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File: 1729289446756.png (20.95 KB, 851x710, fwiday.png)

 No.2233550[View All]

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bro that shoe looks like its made out of clay


you should poke a few hundred pinholes in them for better breathability




its leather


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this whole time we coulda been making our own shoes?


gooned too much and lost all desire


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its midnight


sorry the next shoe will be better


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never apologize for your cool shoes


i skipped why do we have shoemakerposter


honestly if you like futa you are not even a human being
kill yourself


what in the world wide web


stop telling me to kill myself


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my shoe criticism? looks like a cake and by that i mean its too square and too tall


yeah i made it wide like those barefoot shoes its super comfy but looks funny


i fucks with those barefoot shoes


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why man if you wanna be barefoot be barefoot if you wanna wear shoes wear shoes shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit


the only shoes ive worn for the last year have been sandals


my dad says sandals arent "shoes"


nice man my dad is dead


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nice pic


kinda crazy how one day we'll be dead too and itll be like we never existed


i plan on having kids that way atleast someone can find my harddrives of mum loli jav and be like wtfug? 😂




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crazy how ill never know what kpop will be like in 2200


speaking of dads my dad went to the sloppery and didnt get me fucking anything just food for him and mom


time for some revenge



sounds good 👍


wake up tired go to sleep tired live life tired


so go back to the cluuuuub


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take the hint


slop is bad for you




every bodybuilder youtubes i watch theyre eating hamburger slop. i refuse to believe a burger is bad for you


cinnamon bro, you seeing this?


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u gotta remove da buns though


id like to spread the buns of that nip and fuck her in the ass


why in the ass



check this brown jungle gook out


no way she needs that hardhat in her room. there is no apparent danger


im in my anal era




dont like her voice it sounds like theres a pool of spit in her mouth shes trying to keep from spilling when she speaks


meaning im feening to fuck an ass


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