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 No.2236556[Last 50 Posts]

blacked edition


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lil timmies mad af


first for 2025 asian korean girl proposal marriage planning pregnant with our first half asian child 2025


id go hog wild on sheva you better believe that


im boycotting korean snl they went too far


i heard korean snl performed a banned form of comedy


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cooked her ass


gook snl is just pushing the boundaries of comedy


im definitely a lot softer after moisurizing


>what if americans made fun of how we talk


bed time is nigh, didnt even manage to leave the house. just rolled out of bed at eventually sipped to stop the wall staring


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1800 hot and fun


1 800 hell no


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they're also making fun of this dude


crazy snl simspons is anti-comedy for women and fat retards from the midwest


how does a nigger that gets paid millions of dollars to run and jump and collide score zero (0) fantasy points


that's lois from family guy


hi dr nick


misogyny and racism
the core of korean society


you know what. lets not try and share our takes on the origins of people speaking in different accents for humor


how does travis kelce go from being the most dominant tight end in nfl history to getting 17 receiving yards


you're tellin me for 40 years i been cleanin my dick wrong?


ain't no way


gleepy can you explain the ending of LOST to me


uhh let's just say he has a nagging bitch in his corner



no and i wouldnt do it here


guess im watching an hour long video explaining the ending of lost tonight then


kelce had one move and defenses are blocking it up. the only reason he could play before was because mahomies had over the top guys now he doesn't and it proves he is a worse tight end than gronk


i am garfield


crazy how once widespread sports betting took off the number of blocked fgs and missed extra points and sundry other prop bet plays skyrocketed nearly 1000 percent over previous season


is that true? i didnt see that stat


theyre hiding those stats


supposedly its a nonsensical mess that was written as they went along after like halfway through season 2. its just cool to look at but theres nothing to get they leave numerous plotlines and all this shit unresolved and theres just so much bullshit


the stats that they dont want us to see


why couldnt fentyal floyd be unleashed on some one that deserved it, like that kike who made facebook


after i pee i wipe the piss dribble off my dick with the end of my shirt


you shouldnt do that


come on man


starting tomorrow im eating healthy


starting tomorrow im gonna keep slowly rotting away


no man we're turning a new leaf


turn everything around starting tomorrow


that guy needs to stop wiping his piss dribbles on his shirt


we're only 33 it's not too late for us


holy smokes these giant pythons in florida are giant! they eat the kits right up


i hit my second wind at 35 i have a new found zest for life


can you get a kgf wiping your piss dribbles on your shirt? asking for a friend


kinda crazy how big snakes be getting and still being able to be hidden 99% of the time just out of site


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if you are always around a smell you dont smell it.
piss shirtbro you smell like piss


we gotta get exotic pets then release them into the ecosystem


if you really want to fuck up the world introduce those asian carp to different places like the great lakes.
theres an electrified section of the mississippi outside of chicago thats acting as a barrier to prevent this


dam these non posionous snakes really getting owned by humans just picking them up and throwing them in bags


dont tell someone to destroy the great lakes thats where ill be catching my food


these things are so heavy they knock people out sometimes when they jump out of the water and hit them


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yeah, i remember she died when i was in the 4th grade. we were living in california then so my mom had to buy airline tickets at the last minute for the funeral in texas. school had already started so i couldn't go.


invasive species seems kinda lefty. let the stronger animals conquer i say


like 1 dude had a fish farm in louisiana and there was a hurricane that flooded his ponds into the river and now vast sections of the mississippi river are those fish now


is that fish bad or


what an ugly baby race lol


i think its supposed to taste good but its boney so its hard to eat


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they have kudzu in korea


we imported it from the chinks to fight soil erosion and it made the entire south look like true detective season 1


does china look like that or do they have lil niggas that eat it


i think china has native plants capable of mogging it and not letting it get too cocky


oh yea bamboo


imagine a herd of 1000 chinamen roaming into that forest and eating all the leaves bare and then leaving


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gonna import one of these cool south american birds one day


*imagines it*
the horror


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you dont want a bird in your life
you need to get liberated from the bird


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what does tabula rasa mean


im still like 8% through higgycry. ive been too dep to VN


it means 6 slots on a start character


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im doing this to you tomorrow


the gate program already did this to me in gradeschool do your worst


pop a zyn and youll zoom through it


wtf is the gate program we dont know the name of your schools retard room program


we do ALP now? tucker said zyn is gay


the gate program was put in place to suppress certain childrens psychic powers and groom others into the cia


miss swan was dat bitch fr


is that stranger things


*4gates you*


he sold out and now youre paying for his name instead of quality lol


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i have kudzu in mah b yard


been farting like crazy


the droopy face cg in that one house ep was so bad (and creepy)


imagine being like a dictator and being able to force riot games to give you the personal info of players you dislike so you can have them gassed that would be so friggin cool


this but blizzard and the key bricker


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big stream starting in 2 minutes guys just fyi


nevermind it got pushed back


imagine being the dicktaker


i think you have a mental gayness affliction


mentally gay dicktakers are gassing gamers?


sneed a bf to feed and seed


im home after working all day the last 3 days
i dont even feel like gaming might just pass out

did i miss anything important


guess ill watch……………………….. the dodgers


lions won??


im watching terry pratchets the hogfather


did your asian wife have dinner ready for you when you got home?


i hit my second wife at 35 i have a new found zest for life


oh shit new dandadan


i dont have a wife or dinner
i go to bed without eating a lot


what are you working so hard for lmao


back from doing my thing
got stuck in the bathroom for 15 minutes after i took a shower because the two fuckheads (mom and dad) decided to stand around in the kitchen and living room so i couldnt get out


bro we got doyers and mest playing for a spot in the world series!


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ugh need this


gleepy your skin is perfect how it is


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notice the vitiligo in her fingertips


why is that guy so scared of his mom and dad


its a neet thing. you wouldn't get it


ahh the classic you need to get a job harass


damn i just realized i dont enjoy anything at all


no its more complex than that man.


what about food


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tonight im gonna let russ cook


tried to watch the amlitzer bhd vod but twitch was acting up


*slides you the wow sub*


you got me there, that i do still enjoy


you can do drugs then forget that you dont like stuff


one of the boys in our league is starting jussin fields lol


drugs are expensive as hell man. biden's america


cute raden




look at mr. fancy over here


white people dont wash dey chicken


i shouldve been an old monk doing little experiments in his cloister


dodgers fuckin got this




we're in our mt. athos era


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


i am the captain of nothing


the mets fuckin suck!


dodgers too much firepower nigga




why are you rooting for mexico's team


hol up will smith just hit a dinger?


and this the 8 hitter
everyone is crankin


amlitzer told me this was his favorite part of the japan trip


amlitzer hasnt been to japan…has he?


>The entire island is considered a shinto kami, and the island is off limits to women.[3] One proposed reason is that Shinto views blood as impure and menstruation would desecrate the island.



gook and indogs are doing stuff


i want a bf


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go to the no gf island


tfw no gf to slam seed into


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guys who call it seed dont get gf's


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you don't need to keep baiting me into doing a japan trip stream anymore. i got most of what i need set up and just need to find a good time to do it.




wowbros, pando, you seeing this?


erm you sure have built up the whole you streaming thing in your head lol.
go off king


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can someone link that steam thing that shows all the hardware people are using i cant find it



nasty whore bros….. GET IN HERE



imagine seeing her boobs.
shes p good. looks like zendaya


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>why are gpus so expensive now?


oh no no no rodgers sucks!


cause nvidia broke the market with their super cool stuff so they can just charge whatever they want


oh yea thats it


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Language Simplified Chinese 36.57% +1.54%


also amd really fucking sucked for so long


theres a bfless gf out there for us somewhere


xia xia!!!


all women are whores


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need asian gf to seed repeatedly


i will never buy an amd graphics card again


they still suck huh


BIG mistake saying the s word


i need to get one of those 3rd types of graphics cards. my favorite one is ummm




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chud died? sigh…


does intel mean igpus here i dont think that many people got intels discrete gpus


another day has come


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they got some gpus going bro


all a guy needs in life is a gfless bf


that's gay


i alg this guys vids sometimes he has a new diet every week and theyre all insane shit like that


you're gay


were gay


the natural musk diet
no showers
no laundry
1 pair of socks
no wiping


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oh no no no
five years


i want to quit my job but i don't think it will be easy to find one if i take like a half a year break…


man i gave up on this shit


imagine the bunnys tits diet…



this is what the gags in azumanga look like lmao


im still gonna watch episode 4 but what a disappointment this turned out to be


that animation looks like shit


the promo was so cool and atmospheric


just lie. no one checks


actually lots of people check they especially through emails and if they dont get an email response they call


thats true if you just put the end date half a year after you actually quit no one is gonna give a heck


what happens if you put a bic lighter up to your nose hole and just let it blast gas into your head


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lovin that crt


nothing particularly good


hows russ playing in the game im not watching


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>a tiktok screengrab



it's up


playoff baseball is too stressful to watch


every at bat is like penalty kicks in soccer
its all or nothing
live or die


im so tired of retarded niggers in my raids and my keys


cant wait to crank open my vault this week!


this and the rp strength guy being like 4'11" is all you need to know about the science based lifter comm


im a real nigga and you can put that one on the realest nigga in the sky nam sayin


oh yea i namusayin bro


bunting is gay as hell


there needs to be a bunting specialist
that just does his bullshit bunts at every at bat


bunts are amazing fucking retards


the bunting situation is so fuckin stupid they will never bunt 162 games a year plus spring and then they get to playoffs and the hack coaches are like hell yeah time for these guys with no bunting practice to bunt


i love a good bunt


bunt in hell


we bunt here


wanna know what gay ass hell?
takin it up the butt


ohtani might just be that nigga


never bunted
never will


*bunts you*





you get high as tits


that movie sucked man


romulus was pretty good actually


kinda crazy how i could eat real nutritious food but im just gonna go finish the box of macarons instead


they sell macarons by the box?


need to become good at something instead of being bad at everything








now i finally understand the ending of LOST


lots of ppl didnt f with the direction they went with but i really liked it




the island was hell and the waiting room was a flashback to purgatory that they all experienced after the plane crash and before the island



just got the entire series of LOST spoiled


ugh that guy did not get it




ok but no spoilers man


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did they cover this part in the movie


the plane was purgatory the pilot was god the island was nietzche and the smoke monster was jung?


no man!!!!




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tick tock doyers


is that a 3d eyeball?


lindor on the mets is the zestiest negro ive ever seen


hes not a negro man hes puerto rican


they didn't even cover the third black hawk that got shot down


actually negro applies because its just in reference to skin tone


god imagine fucking her tits in that top


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well whatever hes zesty as hell
downright peculiar



toon is so hot


big kpop day tomorrow



kaela and kronii combo always puts me in some kind of hypnotic trance something about how they drone on about nothing really draws me in



hmm this is like $250 more than i wanted to spend and id be reusing an ssd too


theres something sick about watching these fake whores pretend to have big tits when real big tits exist that you could look at


girls like that are dangerous (hot asian gamers)


i bought a new pc this year and then i realized i dont like gaming anymore
$2500 wasted


noels big fat tits are out there for you to see man


poe2 is right around the corner man!


russ is cooking this shitty jets team


holy shit id forgotten that was coming soon


ah yes poe2…


might as well go 32gb ram bro


its gunna be so bussin


this is better than the other guys build last week but u need to get a better power supply
something like a seasonic titanium


you can play that on a mac or a 2017 1070
new computers are a waste for me but i didnt realize it soon enough


yea don't think i'm gonna be upgrading my 8yo pc any time soon


why would you get a power supply just plug that sucker into the wall man


me neitha




i want to upgrade my 8 year old pc


get a starforge pc theyre racist as hell


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i was debating between evga and seasonic ive used both brands and both have worked for years


holy shit!


what does it say, all i can see is drump and pajeetala


your cpu is going to bottleneck your gpu. either get a better cpu or downgrade your gpu


should i go down to a 3060 instead? itll be $280 instead of $620
i still use 1080p so maybe a 4070 is overkill


long interview alg with a deltabro. skip first 5 min




i have to watch the movie first and twitch took down the vod so i dont know when im going to watch it next


its over metsbros


oh no no no no!


that bad man aaron rodgers… le sucks?


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my favorite kike


do you like fish sticks


4070 is total overkill for 1080p, but i wouldn't get a 3060 though. i would wait for the 5060 to release, apparently they are launching before the end of the year.


no i dont like any breaded fish


why are there two monday night football games this week


im not a gay fish


why do you even need a new pc right now anyway


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he's a gamer
he needs to game






supervive is gonna change the industry man!!!


i cant even get 50 fps in wow man!


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no, i deleted the vod because no one asked me to keep it up. sorry bro…


thats more than enough man the human eye cant see more than 24


big man aaron rodgers is… le bad?


is this real


that was debunked


bro i have a 1060 and an i5 4690 and i get 50 fps in wow


i was in the middle of watching it then it disappeared
where did u get the movie did u torrent it



nasty whore, japan


2 more outs


i just checked and it actually is


man what the hell is wrong with her face


shes a clown bitch


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dang, talk about bad timing. i knew i should have waited until i had finished my shower first. i torrented it from here: https://torrentgalaxy.to/torrent/16093043/Black-Hawk-Down-2001-EXTENDED-1080p-BluRay-DDP5-1-x265-10bit-GalaxyRG265


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is supervibe just a better version of deadlocked or what


its a battle royale man!!!


uh oh doyers!


battle royales are the worst genre ever made


my pits smell good rn


you're the worst genre ever made






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do you live near a micocenter?



wish i was ohtani's interpreter
you get to live the baseball life without having to be an elite athlete


and you get to gamble away millions of his dollars with no consequences


his interpreter he was using robbed him of a couple million


didnt he go to prison i dont think thats no consaqemances


holy based


thats what money managers and accountants are supposed to do how is an interpreter robbing millions


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because shohei is a total himbo that gave him full access to everything


he was a degenerate gambler
and im sure that ohtani had absolutely nothing to do with any of it
quite positive


hiv positive?


baseball players are the true himbos other sports cant really compete


kaitlyn is so smart and good at video games


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dota is a….. sick mental game



nobody was scoring any points this week in fancy football


been thinking too hard about shoes and now shoes dont make sense to me


check again ;)


russ killed em


what part of shoes do u not understand champ


he fucked this up give me the gorillas over the lions any day


incredible the commissioner skol sipper is 3rd in points scored and is about to be 1-6 after this week


what shoes look like




im doin awful too
gotta make some trades, refresh the squad up





finally someone takes down the tgirl enthusiast


hmm i think id take the gorillas and the rats
10,000 is a LOT of rats they would fill the arena


Hmm…this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.


i just wanna go to bed but there are 2 big ass loads of unfolded laundry in the way this is bullshit


sleep on top of the laundry


thats why you need a wife


theres nothing in the question saying that they have to get through all of your defenders before you die
if you dont take the hunter with the rifle hes just gonna shoot you from the rafters and youre dead


so rats and a hunter huh itll be a tough fight but ive beat worse odds


not if my ten thousand rats get to him first


10,000 rats buy enough time for the hunter to shoot everything else before it gets close
its definitely the best combo


the gorillas can shield you from the hunter and take a bunch of rounds
the rats can attack swiftly


i feel like the lions would have a decent chance to get through that but thats not a horrible way to die because dont big cats go for neck snaps thats not the worst way to go compared to what all the other animals would do


new york won the wnba championship holy shit!!!!




what kind of ground is it on? what kind of gun?



he has a rifle but no bullets it doesnt he doesnt even have any clothes


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when you think about it reddit is the most patriotic american website because you vote on everything
as a proud american i fucking love voting and ill do it any chance i get


edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!


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the romans held animal death matches as spectacles and elephants were the apex animals no matter what they were put up against
i dont know if they ever had gorillas but i doubt a gorilla or even 2 or 3 gorillas could do anything to an elephant


he just doubts things


Halifax police investigate employee death at Mumford Road Walmart - inside sources say employee died after getting trapped in a walk in oven.


elephants are afraid of mice tho


a walk in… oven?


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*trots into the oven*


trot in oven


it's up


i thought the flash got cancelled cus of an actor kidnapping ppl


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he was def fucking around for that to happen. theyre like phone booth sized and you just put the rack in and pull it out. using it properly theres no way it could happen
when i worked at a bakery id pull the door hard then slip in so it would shut with me inside. dont know how his locked or got stuck, they dont have locks.


elephants werent in the question man


*shoves you into the rotisserie chicken walk in oven*


>Forensic scientist Howard Cannon says 60 people die from walk-in freezer incidents per year.


why doesnt this dumbass use an adblocker :skull:


walk in freezers do be having a latch and do be getting locked or held unopenably shut with screwdrivers


thats only in the cartoons man


aint no way am i voting this year last time i voted they got me for jury duty right after


you're going to get locked in the walk in freezer
you're going to die


does anyone else


that sometimes

korean sounds a bit like french


what do they do with the oven now do they replace it or keep it since it's technically still sanitary


>Forensic scientist Howard Cannon says police departments are supplementing their budgets by gathering the cum found at crime scenes and selling them to local sperm clinics


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*cums at crime scenes to back the blue*


howards a real yapper


howard cannon is a cool name
my names gay as hell


gay is an acceptable trade off to be called mr hell


they have ones in the backs of grocery stores that are big enough for pallets and forklifts, those could call over.
and owners will lock the walk-in when they leave at night for example


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and we appreciate it very much


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semi-related animal video (banger)


Video unavailable
The uploader has not made this video available in your country


this grocery boy is talking about his "life experiences" to people who have adventured across and saved azeroth countless times 😂😂😂


dude youd have to be retarded to make a walk in freezer that locks from the outside


designing things is so stupid engineering makes sense but design is the worst i hate it


aint no way



they have holes on the door latch you can put a padlock onto.
freezer maker companies dont want anything to do with being at fault for locking someone in. they put that on the employee or store


gorillas are badass but theyre actually super peaceful


im kind of like a gorilla if you think about it


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*slides you rise of the warrior apes doc*
have you seen this one man? wogan turned me onto it. its crazy bro

they found these andrew tate gorillas that beat other bitch gorillas to death with fist pounding and biting. its gnarly (i cried).


we gotta start stretching


oh wait theyre chimps
nevermind. i saw it like 5 years ago


so not as cool as gorillas but they still break the ape shall never kill ape rule.


there are bald gorillas?


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chimps are 100x violent compared to gorillas


what if we allowed monkeys to live with us in cities like homeless people how long until we start hiring them to do menial work



yea i know theres that lady who sedated her chimp with valium "hes ripping off her face" etc.
theyre cooler with each other they thought until these chimps


machine girl? kind of sucks ass


cock hero… island?


machine… girl?


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time to pack a fat lip and save somalia


big +1 tried to listen to some again today and it was garbage


hell yeah


im goin with the lions and the 10,000 rats


do you also get a weapon or are you punching and kicking stuff


im a freak
im a weirdo


yeah the new one was mid as f


you dont get a weapon


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lol this one is so dumb it made me laugh


that's a nibbler


hell yeah pickle rick!!!!


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in yurop hes called gherkin rick


apateupateu apateupateu apateupateu


i need a break from the game of life but thats just now how it works


just bang your head a little



this nasty whore is having sex with pikachu right on stream


i dont want to see that


lol wtf





just gotta brush and floss then its time to do my thing



mom drank 9 sodas today
zero water


so cool


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a toast! to the dying american empire and the new chinese century!


if i go out maybe i'll go with a in freezer incident


wish we had augmented super senses or at least a robust tricorder type trinket


triple coder




bro you know we got the spymaster's web trinket!


horrible posts




my teeth have gotten noticeably whiter since i started using this here waterpik


apt get my cock in your ass bitch



dang if i had a kid now hed be the kid with a loser dad who is bad at everything


id be a good dad


same id get so many cool toys for my son


cant believe i ate 12 popsicles in 2 days


do you freeze your own juice pops


no i should start doing that though


THIS IS A CERTIFIED HOOD CLASSIC *plays the roblox oof sound over a chinese industrial accident video*


wonder if theres a way to freeze pop rocks into a popsicle without them dissolving first


id teach my son all about cool video games like metal gear solid and silent hill


you should teach him how to rizz instead


sorry i don't understand broccoli words


id show my son all the classic films like robocop and hardboiled and hard target


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i wanna watch barry lyndon


coating them in chocolate or a starburst like waxy coating etc etc


theres one scene in barry lyndon that always stuck with me the part where his son is clopping hard like a mule as hes walking holding hands of the woman's noble blooded son who is walking elegantly and with distinction. love that scene


its called clopping dad


ideally they would activate naturally as you are eating the popsicle instead of just being candy thats encased in the popsicle


are there any mechanical keyboards that have a keypad and are less than $50


oops numpad not keypad


by keypad do you mean that extra bit on a full sized keyboard that has the numbers all over again in a 3x3?


they laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at them because they're all the same- The Joker


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thats why im laughing at you
bunch of hol up hol up holoshit spam all day every day


yall the same


me? im different


im not even a person


how are you different?


name one thing you do that nobody else here does


i wipe my piss dribble on my shirt


i constantly plan rapes


i also wipe my piss dribble on your shirt


hol up *chimps out*


thats just retarded and stupid
rape is my fetish


they invented a new drug that forces you to breathe manually for the rest of your life


im the most different one here


give us an example why youre different


you cant just say the thing that makes me different is retarded and stupid those are just labels you're using to control me and i reject them


you guys got any tips for when i gook up 12 pork tenderloins in the oven tomorrow
im thinking 425 degrees for 50 minutes


use a foot thermototometer


its october and there have been NO scary movies streamed
yeah im mad


that reminds me i gotta see longlegs


iwas just thinking about making a post sorta like this about how i havent watched a single horror movie and theres only 10 days left until halloween


sometimes i wipe the piss dribble on my shirt when im being lazy, so there you go youre not the only one


theres more. i pick shit crumbs off the hairs inside my ass and sniff my fingers


now youre lying


or we have a monkey in our comm, which honestly wouldn't surprise me with the things you guys spam


why would i lie about that theres hundreds of quirks i have that make me different than all of you thats just two


i wanna watch some dumb horror schlock


tfw youre so quirked up you wipe piss on your shirt and pick at shit crumnbs


ok then let's try a different approach since we have some animals here, name one not disgusting thing you do differently from other 162bros


i dont wanna be different i wanna fit in somewhere for once in my life


disgusting is subjective


i play wow 12 hours a day every single day and have done so since 2005


i laugh at you


so glad i stopped wowing after bc and didnt waste my life like that stupid retard lol


you laugh at me because i wanna be the same i laugh at you because you wanna be different


let's just say you play video games for 12h per day, not just one special game.
and i think most of us had 12h gaming sessions before


this guy keeps quibbling about the things that make us different well who died and made you king of contrasts, huh? down with you



im a christian mystic


no? the joker did not put you in charge, retard


im a sigma male


just talked to the joker im in charge now


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norms will pay


>nooo you can't have a discussion on a discussion board


im the joker baby


alexa is this a discussion board


scroll to the top

/scv/ - scv
"starcraft" discussion


no this is a gay hangout spot


6 days sober last week
6 nights drunk out of my mind this week
the duality of the booze drinking gaming maniac


starcraft huh havent played that in 12 years


crazy how much easier and quicker it is to get drunk with liquor than beer


when i told my 10/10 korean girlfriend i was thinking about learning how to make games but that i had a problem since i wasnt much of an artist she said shed do the art for me wow that made my heart jump


rereading old chats when he said nice things about me


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i have to stop getting mad




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my president :)


gonna play deadlock and yell at my teammates and use slurs


i raised my voice in overwatch the other day


in jubilation for your teams good work right


deadlock, overwatch, wow, supervive
any other generic copy paste slop you guys play?




i was mad he was saying i was the problem when it was him and his half stats of his counterpart


ah yes teamslop, where you can always blame your teammates if youre bad




post you are match history


oh brother one of these guys that doesnt know about engagement match making and forced 50 and that yes you are getting horrible teammates every game


i cant believe it was staged… my president didnt actually work at a mcdonalds for real after almost getting assassinated in public?


so many people need to leave the internet and die


we cant let this fat retarded orange fraud get the nuclear codes


yeah better give them to a foid


go to bed destiny


just cringed remembering old posts i made on 4chan


dont worry those posts are eternally tied to you in the nsa databanks


only two genders


me and you


i mean, you have to be kinda stupid to even think there are more than 2 genders, right?
if you feel like youre something that doesnt mean you are.


legit mental disorder desu


transphobe hours i report


foids create incels -> emasculated so they start feeling like foids -> troons out and dabs on foids
its kinda beautiful when you think about it


For the first time in MLB history, two 50-HR hitters from the regular season will play against each other in the World Series

hoo boy
friday night


trans believe in 2 genders thats why they always want to be the opposite


10 days until halloween





hoffman is goated


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why are simps like this?


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