i dont get how you eat enough to get fat eating sucks


eating yummy food is the single most enjoyable thing in life


i want to know what it feels like but i dont want to level alone and my only leveling buddy isnt my friend anymore


remember when um

everyone was really hype for the um

oculus rift


ill level with you but im stopping at level 11


im already past that man im like 42 or something


um in hell


linus troon tips


get my dick sucked in the sky im a martian



its crazy how theres been a gpu shortage since the 3000 series nvidia cards and that was like 5 years ago and everything has been overpriced and scalped since then



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