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 No.2372003[Last 50 Posts]

sex sex sex sex sex sex


i want a bf


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whew almost just saved $15k by thinking i didn't need one of the surgeries but i snapped back to reality that was a close one


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are you getting leg lengthening surgery cause i heard thats whats most important is to have long legs


shit or get off the pot psbro


leg lengthening surgery costs 6 figures and leaves you like partially disabled i've heard i'm not very interested in that
it'd be nice to be a little taller though…


stay a cute little manlet for daddy


whats it like being short


its really fun when tall strong men pick you up


5'5" is not short


i thought that surgery was a midget only deal… normlets get it?


anyone getting leg lengthening surgery that isn't a midget is not a normlet


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wowbros and potterheads linked up??


anything under like 5'10 for a man is short imo because 5'10 is the lowest height a man can be and plausibly like to women that they're actually 6'0


my ex was 5'10…


oh yeah whats his name HAH


im not telling you




i like that my name is soft and not hard like mark


just finished miss polkas bday live vod it was p good




my name? david d. davidson


bob is not a soft name


it doesnt get softer than bob cmon




the r is hard


that's one of the hardest names you could think of


the r is not hard the b is hard you melon


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we missed a chase that went to car failure but it wasnt exciting skimming through




mental illness going turbo rn but might just be hungry


its impossible for a b to be hard


if your name is bob people can call you boob when you do boobish things


you need to say bob out loud


i just call him boboboboboobb like anna did that one time


*whispers softly, sensually* bob…


i just whispered it soft and sensually and recorded it and played it back and it still sounds hard


guess you have a speech impediment idk


its 3 letters i think i got this one


*compiles your docker image into a binary* heh nothin personnel


erm im non binary


you're not valid


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*they is valid


yeah that was the joke jackass


thinking of trying dating apps


you have to make an account for those


like scruff?


lmaoing at your life


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why tho


were on tinder hinge and happn


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canadabro u seein this?


the body of a 60 year old white woman


im not worried


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why not


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this is the kind of girl we like


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where did you get the most matches?


whats happn


were on barq and grindr and what was that dick sucking app someone mentioned here once its actually crazy how many apps there are out there to facilitate people having gay sex


i get all my gay sex hookups from onesixtwo.club/scv


crazy how everyone is having sex except for the gaycel


poor lil fella


come ON ross…..




hol up there was a new guga and nobody linked it?


ross is a pretty soft name


how about claude


dad is such a midwit boomer faggot


no idea who ross ulbricht is and i dont care





two things id like to share with the 162 today

i went to the grocery store and the bagboy had a name tag that said "zeck" like zack with an e zoomtards are really fucked

and i saw the ice cream truck go down my street and i almost stopped and got some but i didnt want to be a 34 year old man with grey hair getting ice cream from an ice cream truck


just found out harrison ford is playing the hulk in a new marvel movie lol


cmon man you gotta hit the ic truck next time


having $12million to lose would be pretty sweet



he's "orange man bad" raging saying drumpf has made the skies unsafe for the entire country


nothing wrong with getting some ice cream from an ice cream truck
grow some balls you fucking pussy


ice cream trucks are for children and families lil bro


grown men get their ice cream from their creamis


just drive over to dq man


"hey can i get a sonic icecream for my kid"


i havent had ic since ic month


hell of a month


creami peanis


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holy fuck!


lol she freaked out when the nigger touched her


ugh im acid refluxy or something


man i'm sure glad 105 iq boomer retards that watch captioned msnbc videos for 4 hours a day know how to turn this country around


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finally its up
great char thick undercarriage


hate gugaposter
hate portneyposter


didnt realize they have florida in pizza


thats the same person


bless you for whingeing for i do not


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another day another L for maldavius figtree


shittiest poster by far


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bros we gotta enter!


holy fuck he went for the second slice
and then a fat tinny came out and had a slice as well lol


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we need wowspammer back
we simply aren't whole without him


no we really dont actually


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lol us asmonbros am i right



this guy keeps +2 and -2ing people


season 2 starts in a month or something bro you know we are gonna be back in action then!


and he only pauses the video so he wont get copyright striked. thats the secret to reacttubing is knowing how often you gotta pause. i think its once every 1-2 minutes


portnoy has the NEUROVIRUS?


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this guy is 100% tin coded


thats a big boy


we're all wow spammers man we love wow


another place portnoy is annoying is his freakshow boxing league where he woganlarps and does the announcing


i hate how much he was struggling with the cheese on his slice it looked disgusting



any new pirate software drama


its up


holy fuck its josh allen!


we need to start dressing in head to toe beer company clothing


heres him discarding a two pair hand and then when he fucked the run and chat told him hes retarded he gaslit them by saying he never had a two pair


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30 eggs, 9 bux


now thats a fucking steal


not that theres anything wrong with that


they call me the guy thats too lazy to discard and just plays 2 pairs


gleep what's this guy's deal


this game is so gay man i dont know people unironically actually upset this didnt get goty


i hate hate hate piratesoftware i want him to die a painful death i want him to lose all his money his streaming "career" i want his "game" to tank i fucking hate him so fucking much


Ravens’ Justin Tucker accused of disturbing sexual misconduct by six massage therapists


i dont think theres a more iconic typecaste role/actor in the entire history of shows than kramer


+2 but i don't think it's ever going to happen. this guy is going to be at it for years


i dont know his deal i saw the queen. i play balatro now but not very much. im keeping it natty and not watching any outside stuff or learning joker tierlists.


im not sure if theres a person who could play kramer other than keith richards, this guy is like the fucking epitome of kramer as a person



The poker roguelike. Balatro is a hypnotically satisfying deckbuilder where you play illegal poker hands, discover game-changing jokers, and trigger adrenaline-pumping, outrageous combos.

there is no way you guys are playing this gay ass shit


not trying to be a dick but thats not what typecast means


we are playing it you best believe it


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The phrase "gay ass shit" is a colloquial and derogatory slang expression that combines multiple elements:

"Gay" historically refers to homosexuality, but in this context, it is often used pejoratively to label something as "uncool," "weird," or "undesirable," reinforcing harmful stereotypes.

"Ass" serves as an intensifier, adding emphasis (similar to "very" or "extremely").

"Shit" is a vulgar term for "things" or "stuff."

When combined, the phrase is typically used to dismiss or mock something perceived as stereotypically associated with LGBTQ+ culture or to demean things the speaker dislikes. However, using "gay" as a negative descriptor is widely considered offensive, as it perpetuates stigma and marginalization. Such language contributes to a culture where sexual orientation is weaponized as an insult, which can harm LGBTQ+ individuals.

Important Note: Language like this can unintentionally (or intentionally) reinforce discrimination. It’s best to avoid using terms that demean identities and instead critique things respectfully without relying on stereotypes or slurs. If describing LGBTQ+ culture, specificity and positivity are key (e.g., "queer aesthetics" or "camp style").

ohhhh so thats what you meant


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we need to improve our english speaking skills here


i need to move to china man


i don't cheat at poker man


hate speaking


that's unsightly


almost shitting yourself is such a horrifying experience



omg grubby is playing with stormfall



i hate my life


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mid, would not settle


i typecast is when they make you play the same type of character in everything you do like jason statham, danny trejo, modern liam neeson.
i think what you meant was just straight up casting/casted for the role


its up


thats a great point


this is crazy as hell man i always thought this was a steam hole wtf!


yer telling me for 40 years my wife was tucking their cock and balls and pretending to be a woman *wheeze*


based gaybro
based blindbro
based incelbro
based sickzii
based holospammer


that hole is to let steam escape though it came from rice cookers. in a crock pot it would be for reducing shit


that was already debunked lil bro


ate a bunch of roast beef with my dad…


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whats dei now



don't care about stormhall where the heck is cassandra tho


drivers education initiative


by wheezeman or did it really get deboonked? you can just say i dont need the alg i'll believe you


diversity equity and inclusion


aint no way said it man you need to stop skipping


theyre queering up the dudes


i refuse to be queered by books



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drumpf fired the faa chief 6 days ago (even though there was no faa chief for 18 months of the brandon administration), that's why that military helicopter ignored the control tower and flew into a plane

^faggot ass msm boomers belive this 100% without a hint of sarcasm


so do i


did you watch the video i linked earlier?
one thing i can add from watching so many LA car chases is about when the police helicopters need to go across the airport.
they have to call and check or get traffic diverted before they zip across the path of the runways.

the blackhawks leaving the bolling base did the same crossing of the runway flight paths a lot.

we need to wait and see what their protocol for crossing was and what happened that night



toot ban


dumbass fucking baby


i've seen dumber babies


dumb babies need the most attention


ho-ly fuck


whites are kind of a slave race for the jews when you think about it


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*clicks on video*
yeah dude this guy makes a pretty good point
yeah. yeah. that's pretty true
*pauses video*
what he just said is really true actually
*unpauses and nods along more*
yeah. yeah.


did you just manually transcribe that from the pic





gonna watch this


ugh wranglenorm is back


gleepy whats your race tier list? reminder that white is not a race you have to be specific



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>reminder that white is not a race


hate spoilerbabs so much


1. fenu-greeks


bark louder mutt


dont need to already learned all that at hebrew school


oh speaking of that this old 80's stern clip with daniel carver i uploaded. i stand by his list


im trying to bond with you give it the 5 minute shot and then turn it off at least


all he does now is argue with other right wingers and calls them jews if they acknowledge racial differences


>he actually thinks slavs and aryans are the same thing
burger education goes hard


when the fuck is bunny gonna post new pictures of her tits jesus christ


sorry man but i clicked this link and got hit with 2 ads back-to-back so i closed


ok fine ill watch it but race tier list NOW


(skip to @5:20)


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>he's still in his teen /pol/tard phase and uses terms like aryan unironically


i like the guy who posts those gray ahired snowman pics lol


check the haplotype envious anglo
theres a reason why our country has most doctor lawyer ceo


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any poster that shits on the retarded pol fucker is a friend of mine


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>check the haplotype


whats a haplot ype


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i adjusted it


im the hero you need but dont deserve


its up


ok theres not a single white race on that list
we dont care about the other ones


thats a solid list


*wears those pants like its ok*

well white goes on top


gays are a race?


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34 years old and this is what my parents get me? FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!


which ones
anglos? celts? danes? greeks? french? germans? slavs? romani? swedes? finns? spaniards? come on man do you really think theyre all the same thing


ungrateful cunt


holy fuck man nobody cares if you start posting about haplotypes im going to start spamming bbw gooks and asmongolds face again


watching the klan guy sort them out is hilarious he instantly grabs nigger and kike and drops them down and then starts to think a little


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i fucking love gooks so much


just fucking rank the european races motherfucker then we can post all the asmongold we like


kinda crazy how gays are below niggers too but i can see it


how does any of this help me get a bf


its funny when people take that quote from ben franklin where he calls germans tawny as his 100% genuine and sincere opinion and point to it to say 'see they didnt think most europeans were white back then'


i already saw that vid you reposting ass skipper BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!


>the european races


1. northern indian
2. german
3. all the other shitskins you listed
4. southern indian

i told you theres a reason we have most doctor lawyer ceo its simple


>swedes (what i am)
>british (also what i am)
>germans (also what i am)
hey can you tell i'm american yet? kek
>literally everything else (subhumans)
okay can we go back to asmongold spam now


you think im gonna read your shitty posts?


just stood up and got lightheaded and realized i havent eaten in 12 hours lol



you actually think british is superior to germans? are you serious, kid?


they arent listed in any specific order except for that the ones i am are above the ones im not


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pre-1950 they were doingwell



minnie has some absolute snoozers on her album but some songs are actually cool


why do you hate me so much man


asmongold reacting to asmongold reacting to asmongold reacting to asmongold reacting to asmongold reacting to asmongold reacting to asmongold reacting to asmongold reacting to asmongold reacting to asmongold reacting to asmongold reacting to asmongold reacting to asmongold reacting to asmongold reacting to


i just want to understand the pecking order between the greeks and romani and spaniards but your being so difficult


polspammer is the asmon spammer as well huh
must be toss


i feel like my country ranking of europe would be too historical based. like italy is S tier historically but irl rn its niggers and probably C tier (france isnt france anymore etc.)


kinda crazy how our good friend pando never comes here anymore…


i dont actually care about race i care about nation-states and ethnic nationality which is far more important than stupid polnigger spam about muh races and muh haplotypes. go rate the lombards and franks and the magyars you fucking retarded nigger instead of pretending like modern european nationalities are actually representative of what got them there


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za's ready!


looking good gleep


this post reads like its written by a racist ai


hell of an undercarriage


i still have the steely dan - peg gook version stuck in my head for 2 weeks now. gook parodies where the chorus is mostly 1 word is funny but driving me crazy
(come back to me)


that looks so fucking good


you can um scrape that off it's fine 🤥


recognizing historical groups of peoples such as the saxons and the franks and magyars and visigoths is far less racist than thinking "hungarian" and "german" and "slavs" are meaningful subdivisors in-of-themselves as ""racial categories""


im glad that my steelydanpills are slowly working


indeed, quite


thats def a bot



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thats it im hopping on translr and fucking some tbabes


only half an hour until nick fuentes is debating milady


no im the other guy thats already pilled


they just like being called babes man dont call them tbabes


oh but everybody freaks out when i say aryan


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tier list of germanic tribes? go.


we already have 162 bro!


telling you weirdos to just join a climbing gym its full of all the silly kinks you demand in your gfs


i cant climb bro im 300lbs


step 1 go on a diet


my personal tier list:


for me? gotta be gooks love me some gooks


crazy how gooks just sat around and ate rice for thousands of years while white people invented everything


they had that 3 kingdom adventure deal


just watched all of severance that was a grip


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the gookier the better


confucius and mohammed did irreparable damage to the world


i have s1 downloaded gonna watch it soon
does s2 end on a cliffhanger as well or is that the last season


s1 ends on a massive cliff hanger and s2 isnt finished yet so start at your own risk


give us your meaningful classifications and rank them


a grip? the fuck does that mean


oh wtf i thought they released the entire thing like they do with some shows now


>He was a man born into the world to shake the nations, the scourge of all lands, who in some way terrified all mankind by the dreadful rumors noised abroad concerning him. He was haughty in his walk, rolling his eyes hither and thither, so that the power of his proud spirit appeared in the movement of his body. He was indeed a lover of war, yet restrained in action, mighty in counsel, gracious to suppliants and lenient to those who were once received into his protection. Short of stature, with a broad chest and a large head; his eyes were small, his beard thin and sprinkled with grey; and he had a flat nose and swarthy skin, showing evidence of his origin.

i think plastic surgery could have saved rome from atilla's wrath


1. franks
2. lombards
3. magyars


its this time again


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time to take my ass to publix


i like the mulattos more man those cookies are fucking bomb


bro its all the pepperidge farms cookies!


hate to be a broken record but you gotta get those bags of cookies the bakery sections of the store bake and bag up.
theyre frozen dough balls made into fresh cookies.
they arent middle of the store 1 year expiration date either really hard or creepy chemical soft aftertaste


i did that and they were so bad


well maybe you got them on day 5 when they were old and bad? i dunno what to say. pepp farm are the only edible cookies from that section.
its chips ahoy i got beef with. those suuuuuck



doesnt look too bad except the vegetable oils thats in absolutely everything


one look give em whiplash



any of you guys eat greek yogurt which flavor should i try im buying it for the first time


im surprised at all the good ingredients tbh. theyre below the bad ones so theres less of them but still.


if its your first time get a few individual cuppies flavors. honey or fruit seem to be the big ones


i get plain greek yogurt and mix it with either granola mix or a little honey but the different brands of yogurt can taste pretty different


you gotta add some pb to that shizz


i keep craving cream yogurt
i swear i could live off of it for the rest of my life


alright im getting this strawberry one


wait why did i type cream yogurt when the debate was about greek yogurt and that was the entire point of me posting that intro


oh my fucking god i love biceps curls



smiths break (not gay)


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*logs onto 162*
whew boy, these long days are really getting to me. it was pouring raid on the way to work. i got completely soaked from the waist down as my rain coat doesn't go down that far. had to drive extra slow too; was almost late. today at school some kids were spreading a rumor about an ICE raid at the school, which had all the latinx kids freaking out lol.
made another batch of ninja creami, this time i used fair life chocolate milk instead of the regular milk. will see how it turns out tomorrow night.
going to start the rome stream when i get back from my workout in about an hour.


hate when it pours raid


good night niggers!


why is that lol


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i get the feeling this is going to be very boring


its not going to happen but tell them even if it did they gotta do the really bad rape/murder guys that were hard to find in the first wave and theyve got a long list.


nick has entered the space
i repeat
nick fuentes has entered the space


so milady is elon musk?


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nick just called for total milday death


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charlotte fang sounds soy as hell


cream of tartar thats a race right


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bro, how are you lvl 90?
y-you too


i play too much


ammy why are you threatening your students with ice raids


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rfk jr is a zynhead?


A Japanese anime studio uses XPS AI PCs with Intel Core Ultra to bring characters to life faster. #IntelCoreUltraProcessor #GoBeyoncePerformance


gleepy im calling you out


this imageboard aint a-big enough for the both of us
ill see you at high noon



ai is bringing anime to life!


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let me know when ai can get me a kgf


do we play any ea sports games or sports games?


we play rocket league obviously


i kinda wanted to get into playing madden but i feel like people stop playing them after the first month or two



need to build even bigger muscles so i can die a beautiful death
maybe ill start taking creatine again 2 months before i do it so im even more swole


how do i stop doomscrolling


i realized how big of a help being able to nigger cattle through watching sports was when i could play a new or 1 year old EA game for that sport every season when it came around


watch longer shit, play games, do your little activities try to catch yourself when you do it and then stop


they call me diamond the way i attract all the miners (minecraft joke)


are we going to die soon


2025 make it or break it man


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holy fuck!


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gaming is worse than doomscrolling though


reminder you have to pre order your wings by the weekend or else you wont be able to have any for the big game


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crazy how germany operated on mystic voodoo rules of taboo where all nazi iconography has to be banned or else its magical power will mesmerize the people and turn germany back into the 3rd reich


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limp bizkit has hit the zeitgeist


not a bizkithead


another nba nigger is under investigation for betting on games


not a netflix anime adaptation head


boys a miner
bo-boys a miner


havent mined in forever


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marblecakes also the game


whats moot been up to since he left google


one day it will be toot on the time100 thing


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"ma'am what does it feel like to have had the largest mass shooter of all time posting on your website"
(this is a joke fbi)


i dont think ive ever paid half that…… for a whole computer


all that to generate anime boob webms


huwake up huwhite peepul


hate when im pooping and my body is like alright all done but i feel more in me so i have to wait for my fart to come off cooldown


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starting now, gih rome bros!
wasn't me!


werent there terrorist attacks or something recently what happened to those


DARK spore was better


the point still stands


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im in i got caught up in [NIMA-045]


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>i got caught up


this is literally what gleepy thinks white people are


i get your point but i take things very literally and know about cat breeds and patterns


sometimes i look in the mirror and see a freak


oh mah gawd theyre sexing


but you wouldnt dare rank them


scottish fold is the best every other cat breed is shit


lucius verenus' wife did a lot of porn in the mid 90's i'll find some later if anyone wants. yuro/italian/ ?i forget 3rd country


my current phone plan is $44/year is there anything cheaper than that
i really dont even need a phone


i could only do a loose ranking of some i like but there are giant gaps in the breeds i know. i've been to 3 cat shows but i've only seriously looked into learned the korat, russian blue, bombay cat


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too much sex in this show they need to tone it down a lil


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if i were to get a cat i think it would be a siamese cat


cicero means chickpea


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come on man


he's been warned. we only want to see hot girls here like meowdalyn, kaitlyn, bonbi





i would've made a pretty good town crier back in the day. a shame that profession was killed off by the jews


i dont think you have the diaphragm for town crier


what are you the gatekeeper of the criers?


merely an astute observer


CAESAR…. IS IN ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was smiling open-wide when that happened it was as wholesome as TIME………. STOP!!!!!!!!!!!


the roman crier had a fancy name i think. i dont know it anymore


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and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming
im just about 3/5ths done cutting out and sanding the track pieces for my tank model. shit is insane. my hands feel all pained and arthritisy?
still have a lot more to go but im over the hump


are you taking regular breaks?


when my hand hurts i take a break


thats a crazy amount of finnicky little sanding work to do by hand you gotta take more breaks before it starts hurting


i flexed a little too hard like a tough guy in my answer. the dep breaks keep it safe. theres lots of those.


why do you keep getting cats


cats are cute


this nigga watching Rome?


need a soijack edit where it goes:

caesar (normaljak)
caesar, italy (soijak)


or is he watching gladiator 2?


hooooooh boy


i briefly considered seeing sam hyde, charls & nick live in hartford but it was just a bit too far



you shoulda gone for the culture




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i found


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howd you find roman soys?



its up btw. i love how he keeps getting more dramatic with these. at first i thought "wow imagine living next to this guy and every night he goes out onto his balcony to shout at his phone about memecoins" but now he's taking it to the next level. that motorcycle one? that was badass man


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totally gweed esque


this is the only vtuber ive ever liked i used to have a folder of them on my old pc


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we love polka here


is waiting to the end of someones shift to fire them normal cause it seems super rude


that's ideal cuz then they just go home instead of either finishing their shift knowing theyre fired (never good) or leaving early (why theyre already paid for the day)
its best really there's no good time to fire somebody


but working all day alongside someone you know you are gonna fire acting normal the whole time is psychotic


i mean yeah if youre like right beside him but usually the manager firing you is like in a little office and before you leave hes like
>hey uhh can you come in here for a sec?


when youre the manager you get to make these decisions


im not management material


im fire material


lets see if i jack off tonight i can take a shower tomorrow


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i bet neetgirls pussies smell way worse than our balls




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love that webm


the one in reverse is better


its revolting


it reminds me to stay humble when attempting the 9/9/9 challenge


i like it because it's a guy in a rough spot doing the best he can


my new years resolution was to watch one movie a day
its january 31st
ive watched zero movies


you guys gotta check out miss polkas bday live if you havent she put on a good show


ive done pretty good ive seen like 12


movies are so 20th century


movies are just worse tv shows and you can put that one big g


big ups to the big man all love be to him


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you have to sip


aint no way


at first i thought this was walt jr
then i thought it was that one guy from degrassi


do they still do that presidential fitness test stuff in schools
like do 50 sit ups and 10 pull ups etc


nah man they replaced gym class with tranny story time like 5 years ago


he doesnt look that bad on the right just some normal dude. unless you know about the pic on the left…


the lighting on the right isnt doing him any favors either


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cops need to set up a better studio and hire better photographers for their mugshots if theyre gonna keep publicly releasing them imo


wish french maid girls were real


its a fixed digital camera usually now they stand them in front of the wall and someone clicks the computer


wish the 5060ti with 12gb of vram was real


rather have a cute maido than a top of the line computer


that gamers nexus video about the 5090 supply he started talking about how during chinese new year they just go on vacation for an entire month



5060 isnt top of the line man!




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the sexy french maid aesthetic might be the original sluttified girls halloween costume type outfit and possibly one of the first porn genre tags. the slutty ones started showing up in the 1920's in burlesque/ early pornshit


that pic isnt one of the slutty ones its one of the norm ones


still looks better than the cheap polyester cosplay shit


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cant believe i microplastics in my nuss…


*sips water*


i got a lot of macroplastics this month. i lick my files to clean and wet them to sand my plastic model more


damn the daily show sucks hard now was it always this bad


so did anything funny or interesting happen in the nick v milady debate i listened for a bit and it was a snoozefest


i dunno trevor noah was p fucking bad its hard to imagine worse.


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jon stewart did a few special eps during the election. they were p boring and i changed them.
it was interesting in that it was the first time i saw normie media not just attacking drumpf full force and making fun of biden & kamala as well as drumpf.




helicoptermush for anyone who wants to know more than asmongold


hitting another plane in the middle of the air seems like its something that would be extremely hard to do


kind of insane the difference in talent the daily show used to attract compared to now at one point steven colbert, steve carell, ed helms, and john oliver were all working just as correspondents compare that to now where its just a bunch of ugly snl rejects with no charisma


everyone is on youtube or tick tock


kyle going from youtube heavyweight to irrelevant when he joined snl was the wakeup call people needed
>just keep doing youtube
was the message and we heard it loud and clear


sigh guess ill go jack off now


so do you get in trouble if youre the air traffic controller guy that flew two planes into each other


probably just a warning if it was your first screw up


just a slap on the wrist if its your first time costing the lives of 30 people no big


so initial thoughts are ATC were a little slow on calling out the warnings, monitoring what was in the air and have most of the fault

complacency in the military repeatedly flying that route caused the chopper to fly a little high.
i know you gotta fly military people into washington but under 200ft. a bunch of times everyday is crazy and rolling the dice
so like 60/40 blame

the helicopter pilot wasnt bad. it was training flight to pickup VIPs you only get that job if yer already good. blackhawks are way harder to fly than normal helicopters and they do have lots of crashes.

thats why its only happening near airports where you get actually "traffic" peep and zoom https://www.flightradar24.com/


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>another helicopter crash
i was already scared of those things after kobe but now? get them away from me


shoutout to the good folks at fuckedhard18


this is embarassing when i've seen peak madison ivy and so many others fucked in this room


juno looking bitch


love juno looking bitches


elliot page…


amai liu is a worker. huge fan


always blows my mind when i see little girls like her and vina sky taking huge cocks all the way in their tiny bodies girls are incredible


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hol up this plane is flying into the twisting nether!


sir hes approaching the ice wall


wonder what happened to the kids that george bush was reading i, pet goat to when the planes hit the twin towers


fuck fact that video shows notre dame burning down remember when that happened?



oh the childrens book was called my pet goat


they got to listen to 12? more minutes of my pet goat after he got the SIR


ill add the audio
>ohhh mah lawd! oh my god! jesus helps meh oh lawd helps meh!


hold your horses partner i gotta see how this story ends


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mouth fulla cum


white mans cum


crazy how i did all that for the nookie


those astronauts are still stranded on the iss they were only supposed to be up there a week lol


space is so retarded


space isnt real the iss is a studio in nevada


itd be pretty crazy if they invented antigravity in order to build a film studio in nevada to fake space


its not that shrimple




Test Analyst, WoW Classic - Job opening on the Classic WoW team. Starting pay is $16-$30 depending on your experience and requires you to work in office.

Bb it’s time to get a job


>$16-$30 depending on your experience


anal testing? sign me tf up



hmm $16 an hour in irvine california

Irvine, California is one of the most expensive cities in California. The cost of living in Irvine is 81.1% higher than the national average


i would do this if I could work remote


i feel bad for dsp


sickzii is the top financial programmer in croatia and makes $10 and hour


how the fuck does ltg have almost 3500 subs


its almost february that means were one month down on the trip to 2026!


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i'm a shitty programmer and i make around 15 eur per hour


aint no way a wow teen qa tester makes more than zii lol


ugh my gacha dailies take 1 hour for me to get thru…


Wages in Croatia increased to 1366 EUR/Month in November from 1340 EUR/Month in October of 2024.


i'm literally 1% in Croatia


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ok first of all, i'm not autistic


*rolls eyes*


in the united states illegal immigrants working at mcdonalds make more than that lol


gleep what was the final verdict on the (((denver airport)))


but new houses in america cost $3 000 000, while here they cost $150 000.
and i don't give a shit what amerifats have to say but houses in europe are built better (with bricks)


hate girls that talk from their throat zoomer girls do it way too fucking much


the cost of living is way bigger in us


The generational entity attachments stops with me!!!!!!! I will not continue the evil that has been plaguing my family In the name of Jesus Christ!!!!!


keep thinking that you little faggot


what does this even mean


you know where they generate their vocal force from their throat instead of their mouth


oh like kaitlyn? pretending she doesn't want to get dicked down by a gang of good ol boys after pulling off the highway into a truck stop on an american road trip?


isnt kaitlyn some tranner freak


ID verification website where I was asked to: take pictures of my driver's license front and back; and put my face in front of the camera and turn my head left and right



spankbang asked me to do that


poop update
i didn't poop for 4 days now
i think i'll have to calm down with 'sters.
max 3 per week from now on


im retarded i cant stop self sabotaging


>take pictures of my driver's license front and back; and put my face in front of the camera and turn my head left and right
the GOP is good for me


guess ill post my poop story
sit down to shit the moment my ass parts, a foul stench fills the room i didnt even fart i just sat down and it was like i entered a zoo. the shit was a little painful at the exit because hemmies acting up a bit and i had to force my toilet paper finger around my growth to even wipe but boy did it smell bad


get a bidet bro!


take a shower!




bidets seem unsanitary to me it sprays shit water up into my ass or something?


i want a bf


why do you think it sprays shit water


can we stop talking about poop -___-


well its almost 5am wish i could go to sleep at a normal time


gleepy hours is all poop talk


poopin rn


aaron's dick is getting hard reading this and imagining the smell bro why are you being a tease


yeah at least post some scratch and sniff pics


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baited for this exact webm


my ear keeps making earwax


thats what they do



but like
too much


ever see those old movies with white people in two parent families


hey guys i need $400 for the new vtube model


free snack


liar liar: jim carrey was a rich lawyer getting mad pussy but this was very bad because he lied unlike the rich and politicians who own you like animals



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lay down for a minute and the cats infesting my house crawl over me




the only jim carrey movie ive ever seen was that one where he tries to forget that girl


DSP is just like me


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told a girl about the pig fuck video and she called me a freak for watching it

i had to try and explain the nuance of seeing something versus watching something idk if i made a strong case


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fuck me i guess


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